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Ok, so.. This is not exactly BA related per se, but it is kind of related to my full return to the hobby. As of today, after 5.5 years of waiting, I finally have my work desk back. We no longer have a 24h nanny working with us, and the nanny's bedroom is back to being my and my wife's work room - that means I now have 24h uninterrupted access to my work desk, and no longer have to paint on the dining desk, unpacking and packing every time I do so. Now I have a place to do my miniature painting, retrocomputing and RPG hobby stuff. Now, I'm finally back. Backlog, beware.


Yeah it's not much, but you really appreciate the small things when you go without them for so long..

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So, had a small tournament this weekend, 3 games/6 players, as a re-reintroduction to 9th ed. Only 1250 points but very mixed results. Absolutely hammered by nurgle daemon swarm with 50 plaguebearers (2 squads), 2 units of beasts (6 and 4), great spined beast of chaos, 4 plague drones, mamon and a few other bits. 21 vs 77 vps (including painting score) as he penned me into the back of my deployment zone and I had some horrendous shooting luck (72 shots at plaguebearers from a whirlwind and bolter inceptors killed 6 of them over the game).


Game 2 vs a very rusty wolves list with a squad of wulfen, repulsor, 2 5 man squads of assault intercessors, 5 man br intercessor squad, 2 outrider squads, a primaris chaplain and a Wolf guard Lt went almost exactly to plan. My vanguard vets (ss/cs) bounced one of his outrider units on one flank and forced his characters to hang back to deal with them while my sang guard ate 2 squads of intercessors, then held up the other outriders till turn 4 on the other flank. Massed melta rifle and multi melta fire took down his repulsor after a couple of turns (some bad hit and damage rolls) while my captain with jump pack (th/combi melta) eventually took down both the Lt and chaplain. Final score 97-50.


Final game vs necrons (catacomb command barge, szeras, 2 units of 15 warriors, 3 skorpek destroyers, hexmark destroyer, cryptomancer, tomb sentinel, few other bits n bobs. Very very messy. Cryptomancer bounced a unit of warriors behind me on turn 1 which took down my attack bike squad and rerouted my captain and vanguard vets to deal with, my inceptors took down his immortals and scored behind enemy lines points for a few turns for me, whirlwind got a charge off into cc with some warriors to get further away from his tomb sentinel, and the game ended with my captain and whirlwind on full health vs his command barge (2 wounds) and 3 scarab swarms). Lost that game but can't remember the scores. I'll try and put some pictures up tomorrow.

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Gonna have another 'campaign' game against my friend's GSC Today. We are trying to use asymmetric scenario objectives: I will have to 'Search Sites' and "Carry Relic' (NPC Sisters of Battle), he will need to 'Exfiltrate' and has option to 'Sabotage'. Sorting out values for VPs still - it's really not easy to balance those in general, so we will need to tailor it for specific army characteristics.

By the way, I was shocked to realize GSC's 'Ambush' can effectively block normal movement T1 if I go first! That's because I cannot move within 9" of an Ambush marker which only gets revealed at the end of 1st Movements phase... That effectively nullifies our T1 DC-charge tactics but also makes advancing up the field T1 much more limited.... duhhhh

I also made a little back-story writing effort if anyone's interested :wink:

Not knowing that they've been deceived into believing that the Cult's Primus and Magus have been eliminated, Blood Angels still realize two things with utmost clarity. First - that the Cult is well-developed to possess a 4th-generation hybrid commanders. Second - total absence of the Patriarch's activity means that the beast is otherwise occupied and can still be more interested in it's own survival than open conquest of the planet. In that case there could still be hope and perhaps a catastrophe of loosing a populated world with all it's resources to the Great Devourer can still be prevented. 
Location and elimination of the Patriarch remains an unchanged number one priority however due to the ineffectiveness of the initial scanning in establishing of it's whereabouts more intel is needed. 
Secondary objective would be to assess the level of infiltration of the local government and various institutions by the Cult to further narrow down the search. This would also allow for identification of potential allies. 
Finally, destruction of as many of the Cult's resources as possible along the way would be welcome. If it is possible to preserve any of the assets vital to the Imperium then it could also be done, although it is understood that collateral damage is unavoidable in such conflicts and is of secondary interest compared to losing the entire planet.
To achieve the set goals a plan was proposed by the Blood Angels' officer cadre to secure the local Ecclasiarchy outpost. It's data-banks will contain much information on population movements based on pilgrims' registers. Any population areas that can be identified as showing less devotion in the official Imperial Creed religious activities will be prime candidates for harboring Cult's bases and would bring Blood Angels closer to their main goal. Additionally local Adepta Sororitas mission assigned to the Ecclesiarchy outpost would be a good place to get more information and potentially - allies. Sisters are in general very unlikely to be corrupted by the genestealer influence and their military assets could also potentially be used.
Plan is immediately put to execution and red Thunderhawks streak from the strike cruiser's belly towards the planet surface. 
From the darkness bright eyes widen in surprise at the sight of the red-armoured giants appearing at the Ecclesiarchy outpost's premises. Cult's lookout forces have been keeping an close eye on the Adepta Sororitas garrison working hard to limit their grip on the wider population. Now they need to report back that Blood Angels are back and up to something.

EDIT: and a win for BA (successor)  :) Edited by Majkhel
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Multi-Melta with Storm Shield on a guy with a Jump Pack!

Gotta love our 'legends':wub:

Lol, that those were my exact thoughts when I read the datasheet. Here's hoping against hope they bring this out of legends just like they brought the captain on bike out of legends and into the main book for 9e.
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