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Dantay's VI Legion. Hvarls Headtakers

Dantay VI

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Happy freakin' days!!


FW have finally put the Space Wolves transfer sheet up for pre-order.

FW, HH Space Wolves section, just risen from 10-12 things to 182.


More than the 15th who have 180 items


Everything is there including all the dread chassis, which you cannot use in 40K


The only thing missing is Russ and any specialist units.


Getting giddy, thinking that Inferno is coming sooner rather than later!!


Inferno: Looks like T-Sons are back on the menu!!




Thanks Red.


I re-did the lower leg grey and did some basic knot-work on it.


tried to do it in silver to make it look part way functional, but it jus disappears in the grey.

Black was barely better, so settled on gold.


Did the outline with gehenna's gold,will go back over with liberator gold and some iron breaker.

This should tone the gold down and maybe give a silvery edge which will look good.


If not maybe the sepia can rescue me again.


In work so no pictures... yet


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Think the knot work on the legs turned out okay.

The left leg has a step in it, not sure if it is a tiny bit of mould slip on the edge.


The bottom of the right leg is getting textured because of the bad priming job.

Maybe I'll attempt some weathering.


Click on the pics for a closer look.

Will get bigger pics up at some point. Any tips on picture sites?


Hammer is roughly done, need to tighten p the highlights with some runefang steel.


Considered doing some knot work on the lower arms and the shoulder plates or chest.


Might be too much though.

Maybe do some damage on the arms.


What do you think?

So, made a wee bit more progress on my siege breaker.


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Managed to get a start on the combi wolkite, painted the face to a halfway decent standard

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Got inspired by Betrayer to give tattoos a go!
Tried to do a Wolf
Did some battle damage

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And for some weird reason got inordinately happy over the hammers shiny red button :D

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Gonna just dump pics here, sorry for repeats.

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Need help though.. Does battle damage look okay? If so I will try some on the legs.
Also any design ideas for the chest and dangly thing?
Thanks for looking






As nobody has suggested an alternative to photobucket for picture sharing I shall persist with it for now.

Hate the damnable ads getting in the way & my bucket is almost full :(


Talking of persistence. My chopper home is delayed, so with nothing better to do I broke out the paints.and continued on with trying out battle damage.

Think I went a bit "In Extremis" in a few places.


I have never tried out battle bamage before. If it goes well, I may try updating a few others or go on to experiment with vehicles.


Reason for trying it is because with so many flat surfaces the temptation is to try and put runes or knots everywhere. If I do that he'll look more like a patchwork quilt than a Space Wolf, so damaging the armour adds some visual interest without going blingy




Done the lower leg, the plates on the thigh and the hands/forearms.




Looks a little blotchy, but I'll put that down to lighting






Is it okay, or a little in extremis?



Okay 2 questions.


Do I make both shields red, or black or leave them as-is?

Any ideas for design to go on the chest, knee & shields?


These 2 things will be my main hold-ups now I think...

So, I got home last night and started to unpack my stuff.


Started looking at what I have got half built and unpainted


Actually sat there for quite a while wondering where to even start.
















To be truthful, a lot of enthusiasm has been kicked out of me.

Feeling a bit like I cannot face the infantry for a while.


That and Betrayers stuff makes mine look plain and frumpy!! :p


Hoping it is not a phase of burn-out as I still have a bunch of stuff to work through




This is me having scrubbed down the Atrapos, the Leviathan talon, Corax and a vindicator laser destroyer.


I have a few options.


Try and plough through the infantry, even though I am not feeling it.


Do the Leviathan talon and vindi, for a change of scenery


Do the Knight Atrapos & Lancer for a change in colour schemes


Corax & Fire Raptor 2


Besides that maybe start a small traitor force to go with these guys






Thanks Pheidias, I think you are right




So got the desk all straightened out




A few bits need finishing off on the desk, but awaiting a bits drop




Just not feeling it with them, so rather work on them 

As you can see I have begun on the Knights





This will be the Lancer, pouncing forward ready to skewer an unwary opponent. Hopefully it will look suitably dynamic.


