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For Chrissake, does that Termie Captain Karlaen have to go into EVERY FRIGGIN' boxed/starter set they produce?  How about a jump pack character??


EDIT: Ok, jump chappy in there too. Grumble. Fine. Still sick of seeing Karlaen everywhere

If they are going to stick Karlaen into every BA box set they should at least do the decent thing and give him rules in the new BA dex.

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Yesterday, I thought about buying some stuff, then thought about my mountain of plastic, and thought I had to do something about that first.


Since getting a job I went kind of nuts and bought too much, and it's taken away from the hobby for me. I'm going to try and only get models as gifts for a while until I clear my backlog, to bring back the fun, instead of acquiring models for the sake of it. 


As such, last night I assembled most of a 3rd ed metal furioso dread - the one whose arms I stole to build Kaspar the Destroyer. He'll be a regular dread with assault cannon/twin lascannon/Plasma cannon and power fist.

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Yeah, having too much unbuilt or unpainted stuff can be a killer, especially if you have it all out on display.

Because I've moved over to my primaris marines more or less exclusively, I've been seriously pondering just trying to shift the mountains of bits I've got (I probably have a reasonable size marine army in my bits pile...) and I've even considered doing a LutherMax and trying to shift my actual army as well, none of it is fully painted, though a lot is partially done to various degrees and none of it is bare plastic or just plain undercoated, but part of me also wants to hold off for Horus Heresy as the models could easily be used for that as 2/3 - 3/4 models are in mk6 or lower armour anyways.

As for actual hobby time - i've not done much of anything for over a week now, been too focused on PNP Roleplaying prep and family life. But I'm away for the weekend and hopefully getting a game in whilst away. So thats good.

I did start building my second repulsor

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Because I've moved over to my primaris marines more or less exclusively, I've been seriously pondering just trying to shift the mountains of bits I've got (I probably have a reasonable size marine army in my bits pile...) and I've even considered doing a LutherMax and trying to shift my actual army as well, none of it is fully painted, though a lot is partially done to various degrees and none of it is bare plastic or just plain undercoated, but part of me also wants to hold off for Horus Heresy as the models could easily be used for that as 2/3 - 3/4 models are in mk6 or lower armour anyways.


Most of the BA Mk7 and below suits could be incorporated into a HH Siege of Terra era army no problem, so you could always port those marines over and go Primaris only in 40k. I think the HH will be staying at current marine scale forever as it would upset too many people. 


I'll be keeping my existing micromarines and fleshing out both the 4th company and some heresy stuff that will be doing double duty as HH/5th company. I was considering another legion, but I don't know if I have the energy. It would also be great to have that many BA!


I haven't checked out your Primaris thread in a while. I was eying up Dark Imperium also...

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I'm really just waiting on things.

Can't do my KoB because I'm waiting on melee Primaris, can't do my T'au because I'm waiting on the Codex and can't do my EC because the CSM infantry range is just super outdated and a EC Codex is to be expected in 2018/2019. I hate this situation. :down:

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Hyperios finished, pics tomorrow in the daylight :smile.:

Don't think your slacking has gone unnoticed. I'm still waiting for photos.

You're welcome to travel down and get some decent pics in the meantime.

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Yeah, having too much unbuilt or unpainted stuff can be a killer, especially if you have it all out on display.


I am a serial hoarder with a terrible penchant for projects that are bought and not finished....


I knew there was a reason we all hang out here together!


Having looked at the pile of shame thread, I'm not quite as bad as some, but as I do feel like I have enough to keep me going for the next 15 -20 years unless there's a serious uptick in my productivity. Rarely manage to get more than 2 models done a month.

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Using Auric Armour Gold which was, apparently, the replacement when they "upgraded" the line.

Feel it might look similar once I've drybrushed with Gehenna, but that's all I've got.


(FWIW I'm shading the recess with Chestnut Ink)

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