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What's your recipe for that crimson - it's great.

This is just a guess, but it looks to me like Khorne Red with a Nuln wash. Not sure what the highlight is, might be just unwashed Khorne Red... Am I right, Sock?

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Tired as hell at 2 AM was able to kit bash my 5th company captain.


Not amazing, but I like him. The assault marine jump pack will be taken off for a vanguard one to bling him out more, and I'll magnetize the pack itself (and his command squad) when I get them a damocles command rhino.

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Anyone notice in Angels Blade that there is a death company captain model?


This is really making me think that there was originally more content, but they flubbed it. It also explains the seemingly discord between the lost brotherhood relics and the lack of eligible characters in the LBSF.

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Good spot!


Looks like they were planning to make a lot more of the Death Company (which makes sense considering the new detachment, Relics etc).


Must have changed their minds for some reason... Shame, particularly as they basically broke the Relics by half going back on the original plan.

Edited by LutherMax
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I played an 1850 using the Lost Brotherhood detachment with 10co Ambush, and OIF - versus Sisters of Battle and got my arse handed to me in Maelstrom points, though I killed nearly all his infantry.


First turn his assassin killed a unit of 5 DC and he wiped out my scout bikers. His shooting was brutal all game.


He conga lined 20 Sisters in his deployment and I charged them with full buff DC dread and a full unit of LC terminators, and barely made a dent. He was making invulnerable saves like you wouldn't believe. It took me 3 turns to kill them, losing almost everything, and the DC dread died to single krak grenade.


I was able to make many assaults with DC and termies, and cause tons of wounds but he was saving like a boss, without any Obsec I couldn't stop him grabbing tons of points each turn and my DC cards were not helping me out. Ugh anyway frustrating loss.


Angels Blade just doesn't scale down well below 2000 points in my opinion.

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...aren't they all the same once they're lost?

But Tycho is just another Death Company after he falls. He just retained his gear.


Like, when it says he "lead" the Death Company charge, I get the impression he was just at the front of it. The chaplains would still be there, as it's specifically stated only chaplains can truly lead them.


As an example,


"When battle-brothers join the Death Company... they are formed into ad-hoc brotherhoods by their Chaplains. These squads are named after any senior ranking battle brother... as were the warriors who followed Daenor..." Angels Blade, p. 24.


So basically the DC squad Tycho would have joined would have been named Squad Tycho.

Edited by Arkangilos
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