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Kraken Bolts: Add 3" to the range of a bolt pistol, 6" range otherwise. Improve the AP by one. This essentially turns your Boltgun into a Bolt Rifle, and your Bolt Rifle into a better Pulse Rifle.


Silly 1d4chan. 36" S4 AP-2 is not very comparable with 30" S5 AP0 lol



  • Inceptors with their double heavy Bolters like this too against MEQ


Also no SIA for the Inceptor bolters. Sigh someone really did a sloppy job there on 1d4chan.

Edited by sfPanzer
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Sorry to change the subject, but does anyone have experience with a Leviathan dread specifically geared for melee? BS only shows it as having 2 attacks, but I'm seeing people say it has 4 attacks somehow?


Staring at the digital copy of the 8th Ed Imperial Armor Index: Forces of the Adeptes Astartes right now. Leviathans get 4A.

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But where things start to shine is the Librarian. Delayed reaction on my part for just now seeing this combo potential, but take the Libby with a jump pack, and toss Veil of Time and Might of Heroes on Sanguinary Guard. Make a BA jump Libby your WL and have him also give them Unleash Rage and Shield of Sanguinius.


Sanguinary Guard with S5 T5 2W 2+/5++ 4A with re-rollable charges?

Sadly not. Might of Heroes only affects a single model, not a whole unit. :sad.:

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But where things start to shine is the Librarian. Delayed reaction on my part for just now seeing this combo potential, but take the Libby with a jump pack, and toss Veil of Time and Might of Heroes on Sanguinary Guard. Make a BA jump Libby your WL and have him also give them Unleash Rage and Shield of Sanguinius.


Sanguinary Guard with S5 T5 2W 2+/5++ 4A with re-rollable charges?

Sadly not. Might of Heroes only affects a single model, not a whole unit. :sad.:



Per the other thread, you are correct. Sinking back to earth.

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Indefragable, I actually had the same thought. I really hate taking our troops choices, but want the battalion points. The sia intercessors seem great. Not a huge fan of the generic marine powers, other than might of heroes, which goes great on capt smash for a s10 hammer, but I guess a watch master would be pretty good too.


One of my friends has a box of deathwatch, and I’m honestly considering buying some of the bits off him to get some shoulder pads and the like.

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I think DW intercessors are going to show up in a lot of marine armies.

1 pt for SIA? That's a steal.

They were already pretty sturdy for their points, but their damage output was bad.

Raise their output significantly for a miniscule points increase, I'm listening

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Curious... did forgeworld just drop all the chapter upgrade sets... presumably they aren’t dropping all the non primaris stuff given 30k is still a thing?
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I think DW intercessors are going to show up in a lot of marine armies.

1 pt for SIA? That's a steal.

They were already pretty sturdy for their points, but their damage output was bad.

Raise their output significantly for a miniscule points increase, I'm listening



I've been messing around with how to get DW Intercessors to work in a Battalion. A Watch Captain is a tax, since I can find plenty of uses for a jump librarian (even as a Smite machine).


I vastly prefer pure BA, but I always like to have options ready for battling THAT GUY.




I guess those Legion upgrade sets weren't selling well. It makes sense, considering that they want you to pay 44 GBP  on top of a set of Mk III/Mk IV power armor...and that's if you went with the GW plastics instead of the FW resin sets.


I hope they come out with other options soon.




I've been toying around with the idea of Devastators-as-Tacticals...basically abusing the heck out of the Signum and Armorium Cherub. Essentially, give a 5-man Dev Squad a combi-melta Sgt and/or Multi-Melta, put 'em in Rhinos/Rbacks and crash the enemy lines. The Signum means that a combi-melta is hitting on a 2+ or a multi-melta is hitting on 3's, effectively negating the penalty for moving. The cherub means either one gets to fire twice at a target of opportunity.


So Devs dont get OBSEC nor do they pay the Troop Tax, but this setup could be quite useful if doing a classic armor rush, where you screen your jump units by bumrushing rhino-chassis at the enemy's face.



Hidden Content

Tacticals x 5

-melta gun

-combi melta



Devastators x 5

-armorium cherub




Devastators x 5

-armorium cherub




Devastators x 5

-armorium cherub






Of course the same logic applies to plasma or other special weapons, though I wouldn't use a Plasma Cannon due to the Gets Hot factor.

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I really really like the idea of that close range Dev build. I have been toying with something similar. I was a little bit sad when I saw that the dev sgt can't take two pistols, as the cherub would allow him to reload two inferno pistols. A combi melta is just as good though.. My thought was a heavy bolter for the option of hellfire shells- just under 100pts for devs with combimelta and heavy bolter.

