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The Forge World event model - Iron Warrior painted version is know as Nârik Dreygur, Consul-Pravian of the Iron Warriors & has a set of rule in the Horus Heresy weekender programme.


Both event models shown with there names & rank?



I was hoping to see a few IV Legion upgread kits & general any models.  See what tomorrow bring.  Just always looking to add onto my IW force, any IV Legion heresy era model or any new Chaos models I'd try to get conversion sorted & add them to my army :D

m_r_parker post from Horus Heresy weekender 2015 from Stone & Iron seminar on the Iron Warriors & Imperil Fist, there roles with in the Heresy.






This was a surprisingly good seminar. Alan Bligh and John French explored the similarities and differences between the Imperial Fists and the Iron Warriors.


The first part was Imperial Fists with John French.

To be fair, the majority of the discussion about the Imperial Fists didn't reveal anything particularly new about the Imperial Fists. In the Great Crusade they were well known for their combined ability to break sieges, and also post-compliance build upon defences and stongholds to ensure that worlds did not fall after they moved on - and this reflects two of their more extreme aspects of the legion that are mirrored in their two more successful captains, Sigismund and Polux. Seen as one of their main drivers is the upholding of oaths that they have sworn, and the personal honour that each Imperial Fist has in the oaths that they swear.

In discussion about upholding their Oaths it's briefly discussed about the Temple of Oaths on the Phalanx, where Imperial Fists are brought as part of their induction into the Legion to make their Oaths to the Legion, the Emperor and the Imperium. The Temple itself is maintained / guarded by the Templar Bretheren under Sigismunds command, and they take their duties with absolute determination - only the Templar Bretheren, Dorn, and the Emperor can enter the Temple, and the Bretheren will attack anyone who tries to access the Temple. Apparently even other Primarchs have to be invited by Dorn before they are permitted inside, such is their duty the Bretheren have.


The second part of the seminar was given over to Alan Bligh to talk about the Iron Warriors. The Iron Warriors are built on the singular vision that the Emperor had for the Legions. When you wanted the enemy scared, you sent in the Night Lords. If you want them in awe, you send in Sanguinius and the Blood Angels. When none of the above work and the enemy is buried in, then that honour falls to the Iron Warriors to dig them out. For the Iron Warriors and Perturabo the application of war is different than for the other legions, as Alan Bligh explains, the war is simply an equation that needs to be solved and failure doesn't come into it. To solve the equation may take excessive force or extensive casualties, but simply walking away and giving up doesn't factor into it at all. Hence the Iron Warriors have the highest casualty rate of the legions - they're used to crack the hardest targets, and they have some of the highest success rates despite of this. Also, when they do win, there's generally no need to ever go back again - either there's nothing left, or whoever is left knows enough not to drift away from Compliance. From being used in this way there comes a sense of little appreciation from the Emperor and the Imperium, which eventually drives Perturabo towards Horus' side. Further betrayals from other traitor force drives this paranoia even deeper to the point where Perturabo only accepts the word of the Warmaster (and even constructs his robot bodyguard to protect him from threats external and internal to the legion), and this is even pushed to the limit as he is 'persuaded' to engage the Imperial Fist fleet (where it isn't even known how many loyalist ships will be present, whether the Phalanx or the Raptoris Rex will be present, as to which the Warmaster decides to hold back his own Legion and assign this wholly to the Iron Warriors).


There was some good Q&A. The topic of whether Dorn could fall to Chaos was debated. I don't recall it being explicitly stated that Dorn was 'immune to Chaos', but more that as he was the most "loyal" of the Emperors sons there wasn't much the Chaos gods could use to tempt him with. This was mainly down to his nature, and his desire to follow orders, uphold his oaths, and to do the right thing. This was why the Emperor chose Dorn to return to Terra as he left the Great Crusade, not because he was the most trusted or loyal or favored of the primarchs - but because the Emperor knew that Dorn would follow whatever orders he gave without question. The Emperor knew he needed someone to stand guard whilst he worked on the webway project that would be resolute in their duty, not letting anyone in including themselves. The comparison was 'what if the Emperor chose Magnus?' In theory Magnus would be an ideal choice in that he's a supremely powerful psyker and respects knowledge - but if he was tasked to stand guard and not let anyone in he would until he got bored (maybe 5 minutes or so), poke his head around the door and be "What are you doing? Need any help with that?" - With Dorn that door wouldn't be opened under any circumstance, no matter how curious he became because Dorn follows orders.


