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The NEW "What will 2014 Bring?" thread


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Mephiston basically has to go in a pod full of DC. If you can ROLL up 5++ power then you're in the money.

Pre-game, we have to roll to determine our BA psyker powers like we do the other disciplines?!? Or do you mean successfully rolling them during the psychic phase?


Psychic powers are random, BA discipline is like any other, it has a table with 6 powers and a primaris.


And the FT formation (rumored to come in a WD, and it could be repeated in Exterminatus) doesn't have any HQ or LoW, I don't know if you can take that as your only force?

Well thats a sucky change. BA psykers used to be able to choose their psychic powers if taken from the the BA discipline. If this is now true, it's a real sucky change for librarians.


Not trying to be a condescending arse, really I'm not, but are you familiar with 7th edition?  It's just that this procedure for determining psychic powers is pretty fundamental to all armies now, and has been for half a year.



I'm very familiar with 7th edition. Our old codex allowed us to pick powers from our codex or roll from the other disciplines before our powers got wiped with the update in 7th. I hoped the new codex would let us do it again. I think having to roll our powers when they're coming from our codex sucks. Unless I am not entitled to an opinion, I'm not quite sure what the big deal is for having one.


Yeah, the May FAQ errata'd that ability and those powers away.  Since then, the Codex has been amended to allow us only (random) access to a set of BRB Psychic Powers.  It's only been 3/4 of a year, so word may not have gotten around.  This forum didn't discuss it very much, at all.  Certainly no wailing and gnashing of teeth over the loss of Mephistons set powers (specifically Wings).  The Loss of Divination is going to suck, but our new Blood Angel specific Psychic Powers look really good compared to other Codex Specific power sets.

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Thinking of converting up some gunslinging Vanguard vets as they sound 9000% badass. where is the best place to get massed grav pistols? I mean, i'll have one come saturday :P



Did they get any special rules that make them appealing for close combat, though?




Can multi assault without penalty.

Dang it. Basically made them unattractive to me. Bit of a letdown, though expected. GW had the chance to make them stand out again. Still, feeling a bit sad. :(






Thinking of converting up some gunslinging Vanguard vets as they sound 9000% badass. where is the best place to get massed grav pistols? I mean, i'll have one come saturday :P



Did they get any special rules that make them appealing for close combat, though?




"What's close combat? No really what is it?"

- 7th edition GW rulebook, p. 1034 clause 15, subsection 3A


To me, the only honourable style of combat. :P Nothing wrong with fire support, though. ;)





Haha agreement!

(Even though we are now more balanced than ever) ;)


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Thinking of converting up some gunslinging Vanguard vets as they sound 9000% badass. where is the best place to get massed grav pistols? I mean, i'll have one come saturday tongue.png

Did they get any special rules that make them appealing for close combat, though?


Can multi assault without penalty.

You'll mainly be counting on S/I 5 to do damage in combat, but anything that survives around 10 grav and 10 bolt shots deserves to beat you in combat tongue.png

To be fair, if you managed to shoot all of that into a unit, I'll be amazed if you're still close enough to reliably assault.

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Mephiston basically has to go in a pod full of DC. If you can ROLL up 5++ power then you're in the money.


Pre-game, we have to roll to determine our BA psyker powers like we do the other disciplines?!? Or do you mean successfully rolling them during the psychic phase?


Psychic powers are random, BA discipline is like any other, it has a table with 6 powers and a primaris.


And the FT formation (rumored to come in a WD, and it could be repeated in Exterminatus) doesn't have any HQ or LoW, I don't know if you can take that as your only force?

Well thats a sucky change. BA psykers used to be able to choose their psychic powers if taken from the the BA discipline. If this is now true, it's a real sucky change for librarians.


Not trying to be a condescending arse, really I'm not, but are you familiar with 7th edition?  It's just that this procedure for determining psychic powers is pretty fundamental to all armies now, and has been for half a year.



I'm very familiar with 7th edition. Our old codex allowed us to pick powers from our codex or roll from the other disciplines before our powers got wiped with the update in 7th. I hoped the new codex would let us do it again. I think having to roll our powers when they're coming from our codex sucks. Unless I am not entitled to an opinion, I'm not quite sure what the big deal is for having one.

Yeah, the May FAQ errata'd that ability and those powers away.  Since then, the Codex has been amended to allow us only (random) access to a set of BRB Psychic Powers.  It's only been 3/4 of a year, so word may not have gotten around.  This forum didn't discuss it very much, at all.  Certainly no wailing and gnashing of teeth over the loss of Mephistons set powers (specifically Wings).  The Loss of Divination is going to suck, but our new Blood Angel specific Psychic Powers look really good compared to other Codex Specific power sets.
Lol I know all that. Like I said before our "powers got wiped with the update in the 7th" we used to be able to choose them if they came from the BA discipline. I just thought that if we could choose from that discipline before we lost the powers, that it might be possible that once we got a new codex with new rules for our powers, we'd be able to choose from that discipline once we got them back. Didn't think it was such an insane thought. Lol
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It would be nice mephy, but until every codex gets that back we won't.

