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++ Casual 30K Hobby Challenge - April ++


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Nevindar, that is a lovely contemptor.

DimDim, awesome Death Guard, how does he stand up to Poloux for height?

Here's my finished World Eater.


I don't mean to alarm you, brother, but his chainaxe appears to be missing some teeth....msn-wink.gif

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Almost done for the month. Just two Legion Praevians to go. IN which case I would like to increase my pledge to include an additional 10 daemonettes, and 10 plague bearers.







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So I have gotten some build progress done so far on vacation:
Got my first Deimos Predator Executioner built:

2015 04 13 16.11.30

Here's the Land Raider:

2015 04 13 16.09.52

And here's my Forge Lord on bike with Conversion Beamer:

2015 04 13 16.08.16

...to be fair, the beamer off the Executioner kit wound up a touch bigger than I'd expected, though it matched up well with the sidecar, just needing a side panel and a screen connecting the gunner's arms to the weapon. After I snapped the picture I realized some of the greenstuff work was a little rough and smoothed it out a bit more.
I'm almost done with the second Executioner, and then I'll bang through the three traditional Predators and my current vow will be finished!


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Basic, preliminary, intentionally under committed initial vow complete:





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OMG ohmy.png the horror a mouldlinebiggrin.png great looking empychild though

Yes - and in you look closely, more than one. I believe I must make that look more like battle wear before I spray seal the model. FW does have a knack of creating sculpts where to remove the line also strips off essential detail at the same time.

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And so my vow is done, and ready for painting in next month's challenge (as well as ETL!)
First, we have my second Deimos Pred (beside the second to prove that they both exist)

2015 04 14 19.11.34

And here are the three standard Predators

2015 04 14 18.51.40


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I did another Gorgon, just to disappoint you all after the last few good posts.







You disappoint NO ONE Raktra! 


P.S what legion numeral is your home-brew legion? Im with the family and cant check (breaking the rules to write this post lol)

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Excellent progress and my pledge nears completion. Here's a rough photo as proof:





The original 15 have their shoulder pads done. Chipping is also done. Just some weathering powders to be applied to the legs and some flock and scrub to be added to the bases!

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Lil update on my BA

2 fist


Will be working on the blacks this eve I hope... 


I love your blood angels so far Lion, especially this guy! My only criticism is the presence of the MK.7 helm on the sarge, as it kinda breaks the great appearance you had going for the heresy era.


On another note, I officially hate ordering via mail. ITS BEEN 18 CURSING DAYS SINCE MY ORDER SHIPPED, AND IS IT HERE YET? OF COURSE FRICKIN NOT.


AHH, much better to let that out. 


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Thats it for my portion of the challenge this month. Saving the rest for next month. As pledged. Another unit of daemonettes and a unit of plague bearers allies.





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My DG and tac marine are done, so I figured I would add anither marine down to stem the tide of anger (inspired by Lion!):

Blood Angel McMake whatever you can out of bits. Great name right? Right? No? Ok...



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