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Why do folks keep throwing my Respawn Beacon into the middle of the toughest group of enemies?


Edit - Reminds me of Scions. How fitting....

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Just make sure to destroy all AIs. They are soulless abominations in the eyes of the Omnissiah msn-wink.gif

Thing is... one of the enemies is Cyborgs... But I am pretending they are heretical ones. Other enemies are buggs and some strange alien race.

Sounds like my last birthday.

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I found a bunch of servo skulls in my huge bits box and other bits n pieces to either decorate bases with or add character to some models.


On a side note, anyone have any ideas on making the chest piece on the Kastelans removable? I mean the part that shows the data slots beneath. At first I thought since there was an open hole slot the armor that goes on it would have a prong that could slide in, and the friction of a primer coat would allow it to be removable. But looking at the sprues it looks like its either you glue it on or leave it off. Or magnetize it. But from the looks of the detailing using magnets would require butchering it in a way, so im kind of puzzled about this one. 

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I made the mistake of picking up 3 commissions this month or I'd be much further along with my Dark Mechanicus. I have been gradually building, even got to some last night. I still need to Chaosify though!


Man do I love those Ranger models!

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Today I am building my Imperial Knight Crusader that will be painted in the Vanguard scheme I have handled the rest of my force in.  I'm hesitant about painting it in parts as opposed to fully assembled but my understanding is there are a lot of areas you cannot reach otherwise, so I am biting the bullet and keeping it in pieces with the armor plating off.


Now if I can magically paint it by next when my final, for the moment, Ballistarii arrives in the mail with some Kastellans because I'm curious more than anything!  This may be the only time I've ever out painted my purchase rate, even when I was running demos, it's crazy to see all the completed work.

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I got into the hobby a little more than a week ago.  I purchased a lot of miniature kits for my first army.  I wanted to do Astra Militarum and I got a lot of stuff at first to do an Armor/Mech list, but then I found out about Skitarii and fell in love with the fluff and the models.  I have a great idea to combine the two and make the fluff of my regiment awesome, but I am still totally undecided on the color scheme for my guys.  I need to decide on a Skitarii Forge World that makes sense to be included in my fluff and then work from there.

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re doing the cloak on my Vanguard Alpha(prime) it was brown but now is black, the cog trim is very Wip so please ,no laughing til it's finished ...tongue.png


oh and there will be a White Eldar helmet on the base where its bare plastic msn-wink.gif

and this just now,

- Before... and 30mins later....(its like watching Paint dry ohmy.png )

med_gallery_9146_6928_602139.jpg med_gallery_9146_6928_374878.jpg

cheers Mithril

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Best option while waiting for Martian Ironearth to dry? So far I've used:

-Made dinner (grilled burgers)

-World of Warships


It's agony in real-time, I'll tell you that! wacko.png

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Best option while waiting for Martian Ironearth to dry?  So far I've used:


-Made dinner (grilled burgers)

-World of Warships



It's agony in real-time, I'll tell you that!  :wacko:

I find that just glaring at it intensely makes it dry faster.


Hopefully I'll get to build some Kastelans today.

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I've just picked up five Infiltrators and Ruststalkers and an Onager off eBay, and now all I have to do is wait for the Kataphrons to show up in store so I can put together my Elimination Maniple in the hope of having 1,500 points of Ad Mech ready for the day that the Codex drops.

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Best option while waiting for Martian Ironearth to dry? So far I've used:

-Made dinner (grilled burgers)

-World of Warships


It's agony in real-time, I'll tell you that! wacko.png

I find that just glaring at it intensely makes it dry faster.

Hopefully I'll get to build some Kastelans today.

Ah yes, using the Glare of Desiccation. A common ritual when working with Citadel paints biggrin.png

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I am about to seal the small bit of additional decal work on my 1st knight enabled by the glorious iconography of the direct-order skitarii decal sheet.

But my greatest achievement for the Omnissiah today was in the discovery of the location of the components of a Mechanicus Light Cruiser and with sufficient resources dedicated to it's recovery now await transportation of this revered relic for assembly at my Forgeworld. Now i pray that i have not over-extended resources so that i may still obtain the rarer printout of the sacred codex when it becomes available.

For the Glory of the Omnissiah! For the Glory of the Binharic Apostle St Hoagland who brought His word to New Ares!

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Today i'm finishing the highlighting and at the moment I'm literally watching paint dry. Put down some Agrellan Earth under and around the feet of my Knight. Once I finish the base i'll be putting the Knight together and put on the decals. yay

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Due to Papa Nurgle being very kind and blessing me with a nasty case of stomach flu, which I managed to (mostly) shake off within two days by fervorous application of Emperor and Zeal to the affected areas, I only managed to build one Onager with interchangeable weapons (Neutron and Icarus), with a second one being well on the way, and spend most of the time I was supposed to write guides playing Hearthstone and reading Goethe's Faust Part 1.

Now that I am in better shape, and filled to the brim with Emperor and Zeal, I can resume writing loads of stuff no one will ever read in the hope that there's people out there who find it useful :D

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