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Horus Heresy Weekender 2015 news: Book V Tempest


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It's a shame Guiliman will be next seeing as there are 3 from the last book to be done. I could have seen him being done before Corax, but I guess there decided the amount of Primarchs per book will decrease now the Primarch heavy conflicts are done for a while. Wonder if we will get Daemon Angron in Shadow Crusade.


Edit: lol looks like my Angron question was answered.

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OK, despite my disappointment at not seeing Dorn, I must admit that the Ultramarines are looking pretty sweet. That upgrade set is very nice and the artwork that has been shown is downright gorgeous. Also, the sneak peek that we've had of Guilliman looks promising. I mean, it's Simon Egan work that we're seeing here. How can it be bad? :)

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I really like the Guilliman sculpt so far, the armour looks ace and I the pose is good to. The more I've read about him throughout the series the more I'm coming to like him. I love the cold rage he develops towards Curze and that he's not an infallible paragon of good. An interesting character now with an ace miniature too.

I remember reading a while back that Forge World are working on the primarchs when they get an idea, not rushing and releasing anything sub standard. I don't want anyone rushed, the longer the wait the sweeter the end result. thumbsup.gif

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