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The NEW "What will 2014 Bring?" thread


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What do people think of the dual terminator rumor?

Terminator honor guard sounds interesting and death company terminators...

(Yes I agree it breaks fluff but I will still use them)

I don't think it's that big a break from fluff. Shove 'em in the armor, point 'em at the enemy, scrape up the armor and fix it when they're done. Why not? It's like any other wargear, just bigger and tougher. TDA is probably easier to repair than power armor, because it's bigger and tougher and less likely to be catastrophically damaged by whatever kills the dude inside!

Also dont forget that a Dreadnought chase is just as venerable as TDA if not more as some of them housed the original Astartes from the Unification wars and the Great Crusade. In 3rd we only had 1 DC Dread 'Moriar The Chosen' then 5th we could field as many as we wanted, I dont think it would be too much of a stretch to extend the DC to TDA.... perhaps only the most noble of the chapter who fall to the rage are incased into TDA such as Captains, 1st company veterans or even Sanguinary Guard... None of us are safe from the curse after all msn-wink.gif

The difference is that they don't put DC in dreads, they only happen because the marine inside falls to the black rage after installation.

Yes, but… they don't exactly cut them out and euthanize them either. They could, but they don't.

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I hope we get a new assault marine kit. This new tac kit is cool from the point of view of having everything in one place but you could easily make it up from the new vanilla tac kit, Sternguard and DC kits. The assault squad is the one that really needs an update.

Why take three boxes into the shower when you can just take one... 

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Was kinda inevitable that the claws would get nerfed, as said by others just too good and doesn't fit in with the current meta.


On a personal note, I have Deathstorm on pre-order at my local FLGS, with every new rumour and reveal my levels of squeeeee are increasing and my wallet crying as the bank panicks and hides in the corner. GLORIA SANGUINIUS!


P.S. Sadly I am out of the country two weeks before christmas, so will be getting my goodies quite litearlly for christmas (from myself)... so will be replying on you good folks to keep me in the loop on my travels ;).


PPS Anyone is the DC or San Fran area? That's the places I'm headed....

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Codex: Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard Edition slipcase with prints and accessories online only $165



Gah. £60 I could cope with, but £105? Thats's too much. Depends on the accessories, I guess. And how pretty it is.


It should come with the codex, (supplement) painting guide, (dice?) tactical objectives, objective markers, right?


And some artwork.

For that price it should include Jeske to write lists for you and Forte to paint your minis

At that price I figure it'll be similar to the ork warboss edition

The Codex: Orks Warboss Edition contains a wealth of brutally kunnin’ Ork content including two books, an art wallet and brushed metal tactical objective tokens. This Webstore Exclusive Edition is only available in English and it is strictly limited to 2000 copies worldwide.


Presented in a chest with a hinged lid and detailed with a large Ork glyph, the Warboss Edition contains two volumes: a special edition of Codex: Orks and the brand new, never before seen special edition of Waaagh! Ghazghull: A Codex: Orks supplement. Each book is bound with a finish unique to this edition.


Additionally, the Warboss Edition includes eight art prints within an art wallet; these are the covers of previous Ork books, from ‘Ere We Go and Freebooterz to the latest Ork Codex. As if that isn’t enough, there is a set of brushed metal coins numbered ‘wun’ to ‘lotz’, ideal for marking out objectives in games of Warhammer 40,000


That version cost 165 dollars

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Mmmm...how about a baal predator variant with grav weaponry....slobber...not too far fetched seeing as we don't get centurions perhaps?


Unfortunately, quite far fretched as they wont be re-roing the Baal Pred model sprues for a long time.

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No Missile Launcher in the kit though, it looks like.  So it's quite a bit different from the vanilla kit;



So weapons that you can snapshot with?


Hmmm, I see them pushing the *move and keep shooting, get right in their face* tactics by only equiping them with asaault/snapshotable weapons. 

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Mmmm...how about a baal predator variant with grav weaponry....slobber...not too far fetched seeing as we don't get centurions perhaps?


Unfortunately, quite far fretched as they wont be re-roing the Baal Pred model sprues for a long time.

If they give Baals torrent I'll forgive them for the magna grapple rubbish, my expectations are low.
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Mmmm...how about a baal predator variant with grav weaponry....slobber...not too far fetched seeing as we don't get centurions perhaps?


Unfortunately, quite far fretched as they wont be re-roing the Baal Pred model sprues for a long time.

If they give Baals torrent I'll forgive the, for the magna grapple rubbish. My expect ions are low



it's the 7th ed war on fun :P

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Agreed!  I like what I'm seeing so far with the new rules rumors. However, it's hard to go too far in forming an opinion before you've seen the point costs and all the other codex rules. 


On a separate note, I'm ashamed to see all the BA players online whining about the rumor changes. Haven't seen it as much here on B&C, but on other sites some of the BA players are whining up a storm. Pull it together people, we're the Sons of Sanguinius, not Dark Eldar or Tyranids!!! The new codex will be an upgrade overall. Personally, I'm stoked. 

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On a separate note, I'm ashamed to see all the BA players online whining about the rumor changes. Haven't seen it as much here on B&C, but on other sites some of the BA players are whining up a storm. Pull it together people, we're the Sons of Sanguinius, not Dark Eldar or Tyranids!!! The new codex will be an upgrade overall. Personally, I'm stoked.

Welcome to the internet.


I don't see it to be honest. It's a codex. Use the tools you're given. People complain that the BA codex is weaker, and while, yes, it may creak at high level tournies, I've still been giving people a hammering with their 6th/7th ed books.


I cant wait for the new one. Sure, I'll miss some options, but I cant wait to try new ones.

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We only know about our primaris and some changes to our dreads (which everybody knew was coming) and people are complaining? Already? Well they can keep on playing with their old rule set then. Some people just love complaining I swear to god.

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Despite the many complaints that are happening all over the internet, I'm actually excited, not only for the new codex but for the fact that people are posting more than just battle reports in the BA forum (no offence intended, things were just getting stale around here fluff wise). 

The community's excitement (whining included) has actually made me feel good about the hobby for the first time in about 6 months and I can feel myself being pulled back into the beautiful grim-darkness of it all. The fact that we are getting more than just a new codex is amazing considering that we only just got new sprews in 5th.


Its an exciting time to be a Son of Sanguinius ;)

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I'm hopeful for a dual 'sanguinary'/tactical terminator kit rather than a DC terminator kit. I remember that rumor from last year.


I really like my assault cannons. I hope they don't cost too much in the next codex.


It will be nice to see how Blood Angels differ from codex marines.

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We only know about our primaris and some changes to our dreads (which everybody knew was coming) and people are complaining? Already? Well they can keep on playing with their old rule set then. Some people just love complaining I swear to god.

Exactly, though I'll be gutted it the Missile Launcher get dropped from the Tact weapon options, as my Blood Angels army will have 2 Missile/Flamer squads as its core (and no I cant deviate from this for reasons    (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286145-retro-blood-angels/) <<< said reasons). Still, if they loose Launchers I guess I'll just have to use C:SM instead. 

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I doubt they will loose missile launchers, considering they have come with every tactical squad ever released including those in the 2nd edition boxed set right up to Assault on black reach. Hell I must have 4 tactical squads with missiles.


I don't think I've seen a post or rumour yet on the actual new BA tactical sprue yet, so I'm assuming this is just crazy speculation at this stage!


*edit* beaten by K&F

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I'm not saying they have dropped launchers as an option, just IF they do then I'll be gutted, going by an earlier post about the majority of the options pictured being weapons that are assault or ones you can snap fire with. 

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