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Both look great. Here's what my wife always tells me for advice. Flip a coin, B being heads and C being tails. If you don't like the outcome, then you know which one you want.

I'm Indifferent as both look quite cool. The Laurel skull motif is awesome, but so is the blood drop with wing. One stands out for our chapter and its successors, one is more akin to the death company. If it were me personally though (for my chapter at least) I would either go with the Winged Grail or he triple blood drops, just to signify the Carmine Blades. (if that even matters)

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Well you guys certainly haven't made it any easier selecting a shoulder pad for this Chaplain haha. :)  It'll be more work but I might try painting him without the pad, and then painting them both up separately to get a better idea.


In other news: I had to break out harsh chemicals to finally (mostly) strip this Deredeo Dreadnought; it had the worst prime job I've ever seen and it's no wonder I got it for cheap.

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Well you guys certainly haven't made it any easier selecting a shoulder pad for this Chaplain haha. :) It'll be more work but I might try painting him without the pad, and then painting them both up separately to get a better idea.


In other news: I had to break out harsh chemicals to finally (mostly) strip this Deredeo Dreadnought; it had the worst prime job I've ever seen and it's no wonder I got it for cheap.

395101b5296c6866185d8b56f47f7e43.jpg Edited by appiah5
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I would also like to know what harsh chemicals you used. I have used army painter red to prime a furioso when i was just starting out and done a terrible job but the paint is resistant to simple green and turps


First I tried Isopropyl Alcohol ...nothing, then Simple Green ...nothing. So I went with ZEP Industrial Purple, which you can get from Home Depot in huge amounts for cheap.


It worked but ---- there is no easy way to dispose of it. Their website used to recommend flushing in the toilet but now they say specifically NOT to do that. So I've got to find some auto-shop or town disposal place to get rid of this junk.


Many people recommended LA's Totally Awesome, which is apparently biodegradable but I haven't tried it myself.

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I would also like to know what harsh chemicals you used. I have used army painter red to prime a furioso when i was just starting out and done a terrible job but the paint is resistant to simple green and turps



First I tried Isopropyl Alcohol ...nothing, then Simple Green ...nothing. So I went with ZEP Industrial Purple, which you can get from Home Depot in huge amounts for cheap.


It worked but ---- there is no easy way to dispose of it. Their website used to recommend flushing in the toilet but now they say specifically NOT to do that. So I've got to find some auto-shop or town disposal place to get rid of this junk.


Many people recommended LA's Totally Awesome, which is apparently biodegradable but I haven't tried it myself.

Ah crap, I wish I'd heard about this stuff two days ago. I painted over an onager I had used cheap paints and cheap brushes (and ugly colors) and it was a huge pain because the old paint wouldn't come off, but now that it's mostly base coated I don't have the drive to strip it...
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For fitting the canopy on the Stormraven, I guess I put the screen in place and then add the bars along the edges? So far I've added the bars to the frame, swore lots every time they come off (even from touching with a paint brush!) and now when I'm finally ready to add the windows it doesn't fit... :dry.:

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For fitting the canopy on the Stormraven, I guess I put the screen in place and then add the bars along the edges? So far I've added the bars to the frame, swore lots every time they come off (even from touching with a paint brush!) and now when I'm finally ready to add the windows it doesn't fit... <_<

Yeah those bits are fiddly as hell - there's such a tiny contact point between the parts of the frame! I didn't get a perfect fit on mine either, but if I were doing it again I would try to build the frame 'around' the cockpit glass (without actually gluing it to the glass) to get the right shape.


If it's not salvageable I would consider explaining to GW what happened, they might send you a new bit.

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Something different...decided to take a pic of my BA dice:


Those red and silver/gunmetal dice are fantastic looking. I regret not picking up the slightly overpriced GW BA dice because ebay scalpers are selling them for 4 times their previous price.

Did you custom order yours or buy them from an online seller?

Edited by Spagunk
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Something different...decided to take a pic of my BA dice:

Those red and silver/gunmetal dice are fantastic looking. I regret not picking up the slightly overpriced GW BA dice because ebay scalpers are selling them for 4 times their previous price.

Did you custom order yours or buy them from an online seller?



Thanks. Actually the good looking ones (dark grey with red pips and orange with gold pips) are custom ones from Chessex. The red ones on the left are from GW which were quite poor quality. I bought a set when they were first released as my LGS had a few left over and honestly, would never pay their normal retail price again much less the crazy prices on ebay. 

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So the new Celestine is coming:


Those wings look mighty good for a certain bloodied angelic chapter :wink:




It makes no sense, the new C:IA has no rules for St Celestine?  I heard somewhere that she's just a regular Inquisitor?



No she doesn't, but the next campaign book will have rules (otherwise she'd not have a model). As for the second part, there's a new female Inquisitor being released so maybe that's where the confusion is arising?

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Something different...decided to take a pic of my BA dice:

Those red and silver/gunmetal dice are fantastic looking. I regret not picking up the slightly overpriced GW BA dice because ebay scalpers are selling them for 4 times their previous price.

Did you custom order yours or buy them from an online seller?



Thanks. Actually the good looking ones (dark grey with red pips and orange with gold pips) are custom ones from Chessex. The red ones on the left are from GW which were quite poor quality. I bought a set when they were first released as my LGS had a few left over and honestly, would never pay their normal retail price again much less the crazy prices on ebay. 


Where did you get the red and off white gothic ones, and would you recommend them (in terms of product quality)? They look cool as f....

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