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15 Shades of Grey, A new start.... with Primaris,

Dantay VI

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The caught the guards reaction on camera when we discovered the Raptor had left it's hangar.


post 6386 0 28162700 1390339358

He got fired :D




My own fault for some precarious perching.


She'll go back together easy enough.. Just waiting to find out when the next supply boat comes in with some superglue, or the KraGL.


It means wing painting will go a lot smoother and I can hold the body properly to do the Great Wolf patterns on the sides... Plus I can now do all the paint chips etc as battle damage!! Huzzah!


So the Iron Priests will be busy in their foundry, and the paint job won't be as hot as Chip Foose's work, but she'll still be sitting pretty :smile.:

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 I, decided to make a start on painting the Great Wolf's symbol on the Fire Raptor while she is back in the body shop.


Early days!


SAM 2291


Also decided to try my hand at weathering/ paint chipping. Basically just marked all the dings in the paint etc with black for now, but will highlight and add metals to the bigger scrapes.

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Did I ever mention that I hate runes??


Had another go, what do you think?


SAM 2293

SAM 2294


A bit scrappy at the bottom, but not too bad. Will tidy it up when the eyeballs start working properly.


Do I do the Great Wolfs symbol to fit the black circle, or do I do it almost the size of the full circle so it overlaps slightly into the runes covering up the dodgy ones?


Is the black okay, or should I go for Grey to match the body panel?


Contemptuous Angel, Hi :) No problem with the colour lists, which colours do you want? golds, greys, reds, yellows or blues? Or all of them? Not being sarcastic or a trick question. Let me know which bits you are interested in and I can give you a detailed list and the order I use them.

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Aha! Right here.








So this is where I am at. I have tonight and tomorrow night to get this finished before going back home and leaving this till next trip out.


My main issue is the runes on the forward section, its still fairly close between which I should do I also need to do a design to go under the forward mini-wing and maybe something in front of the pilot.


I am thinking a great wolf on the sides, but should I do a bit more knotwork to go with it?


What do you think so far?

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Ah okay. The main grey on the top of the hull is Mechanicus Standard Grey. I initially gave the whole model a wash of nuln oil which was a complete waste as I only needed it for the shadows.


So Standard Mech Grey, with nuln oil in the recesses. A thin watered down Standard mech grey, again, but leaving the darker area visble just around e recesses, ten I wash with nuln ol again and repeat with the Standard Mech Grey, but a bit further from the recess again. Near the edges I blend using very dilute mix of Mechanicus Standard Grey and Dawnstone. Once at pure Dawnstone I start using Administratum grey, and when its about 1:3 mix an put a thin edge highlight of pure Admin Grey.


By keeping it watery it goes more like a glaze or wash so that you see a gradual change in colour.


I hope that makes sense.


Its the same principle as I used to do the gold but 1 less colour :smile.:


If you wanted to go darker use colour 1 as Mech grey with nuln oil wash... or a grey black mix. 




I look forward to seeing how your grey would come out


Sigur does a great step by step guide for Space Wolf armour  too, which can be adapted for black-grey or grey with a hint of blue.




I look forward to seeing how you get on with your miniatures, and post up some pics here if you like too :smile.:

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Sounds good to me, will work on the Wolf tomorrow and do the same pattern on the other side.  I was thinking a very pale wolf, maybe up to a off white? After that Yggdrasil for the wing tips and I need to come up with a simplish pattern for the missile pods on the underwing... Any ideas?


Oh you also mentioned a design to spread across 3 vindi shields, were you thinking something like this?



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Either way I guess. I think would look good with a large stalking wolf that partially covers the rune circle. But the would hide the work you did on the runes. Fitting the emblem inside the circle would look good as well.


I'm feeling show Russ' emblem big but don't want to see your runes hidden. Guess I'm not much help this time around.

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Sounds good to me, will work on the Wolf tomorrow and do the same pattern on the other side.  I was thinking a very pale wolf, maybe up to a off white? After that Yggdrasil for the wing tips and I need to come up with a simplish pattern for the missile pods on the underwing... Any ideas?


Oh you also mentioned a design to spread across 3 vindi shields, were you thinking something like this?



If I had a fraction of your painting skill I'd still be worries about those knot work designs.  But they are what I would love.  Especially the third one (on the bottom).

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Hey Fenriswolf. Go for it. I dare, no I double-dare you!!


1 suggestion would be to varnish the dozer blade and cover with masking tape (varnish stops the tape lifting off the paint) draw in the design and when you are happy, use a scalpel or sharp blade to cut out the design and thenpaint it in like a stencil. Go back and tidy up any bleeds.