Please note it's so strange talking to you. It's like I'm talking to my model lol :D


confession: I am your model. It get very boring sitting around in the plastic case. It's much more fun surfing the web when you're not fielding me... :)
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I can't speak or read Spanish, but knowing a bit of French and Latin (and the order of the stats) I was able to piece together most of what's there. It looks like Lemartes has remained largely unchanged, being an upgrade to a Death Company squad and goes into beast mode when he loses a wound, although not quite as beastly. Looks like strength and attacks are each increased only by one rather than being boosted to 5 (so strength boost is the same, but attacks only +1 instead of +3). I see that Death Company just have rage now instead of Black Rage (so I guess they're scoring).


How much does Lemartes cost, though?


Astorath's axe now appears to cause a wound with no saves of any kind allowed if a six is rolled to wound, and it causes instant death if he's within a certain distance of an objective? If I have interpreted that correctly that's not bad at all.

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Astorath's axe now appears to cause a wound with no saves of any kind allowed if a six is rolled to wound, and it causes instant death if he's within a certain distance of an objective? If I have interpreted that correctly that's not bad at all.


 I am pretty sure that Astorath doesnt have a ballistic skill, because it looked like he had one less stat than everyone else in the pictures on that site. I am probably wrong, but he looks like he has on less stat.

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Twinner over on DakkaDakka says:

 Assault Squads
  • Still not Troop Choices
  • If Assault Squads remove their jump packs, they get a rhino, or drop pod for free!
  • No discount for Razorbacks for Assault marines, in fact it isn't even an option to take it as a transport, have to use a heavy slot to get a razorback for assault marines.
  • Squad can take 2 Special Weapons and a Combi Weapon, regardless of squad size of 5 or 10.

General Squad Options

  • Death company - 5 minimum, 15 maximum
  • No restriction on how many units of Death Company you can take.
  • Tactical Sergeants can dual wield pistols(?)
  • Devastators can take Flakk missiles for normal upgrade points
  • Honor Guard is basically Command Squads now, that can take jump packs and special weapons per model
  • Terminators get Land Raiders as Dedicated Transports
  • No terminator Command Squad
  • 8 Fast Attack Choices - Three are bikes, 1 speeder, Rhino, Razorback, Drop Pods, Assault Squad

Reconfirmed that there is no force manipulation at all in the codex  Vehicles and Weapons

  • Stormraven is Heavy Support
  • Drop Pods are fast attack choices
  • Baal Predators no longer Scout
  • Fast Vehicle upgrade for Vindicators or "Standard" Predators
  • Libby Dreadnought can take a Drop Pod as a Transport
  • Frag Cannon Str 6, Assault 2, Rending


Razorspam is dead, long live Razorspam?

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The Question I'm Asking myself is: Once I buy the Codex, 10 SG, 10-15 DC, Dante (not the guy who wrote the Divine Comedy), etc. Do I buy 3 Fire Raptors to fill all the Slots for 30k / 1 slot for 40k...?

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I can't speak or read Spanish, but knowing a bit of French and Latin (and the order of the stats) I was able to piece together most of what's there. It looks like Lemartes has remained largely unchanged, being an upgrade to a Death Company squad and goes into beast mode when he loses a wound, although not quite as beastly. Looks like strength and attacks are each increased only by one rather than being boosted to 5 (so strength boost is the same, but attacks only +1 instead of +3). I see that Death Company just have rage now instead of Black Rage (so I guess they're scoring).


How much does Lemartes cost, though?


Astorath's axe now appears to cause a wound with no saves of any kind allowed if a six is rolled to wound, and it causes instant death if he's within a certain distance of an objective? If I have interpreted that correctly that's not bad at all.


Lemmy is 130


Astorath seems pretty undercosted.

A vanilla captain is 150 with JP, Artificer,4++ and a relic blade. 

We get liturgies for only 5 points more

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So, translated from spanish:



He gets AA, plasma pistol, force sword, frag and krak grenades and spychich hood.

His Warlord trait is Guardian of the Souls. (Probably a new one, I wonder what it does...).

Special Rules: Independent character and furious charge. Spyker level 3, fleet, and they shall know no fear.

Hipnotic trance: In each combat turn in which he is engaged in a duel thrown a 2D6 dice. If the result is higher or equal to the enemies initiative Mephiston hits with a +2, doesnt matter what WS the enemy has, until the end of the round.

Mephiston has the spychic power Sanguine Blade/Sword. He can choose powers from Biomancy, Demonology, Piromanci, Sanguinary and Divination.

The Sanguine Blade/Sword power has a Warp Charge of 2. When its cast his sword has strength 10.


The Sanguinor: 

He gest AA, Carmine Glaive, frag/krak grenades, death mask, iron halo, jump pack.

His Warlord trait is Heroic Stampede (Im not sure thats what its actually called but sometimes the rule names change drastically from english to spanish).

Special Rules: Furious charge, courage, eternal warrior.

Avenging Angel: He repeats his failed hit and wound dices during challenges.

Aura of Fervor (agian, not sure thats what its actually called): All BA units within 6" of The Sanguinor gain +1 attack.


I hope this helps!


And Damn, they actually seem to have some good rules.

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Hot Damn +1 Attack in 6" for the Sanguinor?!? Just stick him in a 10 Strong DC Squad and watch it blend or, if you're up against a 2+ army, Sanguinary Guard.

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Why would you want to double up on it though?


Mostly because I want to run my assualt squads effectively. Also I feel with the Baal predator in the heavy support slot that I need more heavy support options so I can run some predators and vindicators in my list.

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