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Chaos is calling...

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Just to say I've started a topic which is aim to help out people toward Call of Chaos.




It set up to memeber who are struggle trying to get a painting scheme for the models you've put forward for Call of Chaos.  Or your looking for a fast way to paint up the models, but still look really cool.  Or try get conversion idea.  It just help memeber out during the Call of Chaos which start next week.

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Well due to either old GS or my lack of ability(but probably both) the sonic weapons didn't turn out very nice, in fact thier hideous. That being said my Noise Marines will not be part of my Call of Chaos. I still have plenty of units I can answer with though so no worries there.

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I plan on taking the plunge and do a IW Warband. I have a paint scheme planned all I have to do is figure out hazard stripes.


Way I paint them are - Averland Sunset, Zamesi Desert, Yriel Yellow, Sepia Wash, Abaddon Black to tidy up the lines, Flash Gitz Yellow for the highlight - You could also use a very water down Bone colour.  Then you could stipple it with Abaddon Black useing a Games Workshop dry brush & then use any spare foam & runefang steel paint with that to give chip battle effect.


If it help out, use masking tape to give you those straight lines.

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I'll be signing up to motivate me to actually produce my Night Lords 117th Co.  


The ETL has proved very motivational these past two years in getting me to work on my Ravenwing, which has then rolled onto progress on my Greenwing and Deathwing. Call to Chaos will hopefully provoke me into actually making progress on my Night Lords that i've been talking and tinkering about for nearly two years now.

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This looks like a lot of fun, I'll sign up, would get me started on a painting blog as well. As I understood from the link to an earlier Call of Chaos and the discussion here, I take it that I could enter my kill team too? Right now I'm looking at a squad of cultists, two helbrutes, warpsmith maybe, and then my killteam of a single chosen, a terminator and stuff like that.

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just a thought, would a daemon host count?? sure its in the =][= dex but it IS a daemon...

Count as Daemon Herald maybe.

This looks like a lot of fun, I'll sign up, would get me started on a painting blog as well. As I understood from the link to an earlier Call of Chaos and the discussion here, I take it that I could enter my kill team too? Right now I'm looking at a squad of cultists, two helbrutes, warpsmith maybe, and then my killteam of a single chosen, a terminator and stuff like that.

Current Kill Team rules have you taking a squad from the codex.

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Alright, thanks. I'm playing in a Heralds of Ruin kill team campaign at my local store though. I'll just paint them seperately and respond to the call with my full units. :)

I'm sure no one will mind you posting them with the CoC stuff. After all, they are Chaos.

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Hmm. Credit Card finally came in. Should I continue with my original purchase plan, or upgrade to Forgeworld heresy mini goodness? The choices, the choices.

Neither. Cut it up and avoid a life of owing money and paying interest.

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Hmm. Credit Card finally came in. Should I continue with my original purchase plan, or upgrade to Forgeworld heresy mini goodness? The choices, the choices.

Neither. Cut it up and avoid a life of owing money and paying interest.


Actually, I'm doing pretty well on that front considering I have an American student loan with current interest rates. And that was before I got the credit and was only working one job at 32 hours a week. Now that I have a credit card and two jobs, that dent just got a whole lot bigger. Ha! Take that student loan!
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Not weighing in on the student loan debate, but well done being able to reduce that amount! I know its hard so treat yourself to something!.


I'm thinking of finally breaking down and buying HH for this event, as its my new army. My wallet says "non" but my heart still flirts with debt.

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