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I’m hoping these dudes are multi part and I’ll slip in a lot of the FW upgrades with mk3 stuff to make some sgts or chosen

Failing that, lots of after market mk3 IW bits on primaris maybe...

I have a question for you IW fans. With the new wave of chaos models coming, what do you think of Iron Warriors in the more corrupted look?


Traditionally i believe the IW's would rather cut off their own limbs and replace it with bionics, rather then have mutations, which is what makes me doubt :(


All depends on the Warband I guess


I'm debating if I want a 3rd IW force made from the new models, I'll wait till I see the whole range


I have a question for you IW fans. With the new wave of chaos models coming, what do you think of Iron Warriors in the more corrupted look?


Traditionally i believe the IW's would rather cut off their own limbs and replace it with bionics, rather then have mutations, which is what makes me doubt :(

All depends on the Warband I guess


I'm debating if I want a 3rd IW force made from the new models, I'll wait till I see the whole range

Hey, there's a use for all of the Primaris baggage included in the new box.... Cut them up, add bionics, and make IW supersoldiers

I had a game against one of my perennial frenemies. I brought 2k if IW, he brought 2k of Deathwatch. 3x stormshields in every mixed unit is one of the toughest builds to face since there’s no real silver bunker to taking them down: 2+/2W Termies soak small arms, 3++ chaff eat plasma/et al, VV let them fall back and shoot, drag cannons are dirty, and Bolter Discipline + special issue ammo hurts like heck.


Until I tested out a Contemptor w/ dual butcher cannons.


Ok...what am I missing? Why wouldn’t I want to bring 3x of them* for 24x BS2+ 36” S8 AP-1 D:2 shots, maybe re-rolls from a Chaos Lord, possibly double tapping one w/ Slaanesh?


Seriously, is the butcher cannon not the “perfect” all-rounder weapon, wounding MEW on 2’s, Rhino/equiv on 3’s, w/ high rate of fire, just enough multi-damage to reliably smoke 2W models or chip down vehicles?


My lone one was the MVP of the game, killing 8/10 Terminators in one unit (Slaanesh Strat) and nuking almost an entire mixed unit on his own (-2Ld made the last guy flee...ATSKNF my ass, loyalist scum!).


What am I missing...why don’t people take way more of these?


*real world co$t aside

I had a game against one of my perennial frenemies. I brought 2k if IW, he brought 2k of Deathwatch. 3x stormshields in every mixed unit is one of the toughest builds to face since there’s no real silver bunker to taking them down: 2+/2W Termies soak small arms, 3++ chaff eat plasma/et al, VV let them fall back and shoot, drag cannons are dirty, and Bolter Discipline + special issue ammo hurts like heck.


Until I tested out a Contemptor w/ dual butcher cannons.


Ok...what am I missing? Why wouldn’t I want to bring 3x of them* for 24x BS2+ 36” S8 AP-1 D:2 shots, maybe re-rolls from a Chaos Lord, possibly double tapping one w/ Slaanesh?


Seriously, is the butcher cannon not the “perfect” all-rounder weapon, wounding MEW on 2’s, Rhino/equiv on 3’s, w/ high rate of fire, just enough multi-damage to reliably smoke 2W models or chip down vehicles?


My lone one was the MVP of the game, killing 8/10 Terminators in one unit (Slaanesh Strat) and nuking almost an entire mixed unit on his own (-2Ld made the last guy flee...ATSKNF my ass, loyalist scum!).


What am I missing...why don’t people take way more of these?


*real world co$t aside

The GW Contemptor isn't nearly as expensive as the FW one.

Also you mentioned shooting twice...you can't. Endless Cacophony is infantry units only and Contemptors can't use Fire Frenzy. Sorry.

Good catch. I was thinking the Strategem was keyword Heretic Astartes+ Slaanesh...failed to remember the infantry part.

How are people finding Terminators doing these days? With that new teasse of a CSM Terrminator trophy rack I'm getting pumped to put some back on the table.


Are 5-7 Slaanesh with combi-plasma and a lord babysitting still effective enough?

