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The NEW "What will 2014 Bring?" thread


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The Honor Guard painting in the 5th Edition codex (with the priest holding up a chalice in the background) should have been the cover. Whoever drew the piece of censored.gif that ended up on the cover has no business inking or coloring anything.


Can't agree with this more. That painting is fantastic.

I really really like the new cover art, too. Can't wait!

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This has literally made my day.

Except the 32mm... I can see why but... Armies are going to look ridiculous with half and half bases. Tournaments are going to be a nightmare tongue.png Also peoples custom terrain might not fit any more sad.png

BUT, it is all made up for with that tactical kit and (hopefully) TDA Death Company. They fit my fluff and would finally give me a reason to buy some termies. If only Deathstorm came with them instead of silly vanilla terminators it'd be an instant buy for me.

On a slightly related note, does the deathstorm box come with just a paperback version of the seperate £15 hardback?

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The Terminator rumour doesn't ring true to me. I doubt they'd put the old ones in Deathstorm if they were about to release a BA Terminator squad, they'd be sabotaging their own launch.

Whoever drew the piece of censored.gif that ended up on the cover has no business inking or coloring anything.

Dave Gallagher has no business inking or colouring anything?

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Just throwing this out there mainly because I don't know/can't remember, but have there been any codices released recently where a new unit was added but the kit wasn't released until after the book dropped? I would have thought that if we're indeed getting Codex pre-orders this week, along with the release of the Tac box and Priest, wouldn't it be unusual to get get this dual Termi kit also, but after the book?

If there's no precedent before, does this make dual Termies more of an internet wish list than potential fact (not wanting to intentionally quash our enthusiasm of course)? They could do a WD rules release after I suppose, but would the unit still be in the book initially?

You might be right there, I remember from the SW release the codex came at the end!


What a party pooper!! Oh well happy with a codex! Everything else is a bonus!

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Just throwing this out there mainly because I don't know/can't remember, but have there been any codices released recently where a new unit was added but the kit wasn't released until after the book dropped? I would have thought that if we're indeed getting Codex pre-orders this week, along with the release of the Tac box and Priest, wouldn't it be unusual to get get this dual Termi kit also, but after the book?

If there's no precedent before, does this make dual Termies more of an internet wish list than potential fact (not wanting to intentionally quash our enthusiasm of course)? They could do a WD rules release after I suppose, but would the unit still be in the book initially?

You might be right there, I remember from the SW release the codex came at the end!

What a party pooper!! Oh well happy with a codex! Everything else is a bonus!

Sorry Jorre :( As much as I'd like it to be true, it doesn't sit well with what has gone before sadly, although I would be delighted if I'm wrong. Did the Ork codex drop mid-release or at the end (again, can't remember), as I know they received a number of new kits. Obviously Nids are the exception given the time between main release and the recent wave that filled in a lot of holes, but of course the dual Termies could come a lot further down the line (with WD rules)... and now I'm just sounding desperate :P

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The Terminator rumour doesn't ring true to me. I doubt they'd put the old ones in Deathstorm if they were about to release a BA Terminator squad, they'd be sabotaging their own launch.

Whoever drew the piece of censored.gif that ended up on the cover has no business inking or coloring anything.

Dave Gallagher has no business inking or colouring anything?

I wouldn't care if Da Vinci drew it. It's an abomination.

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To be honnest I only really paid attention during the space wolf release and have not kept a close eye on the others. Grey knights didn't get anything new and I think dark Eldar was a small release if anything.


If there is a precedence it is probably that their is very little we can predict about there current release habits.


There is still plenty of hope!

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Blood Angels are the only marine codex not to have there own terminator kit. I would not be surprised if they got one, because terminators are always going to sell well.


Blood Angels have Space Hulk :D


I just ordered five space hulk terminators to magnetize on 40mm bases and use as a Tactical Terminator Squad.  I also happen to have a squad of DV terminators awaiting assembly.  I might end up doing a good deal of conversions if the codex does open up a decent new Terminator option :)

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Blood Angels are the only marine codex not to have there own terminator kit. I would not be surprised if they got one, because terminators are always going to sell well.

