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IA13: Dedicated Transport Dreadclaws, and More!


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I'm very tempted by the book. I've not been excited like this in a long time.


Yes I care about my range finders, we once had a "hug a Rangefinder" campaign, others didn't call it that, they called it the genocide of Hutonian Hive but they didn't understand,

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It's out now for £50.



That is the special edition though, no sign of the regular yet (though it can't be far behind), so I'm hoping it'll be at least slightly cheaper.




I'm not sure it will, all Forgeworld's books are around that price, the loyalist version is £52 and it never got a special edition. I wouldn't expect the normal version to be much cheaper if at all. Maybe £45? It would not surprise me if Forgeworld's special edition version was the same price as the regular, just with a cool reward for people who purchase early. 

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It's out now for £50.


That is the special edition though, no sign of the regular yet (though it can't be far behind), so I'm hoping it'll be at least slightly cheaper.

I'm not sure it will, all Forgeworld's books are around that price, the loyalist version is £52 and it never got a special edition. I wouldn't expect the normal version to be much cheaper if at all. Maybe £45? It would not surprise me if Forgeworld's special edition version was the same price as the regular, just with a cool reward for people who purchase early.

The loyalist version is also over 50 pages larger, and contains more vehicles. IA13 is closer in length (with 13 being larger by 30 pages) to Anphelion V2, and that's £36. So yeah, I can see the regular version going for £45. And I'd quite like this, as every penny saved on FW books is a penny that can be spent on FW resin tongue.png .

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The dreadclaw if it's the same as the Heresy one doesn't have any scatter mitigation, if it hits an enemy unit, it mishaps. Without scatter mitigation I find the sudden appearance of drop pod Chaos Space Marine armies questionable.


OTOH the renegades stuff sounds brilliant

I was thinking about that, but since it's not immobile, it can deep strike then flat out 18"... so as long as you land within 18" of where you want to be, you'll be where you want (not including the next turn moving 6" and disembarking 6" before you charge).


It's a little steep at 100 points, but since it's landing in hover mode, it's actually protecting your units from interceptor fire, which is a big problem facing marine drop pods, additionally, it has a pretty nasty attack where it lands, so if it doesn't get shot down, it can just start hovering around blasting infantry.

What's the difference between the Dreadclaw and the Assault Claw? What weapons do they have?

I misspoke, I meant the dreadclaw. Either way, land within 24" of where you want and you are fine, haha.


If you do land close to the enemy, everything within D3+3" takes a S6 AP5 hit, so you can see why it doesn't get precision deep striking, additionally every enemy unit you fly over with hover movement suffers D6 S5 AP5 hits... It can actually be pretty obnoxious.


I think 3 is the most I would take though. The XL pod is interesting, but at 260 points I'll pass. That said, if you are playing against a MSU list its precision deep strike with heat blast could be ugly, haha.

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Maelstrom Rider (I likes this one!)

Vehicle or Supes - Outflank and Fear

Makes me think of Outflanking two Relic Predators with Magna-Melta Cannons or Flamestorm Cannons, or Outflank with a Land Raider full of Possessed, or simply out flank 2 Rhinos full of Marines with Meltaguns! Yes Mr. Mystery, I like this one too! laugh.png laugh.png

EDIT: Oh! I forgot to mention they'd be helped out by a Proteus! smile.png smile.png

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Darn it people. I gave you people all day to order them, but they were still available when I checked this evening.

You owe me a hundred bucks. :P


Care to explain?

Because we didn't buy them all he's bought one, whereas he was hoping for it to sell out before he got home from work?
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If you've got a Slaaneshi on for the Spartan.......yeah, it's only 55 points more than a Landraider.....

Seriously, what's the point of a regular LR at that point? tongue.png

I think it's kinda hard to argue that the Chaos Land Raider's had much of a point for years now...

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