Should I go crazy(ier) and plop ten down with just combi-bolters/axes to take an objective?

How are people finding Terminators doing these days? With that new teasse of a CSM Terrminator trophy rack I'm getting pumped to put some back on the table.


Are 5-7 Slaanesh with combi-plasma and a lord babysitting still effective enough?

Should I go crazy(ier) and plop ten down with just combi-bolters/axes to take an objective?


10 to sit on an obj seems like a lot.


I'm starting to lean towards an Opposites time of build for my IW: cheap throwaway units to do damage (MSU spam) and heavier resilient units to crank through light enemies. A tooled up Terminator squad will draw fire while the 5 man CSM squad will not, but if you swap wargear and make the Termies fire-and-forget bullies to go beat up MEQ/GEQ and give the CSM good guns, suddenly target priorities are thrown off.


#theory with limited practice

I guess the main question is whether Terminators are better than Obliterators as drop&burst unit again. So far I still see people mainly using Obliterators so probably not.

However dropping a unit of 5 Terminators with Combi-bolter on an objective in cover would be seriously hard to shift for the opponent (still a 2+ save against AP-1 and a 4+ save against plasma) while dishing out 20 Bolter shots at 24" with the Bolter Discipline beta rule.

Theorycraft Beta Strike bomb - Termie Lord, Sorcerer w/Jump Pack, five terminator bodyguards with bolters, and 2-3 Oblits. Termies/oblits have a different target priority than buffed up Oblits, and provide both cover for the character(s) and some melee punch while being pretty cheap still.


I'll give it a shot and see what happens. If anything I'll get some good models out of it :happy.:

Recently had to update my mobile, as the batteries on my last one where failing. So I though would show some of the photos taken from a games that have happen during the month. Just I'd like to try get some more photos of any games that have been fun.
















Then something I'm sort of planning over the next few weeks

+Beast Arise: Echoes of the Long War+
Behind them marched a second ten-man squad, who fanned out, adopting a staggered firing line of bolters and siege weaponry, shielding the ponderous advance of a final three Iron Warriors behind them. They were huge, armoured like tanks, and bound in razor wire. Terminators. The colossi stomped into position behind the Traitor Space Marines, Tactical Dreadnought suits purring and belching black smoke as they redressed the aim of their combi-bolters towards the Militarum Tempestus



Also did anyone see the sprue for the new ambots? Dark gods be praised, there is a lot to work with on it


I am thinking they may become my obliterators to be honest. Strap some extra weapons on and good to go.



Also did anyone see the sprue for the new ambots? Dark gods be praised, there is a lot to work with on it

I am thinking they may become my obliterators to be honest. Strap some extra weapons on and good to go.

I was having the same thought especially since the new oblits look about centurion sized but I want less mutated fleshmetal and more illegal enslaved iron-man silica animus type of unit.

I’m thinking of leaning towards the style of new oblits, I’ll grab a DP kit and combine with ambots and have the wings sort of bursting out of his back armour

Would love to do some sort of jet pack but I can’t find anything suitable

Also am I’m getting this right, the new csm will be mono pose?



I have a question for you IW fans. With the new wave of chaos models coming, what do you think of Iron Warriors in the more corrupted look?


Traditionally i believe the IW's would rather cut off their own limbs and replace it with bionics, rather then have mutations, which is what makes me doubt :(

All depends on the Warband I guess


I'm debating if I want a 3rd IW force made from the new models, I'll wait till I see the whole range

Hey, there's a use for all of the Primaris baggage included in the new box.... Cut them up, add bionics, and make IW supersoldiers

Me and my friend are buying a box each & splitting the contents but this is such a sick idea I might do it

Would love to do some sort of jet pack but I can’t find anything suitable


How about plague drone turbines? It may even be possible to convert the body as a Venomcrawler?


Monopose, yeah, but they'll have a couple of different weapon and head options if the trailer is anything to go by.

It's also been hinted that there'll be a more comprehensive multipart kit coming separately, but we'll have to wait and see


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