Another question was around whether they would go into detail around why Dorn chose his captains to take control of the subsequent chapters - to which Alan responded with "Or does he?" with a glint in his eye. There were a couple of times during the seminars where Alan would throw into the mix that the information on the scouring and the second founding is based on a viewpoint from the future, and that the concept of "and after a couple of years they split into chapter, went home and lived happily ever after" may not be the case - nobody actually knows what happens during that time, and especially the friction between the likes of Dorn and Guilman over the Codex Astartes. Then we got a bit more about the nature of Polux and Sigismund and the third Captain (can't remember his name). Sigismund is the fire and zeal of the chapter and is the figurehead of the Great Crusade mentality of constantly going forward. Polux is the opposite, he is the pragmatist and the defender. Where Sigismund is brash and emotional, Polux is calculated, and Dorn moves between the two depending on the situation. The third captain is described as a middle-point between Polux and Sigismund.


There was also a question on what the Iron Warriors would do if they ever came across an enemy that they couldn't defeat, or a situation that couldn't win - their kobayashi maru. For the Iron Warriors the question of defeat wouldn't come into it, it would be the calculation of the equation and working out what is needed for it. usually it would be applying more force - whether that's troops, or vehicles or guns. If the enemy has 10,000 tanks, they deploy 20,000 and so-on. If the numbers don't work, or they don't have the right weapons then they make better weapons and guns - eventually going down the route of warp-forged weapons when they get into the Eye.


Obviously there were questions around models and rules, especially for the Iron Warriors (i.e. "Are we going to get Forrix as a character"), and these were generally avoided. A common theme was that anything was possible "when we come to the Iron Warriors again". Whether that means there are already plans for more IW content in the near future, or this is just a generalisation that most of the Legions will be visited in the books more than once, I don't know. Nothing was ruled out, yet nothing was really confirmed. I wouldn't take that as confirmation that nothing more is coming for the IW yet - these guys obviously have a list of stuff they're allowed to talk about and reveal, and anything not on the list is not for discussion.



That's pretty much all I can remember from that Seminar - it was a fantastic piece to listen to, but trying to document the musings of an author and professional writer as they openly discuss topics is always going to be difficult without smuggling in a dictaphone and writing a transcript.



Obviously there were questions around models and rules, especially for the Iron Warriors (i.e. "Are we going to get Forrix as a character"), and these were generally avoided. A common theme was that anything was possible "when we come to the Iron Warriors again".


So IV. Legion is dropped until further notice for Ultrasmurfs :wallbash:


...and to add insult to injury the only Character coming out of Book 3 is an Imperial Fart standing on our banner  :thanks:

Thanks for the intel IP! Sounds like it was an awefully cool seminar! I'd really like to attend a weekender myself and grab a IW shirt & mug.


Look like the Iron Warriors mug & t-shirt where for last year.  I think you can find the mug on sale on ebay for £15.  It also look like FW are sending IW badge with order or where that least had them there for people to get during the weekender.


I was very lucky for my friend to get the IW t-shirt from Warhammer Fest last year.


The Horus Heresy weekender look pretty cool.  I know my friends that attend the event always enjoy this.  I'm looking forward to going to the Warhammer World open day in a few month time in Nottingham.


Order of the day. Check the following facts/aspects of the Iron Warriors geneseed. Comment if anything should be added or removed. This is a discussion on the genetic specifics of the Iron Warriors geneseed, not about the tactics or the traits of the legion, just of its biological template. Provide the title of the resource if you recall where the fact was written. 


Iron Warriors: 

  • most "efficient" geneseed
  • blunt, rough features
  • accented faculties in mathematics, statistics and trigonometry
  • technological affinity
  • among the "strongest" astartes in the physical sense
  • efficient problem solvers
  • ruthless demeanor

nothing of those is biological.


"Documentary evidence attests that the IVth Legion geneseed showed an above average adaptability and rates of implant rejection were notably low" (HH3 pg 105)

"The Iron Warriors, the embittered sons of Perturabo, suffer from an asynchronous biscopea gland, making them prone to occasional minor deformation of the limbs." (The forbidden Writings of Fabius Bile, in: Fabius Bile - Heroes & Villains of the 41st Millenium, WD ? pg 70)

Horus Heresy Iron Corpses




The ravaged world of Tallarn plays host to the greatest armoured conflict in the history of mankind. The bitter and vengeful Iron Warriors led entire divisions of tanks and war machines across the befouled plains, until the macro-transporter Eagle’s Talon plunged to the surface and ended a million lives in a heartbeat. Stranded upon some unnamed, toxic battlefield that now resembles nothing more than a graveyard of Titans, Warsmith Koparnos knows that he has precious little time left – will he find salvation amidst the dead god-machines, or quickly succumb to violent madness?