Blood Angels have Space Hulk biggrin.png

I just ordered five space hulk terminators to magnetize on 40mm bases and use as a Tactical Terminator Squad. I also happen to have a squad of DV terminators awaiting assembly. I might end up doing a good deal of conversions if the codex does open up a decent new Terminator option smile.png

Space Hulk is quite a limited release item, though, plus they're snap-git so no options. A Blood Angel-specific termie kit is a possibility. I am lucky enough to have Space Hulk too so would prefer an assault marine kit. But we shall have to wait and see.

As for the release schedule, let's not try to look for patterns in Chaos msn-wink.gif

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I still have mixed feeling about pre-ordering the codex... what if the soft cover rumors are true? Maybe I should hold off for a while and only get a tac squad and data cards. 


Are you really going to be able to wait?

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I still have mixed feeling about pre-ordering the codex... what if the soft cover rumors are true? Maybe I should hold off for a while and only get a tac squad and data cards. 


I think the mini-codexes they released are probably it for cheaper alternatives. I don't think they'll do softcovers of codexes.

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The advent calendar is up and there's an icon for each day...9th is Flesh Tearers and 13th is BA.

As for SW release order, I think the codex came right before the last kit, but I can't remember. Can't rule out anything really, GW is trying to find what works best with every new release or so it seems. During the SW and ork releases there were lots of complains on the internets, iirc. Basically people wanted to see the stats before getting the models. Which makes sense smile.png...Maybe they're trying the opposite approach this time around?...Otherwise, it's a rather poor release new-kit-wise, almost as sad as GK. Was expecting something bigger for BA.

I know the tac box brings a lot of joy for BA and successors, but us DIYs, we want new units, not old units with blood drops everywhere ;)

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 Are you really going to be able to wait?



Probably not :P  It's either that or going for a digital copy from BL.


 I think the mini-codexes they released are probably it for cheaper alternatives. I don't think they'll do softcovers of codexes.



The mini-codexes in hardback was probably just left over stock from the 6th ed collection boxes. Considering the softcover of the end times I don't think it's impossible to see a codex release in this format as rumored. 

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The advent calendar is up and there's an icon for each day...9th is Flesh Tearers and 13th is BA.

As for SW release order, I think the codex came right before the last kit, but I can't remember. Can't rule out anything really, GW is trying to find what works best with every new release or so it seems. During the SW and ork releases there were lots of complains on the internets, iirc. Basically people wanted to see the stats before getting the models. Which makes sense smile.png...Maybe they're trying the opposite approach this time around?...Otherwise, it's a rather poor release new-kit-wise, almost as sad as GK. Was expecting something bigger for BA.

I know the tac box brings a lot of joy for BA and successors, but us DIYs, we want new units, not old units with blood drops everywhere msn-wink.gif

Advent calendar? Please elaborate!

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When you enter in the Black library webpage http://www.blacklibrary.com it's the first thing you see. Just click on the big image in the center and you get all the info. It's basically like last year, with data slates and short stories every day till the 25th. Don't know if last year it was a double thing. This year there's both a BL and a GW-digital release every day, so a short story and a dataslate. 

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A friend of mine just asked me to buy the death company stuff from the box set. I said yes.

I have 2 dreads, 10 death company, 5 terminators and a character coming my way. I think I made a huge mistake. My wallet thinks so. blink.png

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Canceled the pre-order for the codex (I've been hurt before! tongue.png)

I'm not getting it ahead of time anyway, so I'll just pick it up at the local hobby store on release day if it looks ok.

There is a pre order for the codex?

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Canceled the pre-order for the codex (I've been hurt before! tongue.png)

I'm not getting it ahead of time anyway, so I'll just pick it up at the local hobby store on release day if it looks ok.

Bad BA mod! Bad!! :P

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Canceled the pre-order for the codex (I've been hurt before! tongue.png)

I'm not getting it ahead of time anyway, so I'll just pick it up at the local hobby store on release day if it looks ok.

Bad BA mod! Bad!! :P

Just can't get the staff these days...

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