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Anyone got any tips for freehanding the Iron Warriors logo? I've freehanded the logos for the last two armies I've done (Alpha Legion and The Harvest) and I'd like to keep the style consistent rather than using Shapeways pad-toppers on some armies and freehanding others.



Once I've got my internet working that home. I try get a quick guide done for the pads I've paint for my heresy IW and few tanks as well.

Anybody got ideas for Iron Warriors Noise Marines? I know that there's a fluff justification based on Slaanesh association....that's not what I'm asking.


What I need is advice regarding the look. Right now, I'm going to take some mixed armor marks with MkII and III helms and then add gargoyle bits to some of the Kataphron Servitor weapons to make 2 Blastmasters.


The Champion will be carrying an old Dirge Caster attached to his arm to look like a combo Breacher Shield/Doom Siren.


There will be bolters on all non-Blastmaster models, since IW already ignore cover and I'm not paying 4 points apiece for the extra shots.


Any other suggestions for something that retains an IW aesthetic while clearly screaming "THINGS SHALL GET LOUD NOW!!!"?

If you plan to stay >12“ away the 4p more for 2 additional shots per model are very much worth it tho imo.

Keep in mind that you can always use the double shoot stratagem to clear out chaff since they're slaanesh anyway.

So how would you guys approach Noise Marines? A unit of ten with Sonic Blasters all round and two Blastmasters?

I'm having pretty good luck with units of 6, 5 Sonic Blasters, a Blastmaster and Doom Siren in each (which comes out to 140 points exactly), myself.

I have a unit of 12 - 9x sonic blasters, 2x blastmasters & champion with sonic blaster, doom siren and storm bolter - I think the unit is about 270 points.


I prefer the larger squad as it makes better use of endless cacophony, and go with 12 rather than 10 so as to have a multiple of 6, slaneesh's sacred number.


So far, I haven't really had issues with morale tests, as they are fairly new to my army and my opponent's have to yet really focus fire on them.  Should that happen, I may switch to 6 man units.


I have another squad of 12 in my modelling queue, and I'm hoping that if one squad gets focused on, that will leave the other squad in good enough shape to still make good use of endless cacophony.



Edit - corrected points - way more than the 220 I had originally remembered

So how would you guys approach Noise Marines? A unit of ten with Sonic Blasters all round and two Blastmasters?

sfPanzer and the Dr. have the right of it. If you're going to be doing things at range, then 10-12 with all the sonic guns.


As sfPanzer seems to have guessed, mine are going to be going in much closer, 2x5 in a Rhino, in fact. I have other units for Endless Cacophony (Havocs, Oblits, etc.). My story for these guys is a close assault unit that went a bit....round the bend. :smile.:


If I was going to fight at range, I would indeed pay for the Sonic Blasters. Instead, I'm going with a Combi-Bolter/Doom Siren/Power Weapon (of some kind) on the champ and then the Blastmaster on one squad member. 2 units like that should be able to inflict some pain, tie things up, and then "suicide bomb" with Music of the Apocalypse.

I don't know how it is for most people, but for me it seems that mark of slaanesh and an overall slaaneshy theme goes rather well (not fluff-wise) with the Iron Warriors legion in this edition.

Yeah I'd agree. My generally feeling is that Iron Warrior's look on the chaos God's and the demonic as petrol (gas) stations, the conversations between an iron warrior and a daemon would go like:

"I can give you knowledge untol-"



For that reason I imagine my iron warrior's using daemonically/warp infused combat drugs and Bionics. It helps that my fluff has my Warsmith as a former apothecary

I don't know how it is for most people, but for me it seems that mark of slaanesh and an overall slaaneshy theme goes rather well (not fluff-wise) with the Iron Warriors legion in this edition.

There is actually at least a small fluff justification. They're after personal perfection through bionics and perfectionism is associated with Slaanesh. They've also been associated with Slaanesh back in the RT days.

