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++ Casual 30K Hobby Challenge - April ++


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Lion - he looks really good with that wash. I think something in the lighting was rather unforgiving in that first photo, he looks great now though!


Awesome work sup00sed - chain sword auto cannon is heroic! A lovely paint job as well though :)


Raktra - Gorgons don't fear chocolate coloured chaos warriors, or their cadbury's terrain!

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Going out for a WIP are ya bud?

Deathguard ahoy! Enter Siege breaker "The Mountain" Cristous, Allegiance: Fidelitas Maximus

betrayed to his death (presumed) upon Istvaan III:


This guy is actually made out of my old Polux conversion, so has all the height mods making him quite large.


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Lanky - that green is great, so smooth, but has the glow I like in a sallies green. Airbrush? I really need to build my contemptor soon!


DimDim - he is a champ. Pure and crisp death guard... I like it muchly!


Raktra - where are these army shots you promised us for the hall of victors thread. I want to see all of your red armed boys in one shot!

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So, the Contemptor is finished and the Apothecary got upgraded to "being painted". Now without further ado... Images! (The mainly green tint is just the light. He is still painted in the fashion of the ForgeWorld minis, just like the rest of my Iron Hands)


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The shellcasings are actually a bit from the Ork Boyz kit so I can sadly take no credit for it, only for successfully looting it. I have made shellcasings out of brass tubing earlier though. Should be doable with plastic tubing or rod though.

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The shellcasings are actually a bit from the Ork Boyz kit so I can sadly take no credit for it, only for successfully looting it. I have made shellcasings out of brass tubing earlier though. Should be doable with plastic tubing or rod though.

Looting a loota!

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Nearly there with the command squad.


Not sure where to put their bolters though and I'm undecided on the weapons.


I want something that could count as axe sword or both. I'm thinking of some sort of halberd, but haven't found the right blades yet.




Also need to finish the banner.

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Considering that the Contemptor is done, the Apothecary is drying and stuff coming up.. I'm increasing my pledge with a Forge Lord/ForgeFather/Techmarine/Gearhead (that is all the same mini really) to be painted, and a Sicaran and Dreadnought to be built. 

SPU: Looting a loota can be satisfying for sure!

**Drying as in painting completed of course!

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2015 04 11 20.28.46

Just to prove I'm working on these things msn-wink.gif Brought it with me on my vacation (wife's work conference) so I can get some work done. Got the Land Raider nearly done, will post what all I get done later tonight.

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