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So I got myself half a box of primaris hellblasters. I found the instructions on a pdf on reddit but I cannot really understand which pair of legs is supposed to be for the sergeant. Are all of them interchangable ? In the pdf it doesnt clarify, I think it chooses the one that's leaning to the left, made from the parts 20 21 22 23, but Im not that sure about it.

So I took my biggest heresy leap and bought sangy, scenic base, and book 8.


I really couldn't turn down our gene father and all the information about the early chapter.


Also picked up some Multimeltas to make a support sqaud that will be relatively fun to use in 40k.

So I took my biggest heresy leap and bought sangy, scenic base, and book 8.


I really couldn't turn down our gene father and all the information about the early chapter.


Also picked up some Multimeltas to make a support sqaud that will be relatively fun to use in 40k.

Ouch - looking at those and it’s $290 for the scenic base version and $184 for the book (AUD).

I’d hope that comes with free postage. And possibly a bottle of champagne or something :-)

When does the ETL start ? I have a few stuff to paint, actually a lot of stuff to paint and find it hard to get motivated, so a goal would be nice

Traditionally, it's either the 1st or 15th May - trouble is, Semper is always very guarded on when that is.


I'll be kicking off our ETL defense campaign next week (build up thread), so for now just plan what you want to do and get it prepared :)

The correct answer is to paint what will give the most points for the least amount of effort ;)


Seriously though, you should paint what will motivate you the most. If it's a chore regardless of the above it will take you an age; if it's something you will enjoy, something you are eager to do, then that will be the most rewarding for you and our faction :)

As per Jole, paint what you want (and is point efficient!).


Motivation is a huge huge aspect of this and if you need 30 tac marines to fill a batallion, but don't want to paint them, you'll fail your vows!


I need to finish my company but dont want to paint so many basic marines. I'll vow at most a 5 man unit of tacs, then vehicles and characters.

If in doubt, pictures help :smile.: but from that description it all sounds fine. On Slothysaur's post on the previous page, that was a legal start point last year:




(Majkehl's pic above is fine too) Basically, use the next month to plan and prepare your stuff by getting what you want to paint complete to the starting point. For example, I still use a white undercoat so that's my start point. Others use a red spray undercoat, so that's there. Just do what you normally do :smile.:


Other than that, entries need to be Codex legal. Index entries aren't permitted but FW stuff is fine. there is some leeway on counts as, but this is done on a case by case basis.


I'll be starting our build up thread soon which will be packed with every conceivable piece of ETL information :smile.:

Edited by Jolemai

Too bad ETL isn't starting sooner. I'm in a hurry to get my Shadowspear stuff painted, so they'll mostly likely be completed before it starts. But I've still got other stuff I can put off until ETL. At least the Sororitas won't be out before it starts, so I won't have to worry about deciding where to pledge my allegiance. Once Sisters are out, I will be going all in on that army. 

I really think it's going to be hard competing against the heretics this year. All those new shiny things to paint gives them a big incentive.


Once you get above a certain total points vowed, it all comes down to the completions. If we get like 60k pts vowed, with a 95% completion rate (@Charlo) then we're in a strong place! 


All the new shinies might work against them, with many people over-vowing. 


My vows will be moderate this year, just characters and vehicles. Point-dense, or super quick to paint. 

I might actually be on the chaos side this year to get my ass up and finish my Daemon army finally. We bought a friend his AoS army for christmas so now he's sitting there with his new army and has nobody to play because we're procrastinating on ours. :D

I have almost 2000points worth of characters to choose from waiting for ETL to start. On top of that I have some terminators, 4 dreadnoughts and some vehicles to choose from. That should give me plenty of options for point heavy vows.

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