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The NEW "What will 2014 Bring?" thread


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With the rumor of a dual terminator kit...I'm guessing it's a dual Priest kit with some Corbulo bits to build him if you want.

This would be really cool.


Liking what I have seen so far, add in a good, balanced Codex and I will be happy with this release

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With the rumor of a dual terminator kit...I'm guessing it's a dual Priest kit with some Corbulo bits to build him if you want.

I hope your right. That would be good if it was a dual kit. But unless there are different legs or torso I think they may look to similar. I'm not a fan of the robe though and I don't like the plain BA icon on the front of the model. Would prefer it to have more detailed feathers and a raised gem blood drop. I'll be doing this with Greenstuff. Much better than the rubbish fine cast one we currently have though.

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Not too impressed...but my, that Tactical squad is sexy!


I already have two priests, and they have jump-packs...so unless this is a dual kit with another build option, I'm probably out. As other's said, would make for a nice Mephiston, though. :D




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Hang on a sec, why is the Sang Priest wearing Dark Angels robes?? They are already moaning on the DA threads about how every other army gets their toys and dilutes their fluff (Loyalist legion traitors diluting their 'special history that no body knows about'). Ahh well, guess thats what you get for being Traitors

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Hang on a sec, why is the Sang Priest wearing Dark Angels robes?? They are already moaning on the DA threads about how every other army gets their toys and dilutes their fluff (Loyalist legion traitors diluting their 'special history that no body knows about'). Ahh well, guess thats what you get for being Traitors

I was thinking the same thing. I actually used DA robes to kitbash my priests, they totally stole my idea!

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I've got a couple of robed guys in my army. It's not a big deal. All marines sometimes cover their armor with robes or tabards or cloaks - the Dark Angels just have a fetish for it. If you look through all the kits - including Codex marines kits like Sternguard - you'll find some models with partial cloth coverage.

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I guess I'm one of the few who's wife is merely amused at my BA-mania.


Mine is actually helping me with painting my red toys to ease my anxiety.  I have the best wife in the world.


Mine is the one helping me pick all the new mobels she is going to bay me...(must all the ones that come out)

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Corbulo, lemartes, sanguinary guard and the death company are gone from GW site. Anticipation intensifies.










I mean....er....



ya, i guess...thats...."cool"

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It may just be the angle of the page in the picture, but that power sword looks a little...stubby. laugh.png

Corbulo, lemartes, sanguinary guard and the death company are gone from GW site. Anticipation intensifies.

Wait, Lemartes? Why would he be removed?
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It may just be the angle of the page in the picture, but that power sword looks a little...stubby. laugh.png

Many power swords are a bit stubby compared to their marine wielders. Frankly, Citadel's entire model catalogue can be described as "a little stubby." It's probably just the angle that makes this one look extraordinarily so.

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It may just be the angle of the page in the picture, but that power sword looks a little...stubby. laugh.png

Corbulo, lemartes, sanguinary guard and the death company are gone from GW site. Anticipation intensifies.

Wait, Lemartes? Why would he be removed?

It reminds me of a gladius with an ornate cross guard.

Don't know about Lemartes. They will probably put him back once the whole range returns.

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Corbulo, lemartes, sanguinary guard and the death company are gone from GW site. Anticipation intensifies.









I mean....er....



ya, i guess...thats...."cool"

This ^
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Here's the Tactical Squad. On the opposite page it says it comes with a Heavy Bolter. :D



I sure hope that 10 come in a box and not 5...

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Here's the Tactical Squad. On the opposite page it says it comes with a Heavy Bolter. :D


I sure hope that 10 come in a box and not 5...

there's more then 5 unique legs so there must be 10 models.
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