The Atrapos is still in a bit of a concept stage, but I have run a pin through the pelvis and knees so I can move the legs around and find a suitable pose.


In the past I have just glued the legs and found it does not work. Case in point is the Acheron which is why the rear leg is up on a platform.




Got 2 of these, but not sure if I will use them, after all do you often take the top off?


It would also mean halting the project to paint up the interior.




Should I do the interiors or just leave it and do the exterior, and not use the pilots?




Thanks for looking

As to the 2 drunk knights!!




Finally got all the pistons etc in place.


It took a good bit of force but I accidentally got the Lancer off the rock, which may help with priming etc.


I plan to get the knight pilot painted up, so I can get all the sub-assemblies done before going offshore.


The Atropos will look something like this when done




Still not sure how to pose the arms for this one.


And yes I took mt cookery blow torch to a spare armoured panel

(great for crisping up creme brulees!!)




And my wee side project?


Typhons baby cousin :D




Knights are fun but yhe pistons can make posing restrictive.


Ended up using brass rod on the Lancers leading leg for the piston on the innr thigh as it needed lengthening.


I have kinda lost the painting vibe & infantry are not doing it for me either.


Good thing I have a backlog of vehicles/ walkers to work through.


Plus construction needs to get done at home.


Will be quiet on the 30k front after Monday.

Taking my Grey Knight army on to the rig to paint up & hopefully sell off

Thanks Cry Wolf.. How are your Wolves coming along? Did you get your Prospero style base designs worked out?


Lion of Judah.. Thanks too, yeah, hopefully I will do the Grey Knights justice. It is a nice army and was the fledgeling part of an alliance with the Wolves for first battle of Armageddon idea, but never took off.


So last night I spent a bit of time with the missus and got some modelling done




Vindi is about done for sub-assemblies and ready for priming


Decided not to do the Atrapos interior, so am pushing on to get the sub assemblies finished for priming at the weekend


Lancer is stalled out as I will prime and do the Pilot  along with the rest.


So made a start on the Leviathans and have the weapons mostly done and bodies built, just need to do the lower body leg sub-assemblies and we are on our way.


Also found a Glaive in the garage that I had forgot about :D


Happy days indeed.


Going to watch some tutorials on weathering for ideas, as I have a ton of vehicles to work on and they cannot all look pristine!!

No disasters yet, but his is where I am at with the Atropos:




Trying to work out how to pose the arms.


Traditionally it is CCW on the right arm and gun to the left, but not sure if I should stick with this format.


Apologies for the dodgy pictures






Sword lowered as if made a killing strike and pointing the gun forward at a new foe








Gun down and pointing the CCW as if calling the next opponent out.




Thanks for looking.


Thanks Iron Bars, I am leaning that way too.

I did some pictures in daylight hours to make them a bit clearer












Oh and this:



Last one looks a little knock kneed, but I am hoping that with a bit of torso swing and arm movement, he will look a lot less static.


Of the other 2, 1 will be rocking the classic Captain Morgan pose, the other will be leaning a bit forward ready to crush something.. He is my "Hulk"





A bit of hairdryer to the hoses and it s on the bench to get a coat of matte varnish, then primer


In case you are wondering, even though I have scrubbed the resin, sometimes it does not remove all the release agent.

By sealing the model, you give the primer a much better chance of sticking to the model and giving your other coats a good foundation to build from.


This is especially true if you use cheaper primers. I have been told it is not required with GW primers as it has a chemical in it which will dissolve or allow the primer to adhere to the release agent


Went hillwalking with the wee boy up Bennachie.

Just a 500 metre ascent, but loads of fun



The summit has a Pictish/ Bronze age fort


This is the entrance... So much inspiration flowing


Lastly practising tattoos


Not 100% successful

Let me know what you think.

Thanks for looking

The projects come to a 99% halt mate, moved on to iron warriors until the prospero book comes out, don't want to make a load of truescales then have their setup invalidated!


I've got a leviathan posed and airbrushed and a fireraptor on the way for this "dead" project though so not entirely off haha


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