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Interesting. I had a similar idea of tacticals with melta in Rhinos. But I definitely see how using devastators instead has an advantage. I don't currently have the units to try it out. (Painting tacticals with melta, combi-melta, and multimelta and a Razorback/Rhino for ETL) I'd love to hear how it works out if you try it. 

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Well I had a 2000pts game yesterday against my friend's Imperial Guard and here are some of the highlights for you :) :


  • 10 man squad of Hellblasters deleted a Valkarie, even though it was in flying mode along with a chimera and part of a Guard Squad
  • Death Co Cataphractii Captain killing off two sentinels along with a primaris psyker and wounding a tech-priest
  • 10 man lightning claw Cataphractii Terminator squad munching through a chimera, 1 guard squad with a heavy weapon and a platoon commander
  • Tycho taking out 1 and a 1/2 guard squads in combat (Dead Mans Hand is rather handy against guard)
  • Contemptor taking out another chimera in combat and shooting up another one.
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I really really like the idea of that close range Dev build. I have been toying with something similar. I was a little bit sad when I saw that the dev sgt can't take two pistols, as the cherub would allow him to reload two inferno pistols. A combi melta is just as good though.. My thought was a heavy bolter for the option of hellfire shells- just under 100pts for devs with combimelta and heavy bolter.


Interesting. I had a similar idea of tacticals with melta in Rhinos. But I definitely see how using devastators instead has an advantage. I don't currently have the units to try it out. (Painting tacticals with melta, combi-melta, and multimelta and a Razorback/Rhino for ETL) I'd love to hear how it works out if you try it. 


The disadvantages to the close-in Dev idea is that Tacticals with 2x meltas fill Troops slots and can kinda do the same thing (my poor mental math says that 2x BS3+ shots are typically better than 1x BS2+ shot that gets to shoot twice one time per game). Secondly, why wouldn't you take Lascannon Devs? They are quite decent long-range strong dakka that wounds most things on 3's compared to the melta's 4's on some things.


It's an idea that I am curious to test out...has some promise, but don't know if it's the end-all be-all.

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I just got together the parts to build a footslogging assault marine squad, and now that I have them, I dont feel like building them. I want some suggestions on what to do with the bodies of 5 marines, a power fist and a couple of melta guns :tongue.:

Edited by dread05
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I just got together the parts to build a footslogging assault marine squad, and now that I have them, I dont feel like building them. I want some suggestions on what to do with the bodies of 5 marines, a power fist and a couple of melta guns

Honestly, for footslogging PA Blood Angels you really only have three options. Tacticals, Devas or Sternguards. And unless you don't go all out on Melta and put them in a Rhino or Drop Pod I just don't see a reason to go with Devas over the other two. Go and build yourself some Tacticals and get more easily CP via an additional Battalion. ;)

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I’ve been thinking about swapping out some of my rhino death company for special issue sternies (yes, I know the storm bolters are somewhat better, but I really like the extra range on the special isssue bolters, and the stratagem got +1 to wound). I haven’t gotten a chance to try my theory yet, but I’m pursuing shooting units who are also good in combat to play an aggressive all-arounder list with units like melta assault squads, Sternguards, bolter death company, and stormbolter/chainswords vets.
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I just got together the parts to build a footslogging assault marine squad, and now that I have them, I dont feel like building them. I want some suggestions on what to do with the bodies of 5 marines, a power fist and a couple of melta guns

Honestly, for footslogging PA Blood Angels you really only have three options. Tacticals, Devas or Sternguards. And unless you don't go all out on Melta and put them in a Rhino or Drop Pod I just don't see a reason to go with Devas over the other two. Go and build yourself some Tacticals and get more easily CP via an additional Battalion. :wink:



Maybe if I bought some jump packs from ebay, I could mix them with a DC kit and build 10 marines out of it. I noticed that DC are the only jump pack units without straps on their torso's. Another idea is to build them as company veterans with melta guns.

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ETL Week 1 summary


Come on folks, we need you! Sign up!

I'm guessing enthusiasm for BA is down post the FAQ? ...I'm customizing a Sanguinius (counts as Sanguinor for points) that I plan to enter still.

In my case, oh yeah. Since 6th ed, all the things I liked have been slowly stripped away, and there’s still a few things, but I’m really considering selling them or shelving them. They just don’t do stuff that interests me much anymore.

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I always liked the idea of Deathwatch, but I'm going to stick with pure BA for the Marine part. I'm sure we will get something cool for our Primaris as well eventually. ^^


I mean we already do. Our primaris are the best primaris in melee even now. ^_^

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