Second suggestion and this is  bit of a cheat. Measure the height and width of 3 dozer blades. Using word, stretch the design to fit. Paint in the design with the colours you want to use. Cut, then glue onto dozer blades. Be warned though, the paint behaves differently on the paper as opposed to on the models.

Also you will need to get rid of any studs/ rivets etc to get a nice smooth surface, the go back and add new studs etc..


I have to admit to really struggling with curved surfaces, so a nice flat surface like the raptor is a god-send to work on.


Talking of the raptor, it has been boxed up, there is no glue and therefore no way for me to get her fixed up, I did do a bit more work on the Great wolfs design.


SAM 2312

I prefer the bigger wolf symbol as the smaller was getting too lost in the runes, The wolf will be a light greay as white si going to be too stark a contrast I feel.
What do you guys all think?
As the Raptor is in temporary storage, I am working on a wee side-project for now, which means getting a few half forgotten models worked on.

SAM 2313


The drybrushing originally went well, but with minimal handling the paint is coming off, so I am going back over them and blending the armour instead. Quite a struggl to get it even and natural looking. Fairly time consuming too, but I am hoping to feel a nice warm glow of satisfaction whenI get these done.


SAM 2320

SAM 2321

SAM 2322

SAM 2323

SAM 2324


Oh and shhh... Don't tell anyone, but a sneaky peek at the side project.... Gonna give some traitors a good hammering!! Not quite done yet!


SAM 2311

His shield fell off, so need super glue to put it back on :wallbash: 



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For someone who 'hates' painting runs, you sure do it well, brother!!


I am glad to see you piking up the pieces, litterally, and getting back at it.


I've said it already, but let me say it again. You're Cataphractii terminators make me want to start my entire Logan Wing (as if there is such a thing these days... :sad.:  ) completely over and start it anew with those models!! I feel your pain about a slow grinding process to paint so many models with such love and detail. I think I only have 28 TDAWG left to finish... *falls over*


End of Line

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Thanks Amarog, and welcome to the Pack :smile.:


RPR, go for it!! I personally find that I do a much better job on th models I love & the Cataphractii and converted Justaerin are lovely. To the point that I am not even sure I want to add pelts or anything to them. They don't look that small up against the GW models either.


You and I are definitely the insane ones... I have another 30 or so GW terminators theat I have voluntarily decided to repaint :blink.: :blink.:


And you could always go unbound? Doesn't Champions of Fenris allow you to go all Terminator?


If you want to wait a few years, then send them over. My paint speed is glacial at the best of times!! If we get a house bought soon with a decent garage (man-cave) I might hit the wife up for an airbrush/ compressor setup and that should speed things along.


Hi Maveril_Girl... Thank you :) How are you and Maverik doing these days?

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's been a while, but I am back... Happy New Year to everyone!!


Hope you all have enjoyed the festivities.


So a quick sitrep. 


The Raptor is back in 1 piece almost, needs a tiny bit of putty work around the nose and its good to go, got the emblems on the side almost finished.


Did the terminator bases... Then realised I had missed out one of the steps in the painting of them, so the blue is a bit more severe than on previous bases, not sure if I should re-do them. Will post pictures tonight and let you decide. I also moronically forgot to bring the terminators heads so I could finish them off :wallbash:  However shields are done so besides bases they are 99% done :dry.: 


Got the Sicaran primed, so will prioritise this for the next week as the Solstice Advance is drawing to a close and I am way behind. Might get a very basic paint job and then come back and revisit it at a later date.


Made a start on Krom. A really nice model, did some red on the cloak and made a start on the golds, rest is very basic. Noticed after doing the cloak, that it has a few bumps, which I think are flock from hte basin:wallbash: :wallbash:  double d'oh. I think I will leave it and try to hide it with weathering. 

Not sure about the golds. Trying Gryphonne Sepia instead of Ogryn Flesh, as I have basically run out of Ogryn. Gives a different colour for sure! We will see how it progresses. How do you do your golds??


SAM 2354

SAM 2355

SAM 2356

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Hey Fenris wolf,


Sorry for being MIA, a whole lot been going on, will drop you a line in the next day and we can catch up!!


I am glad you got a Sicaran, they are crazy fun to build eh? And we'll get our vows completed :smile.: How does it feel to finally start laying down some paint??


Not much done tonight... Cold is grinding me down, but some progress nonetheless!!


Krom is starting to take on a bit of life ow, or atleast he is to me...

SAM 2358

SAM 2359

Got face and hair done, more or less and almost done with the trophy rack.


Oh and got the first grey down on the Sicaran, but that can wait for another day!!


Oh and here is a little inspiration... Probably one of the best modellers and painters I have ever seen, Migsula.


And this is from his blog he has set up specifically for this project. You can find him on Dakkadakka I'll leave these here to whet your appetite








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