Hmm. Okay, I'll guess I'll pencil in converting my spare MKIII parts into a squad of Noise Marines as part of my third ETL vow should I get there. Thanks guys.

Speaking of Mark III Noise Marine conversions, just started this one last night (and yes, that glue/paint bubble on his chest has been mostly scraped away now).





This is a very nice, solid conversion, I had resorted to using broken headphones to create the amplifiers on the armour and guns.


Blastmaster is a Kataphron weapon (Arc Rifle, I think) with a vehicle sprue gargoyle head and CSM box Heavy Bolter hands and supporting arm. The cables are from the Electro Priest box.


Champion backpack from CSM box. Head is Nurgle Champion head from CSM box with all of the slime filed off (Slaanesh does the asymmetrical horn thing too in the very same box, so I figured it worked). It has 3 robotic eyes and a vox grille, so figured that was a good compromise between IW and Slaanesh.


The entire rest of the body is FW resin Mark III.


If you need to do cables, get Electro Priests. That box has amazing bits with cables and generators and wire harnesses all over the place. Plus, the figures are of the size that you can cut them in half at the waist and use the legs for robed marines while you make Renegade Psykers with the top halves and some Catachan legs.


As a note, the most of the new Plague Marine heads from the multipart kit make great Iron Warriors with a little work (not the fly head, though....that's right out). Either Possessed, Noise Marines, Obliterators, or just ragged veterans will all look good. Just sand off the odd maggots and tentacles and replace them with cables and bionic eyes. Of course, get rid of the Pickelhaub spikes as well.


Once you do that you have nice, battered, characterful Mark III helms and mutated helms with the occasional horn or bone spike that still have a chunky, IW look. Some can even be used as is, like the ones with the cables coming out of the broken armor and no obvious rot.


With a sharp knife, some green stuff, and a good file, you could probably do the same with about half of the PM bodies in the multipart kit and make minor alterations to the others before adding crazy bionic limbs and using them for Possessed.

  • 1 month later...

Hey guys,


Been working on a leviathan, going well so far but I'm not 100% happy with the base. Not sure I've got the rubble exactly right, either in texture or the colour being too close to the rock. It's not affixed to the base yet as I need to do some more work on getting the feet to fit right, but any initial thoughts? Will probably be adding some barbed wire at a later stage.



Hello, Sons of the IV, I've been considering starting up a sizable force after I finish up my Thousand Sons.  Could the veterans have any recommendations for an upstart?  I'm thinking of the traditional Dreads and tanks but was trying to see if there's some elite units like Terms or Chosen that have performed valorously for you guys. 


Iron Within, Iron Without 

Son of Carnelian, you've put the 'Iron' within Iron Warriors!! Pun and all! The bare metal is perfect the way you've painted and washed it. You've seriously got the right look and texture.


Replicant, I haven't played IW for a long while but in my other armies I always enjoy my Mark of Slaanesh Terminators with combi-plasmas. I love them coming down and opening fire. They can do a ton of damage or just kill something outright. Then I use the endless cacophony stratagem to fire again and either finish something off or try to kill something else. Always nice if you can back them up with a lord for rerolls or a sorcerer for magic shenanigans like warp time.


As for tanks I'd check out the scorpius from FW. Fun little artillery tank that gets to fire twice if it sits still and doesn't need line of site to anything in range. plop them into cover, maybe bubble wrap if you can, and enjoy. If I had thought about those before I started my Black Legion I would have returned to my IV roots. There're other goodies out there too but that's one of my favorites.

  • 3 months later...

My Slaaneshi Iron Warrior Chaos Lord, head of a small IW contingent allied to the Psychopomps. Sonic oblits still to be made.

...and he’s my sole entry for Call of Chaos.

Power axe (arm is magnetised) and combi-plasma (ignore the powerfist. The combi looked so much better on the back of there than a normal arm). I tried to pose him a little reminiscent of his primarchs 30k mini.



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