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Thanks everybody! Here's a quick wip of the Leviathan, still a lot to do but I honestly love this model, its such a beast. The other marine is just to show the scale of it. I'm surprised how big it actually is....


Nicely done. Will you be adding some chips and scratches to the bolter, though? It looks oddly clean.

Thanks, I forgot to weather it before I uploaded it hahalaugh.png

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Thanks a lot everybody, I've already ran out of likes but I really appreciate the comments and likesbiggrin.png Still working on the Leviathan weapons I'll hopefully get it done sometime next week. In the meanwhile I managed to assemble the rest of the first tactical squad without arms of course haha


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So many Ultramarine collectors....





Let us crush the traitors beneath our superior tactics and numbers, so that 10000 years from now we'll be the poster boys for all Imperium military forces :-P



The Leviathan looks fantastic. He's huge!


Why FW!? Why didn't you make him a Super Heavy!?!?

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So many Ultramarine collectors....





Let us crush the traitors beneath our superior tactics and numbers, so that 10000 years from now we'll be the poster boys for all Imperium military forces :-P



The Leviathan looks fantastic. He's huge!


Why FW!? Why didn't you make him a Super Heavy!?!?

He is Heavy Support ;)

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Thanks guys!

From someone who is about to start my UM army after a lot of planning, do you intend to make your whole army's worth of tacticals using the Praetor or any upgrade lots? Or reserve them for Vets?

Yeah, I'm using a lot of Praetor armour for my tacticals with some other heads from some FW upgrade sets. For my veterans I will be using mostly invictarii sets for them. Looking forward to seeing your own Ultra's biggrin.png


but the internet explorer icon on your computer is borderline heresy...

Thanks man! Trust me its only there for some uni stuff otherwise it would have purged a long time ago haha laugh.png

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Do you have a current list youre building towards?

Don't really game as of yet so I'm just painting through what models I like so far but for the moment I'd like to complete two 10 man tactical squads, finish up my second predator, the Leviathan and a talon of contemptors biggrin.png

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Well thats certainly a good way to look at it! Im just in the thralls of planning out my Ultramarine force, and by that i mean "Stuff i want first". Check out my thread when it pops.


But 2 Tacticals and some Tanks are never a bad way to start really. And if you dont game alot then you really are free to do with it what you wish.

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Do you have a current list youre building towards?

Don't really game as of yet so I'm just painting through what models I like so far but for the moment I'd like to complete two 10 man tactical squads, finish up my second predator, the Leviathan and a talon of contemptors biggrin.png

Im still waiting for the ultramarines contemptor before i buy more from FW :( could be a while!

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