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The NEW "What will 2014 Bring?" thread


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Oh my...the Day Forgeworld releases the Sanguinius Model..

Sadly won't be until the Siege of Terra I imagine, depends when we get a focus in the books. Vol 6/7 perhaps? He's ones of the remaining third without rules; Guilliman, Lion, Jaghati, Leman Russ, Magnus and the Golden Angel himself - not to mention the probably Chaos Infused Horus and GOD DAMNED EMPEROR rules we will never hopefully see - and assuming timelines he will most likely be in the last wave with (to my knowledge) no major BA Heresy events until the defence of the Palace, which is of course at the end.

Saving the best for last though eh? happy.png

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OT reaaaaaaaal Quick: Next book is Calth. That means Guilliman will get covered. After that its SUPPOSED to be Prospero. So there goes Russ and Magnus. Then, you could theoretically get a Thramas Crusade / Signus Prime book type deal to cover the Dark and Blood Angels with the White Scars (sadly) being left for the Siege of Terra since, IIRC, Forgeworld have stated that the White Scars will be covered last.


On Topic: Why can't we get Contemptor DC/Furioso/Libby Dreads? :( 

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/facepalm yeah, forgot you could give a Contemptor 2 DCCW... GIVE THEM GRAVITON (not the same as 40k Grav) GUNS FOR ADDED HILARITY! Woo Dangerous and Difficult Terrain in the Blast Marker + Haywire!


..that might be 30k only though.

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/facepalm yeah, forgot you could give a Contemptor 2 DCCW... GIVE THEM GRAVITON (not the same as 40k Grav) GUNS FOR ADDED HILARITY! Woo Dangerous and Difficult Terrain in the Blast Marker + Haywire!


..that might be 30k only though.

It sounds to good to be true so that probably means that it's 30k only. I remember reading about how there was a superheavy from 30k that wasn't released for 40k because it had the gravyion rule.

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AFAIK, no Super-Heavy in 30k has Graviton.

Volkites however devil.gif

We have the Legion Glaive whose gun is a 45" long 1" wide Beam that hits EVERYTHING under it with S8 AP2 Deflagrate and Haywire. Also, if it hits another Superheavy, its D3 Hits instead.


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AFAIK, no Super-Heavy in 30k has Graviton.

Volkites however devil.gif

We have the Legion Glaive whose gun is a 45" long 1" wide Beam that hits EVERYTHING under it with S8 AP2 Deflagrate and Haywire. Also, if it hits another Superheavy, its D3 Hits instead.


I bought one, because it was awesome and all my local buddies said they'd let me use it as a Lord of War in 40k games.

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Let's enjoy the heavy flamers while they last...


I keep getting shifty eyes from the Codex Space Marine book and it keeps whispering to the Blood Ravens Chapter about stealing stuff.


*Looks at Storm Raven and old Blood Talons*


"Wait a second....SONHUVA-"

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Hot Damn +1 Attack in 6" for the Sanguinor?!? Just stick him in a 10 Strong DC Squad and watch it blend or, if you're up against a 2+ army, Sanguinary Guard.


He always had this, but he lacks the IC-status so it's pretty useless.

Though almost everything in the Codex is turning out to be awesome I don't think the Sanguinor is one of the good things.

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Is there any reason to take the death company dreadnought anymore? He's now competing with the furioso who seems to be much better for the points.

Well you can bring Cassor the damned (deathstorm dc dread) as a troop choice, that's reason enough for me. But for the elite slot one I'm not sure.

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DC dreads and furioso dreads fill very different roles. 


With DC dreads you get a massive amount of high S, low AP attacks. 6 without buffs. Furioso only excels with the frag cannon.

However, I'm not sure DC dreads are worth it anymore. The difference between WS4 and WS5 is significant for a single model unit that lives and dies on burst damage. 


The old DC dread was often my MVP, have to playtest them for a few games to see if they still rock.

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Finally received my Deathstorm box. Looks like it will be a long wait for the Codex. For some reasons, preorders seem to be posted at the day of release - anyone know what the point of that is? I would imagine they should be posted a couple of days earlier (hence the PREorder) so that the order would arrive at the time of release...

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DC dreads and furioso dreads fill very different roles. 


With DC dreads you get a massive amount of high S, low AP attacks. 6 without buffs. Furioso only excels with the frag cannon.

However, I'm not sure DC dreads are worth it anymore. The difference between WS4 and WS5 is significant for a single model unit that lives and dies on burst damage. 


The old DC dread was often my MVP, have to playtest them for a few games to see if they still rock.


My experience is different, the AV13 really makes up for loss of attacks, and now with Shredding S10 the difference in A numbers will be even less significant.  Being able to wade into a bunch of MEQ with no fear of Krak grenades makes the Furioso infinitely better in my mind..  With the old codex, I could see how the DC Dread could be very useful as a meatgrinder against orc/tau/eldar/guard blobs and the like; but with the new rules, I feel it's kind of out of place..

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