A Chaos Space Marine hijacks a Titan! This is a race for survival where a Chaos Space Marine’s only hope is in the heart of a dying war machine. Seriously.



I have already made my assumption, but was just wondering if any of you can confirm. Is the latest "new" release Tallarn Executioner the same book as the supposedly limited edition Tallarn Executioner they sold several months back? It has the same cover and everything. I just don't want to buy that book twice, especially that book....

I have already made my assumption, but was just wondering if any of you can confirm. Is the latest "new" release Tallarn Executioner the same book as the supposedly limited edition Tallarn Executioner they sold several months back? It has the same cover and everything. I just don't want to buy that book twice, especially that book....



Yes the Tallarn Executioner novel release recently is a standard version of the limited ed novel release last year.


Then part two? is being release on the 20th (limited ed version) over on the Black Library web site, that I link on the page 8, post 188


I'm not sure I could stomach a part two... That first book was completely horrible from our legion stand point. The entire book is about the Tallarn's and their point of view. I don't think a single Iron Warrior has a single line of dialogue in the entire book. For a book billed as an Iron Warrior book it was pretty terribly lacking in that regard.

Tenebris: here's what the Old index astartes article says:


Page 32, Index Astartes #1:

"during those early years they did inherit common characteristics, notably an affinity for technology and a coldly efficient logic, both of which served them well When calculation was needed, but left them lacking in faith."


Page 37, Index Astartes #1:

"They have a marked tendency toward suspicion and paranoia but are also extremely intelligent with naturally well-developed problem solning abilities."

It seem the Horus Heresy limited ed Event model - Iron Warrior, get his own set of rules & free on the Forge World web site







Nârik Dreygur led his company into the fires of war for ninety years; fearing failure of his Primarch far more than death at the hands of his foes. At Isstvan he fell, a blank-eyed Raven Guard Moritat incinerating his flesh. His defeat in battle cost him the fleeting favour of Perturabo, who discarded the broken commander as he would a broken blade. However, this was not the end of his usefulness to his Legion, for in the commander’s fall the Apolakron, an oft-ignored warrior society within the Legion, saw an opportunity. They rebuilt Dreygur’s shattered body, grafting a cortex controller directly into his nervous system and inducting the veteran warrior into the ranks of their Order.

Dreygur, now known by his brethren as 'the Gravewalker', took to the field once again as a Consul-Praevian. Where once his charges had been Legiones Astartes of flesh and blood, they were now automata of iron and ceramite; walking engines of death forged by the Legio Cybernetica and bonded in service to the Iron Warriors. Shunned by his brethren, Dreygur quickly came to favour the company of his unliving charges. During the fighting on Epsilon-Stranivar IX, this loyalty was put to the test as his Grand Company clashed with the remnants of the shattered Legions.


Also the limited ed BL novel Ironclad is on sale now


So the next addition to my warband will be the recovered Predator Destructor: Immortal.


I'm really getting into my tanks, having formerly run infantry-centric armies, and have put together a AC/HB pred with combi and havocs. Throw in warpflame gargoyles and for 117pts you have something that can out out a decent amount of shots.

  • 2 weeks later...

From Tallarn: Ironclad topic in the Heresy forum thanks to WoT




Iron Warriors


Forrix - First Captain

Hrend - Contemptor Dreadnought, Commander of the Armoured Assault Group Cyllaros.

Jarvak - Sicaran tank commander

Orun - Castraferrum Dreadnought

Gortun - Contemptor Dreadnought

Volk - Commander of the main surface base

Taldak - Warrior of the 17th Grand Battalion Elite

I've also pick up Iron Corpses audio during the weekend along with the Bloodthirster model.  Should hopeful get time to listen to the cd tomorrow.
Also the Bloodthirster model really cool, really enjoy building the kit & looking forward to painting the model.


Then next week, going to add another Predators to my force.  If all goes to plan, hoping to have next week off, spend a few days getting this model built & painted.  Going to theme it around a Command Predators tank.  Then in the future look into adding a Relic Predator.




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