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Got my Orange coat on. Black, then red next. Then touch up the color bleed with Leadbelcher again. Then brass, etc.,etc.



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Today I finally for off my arse and finished the base. Now this is the very bottom layer you see. It will all be covered in plenty of grass and moss. This is just the rocks, roots and twigs as well as the broken tree. The tree was taken from the GW terrain set, base is custom and everything green is hand-made.

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Today I finally for off my arse and finished the base. Now this is the very bottom layer you see. It will all be covered in plenty of grass and moss. This is just the rocks, roots and twigs as well as the broken tree. The tree was taken from the GW terrain set, base is custom and everything green is hand-made.

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this kinda reminds me of an AT-ST with the legs and greenery ...Watch out for Ewoks on that base tongue.png


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Today I learnt how deadly a unit of Grav Destroyers can be.


Played a large Apocalypse game, I used a battle company of Ultramarines with support from a Knight, some Skittari, 6 Breachers and 6 Destroyers.


First turn the Breachers stripped away some hull points from a Brass Scorpion, whilst the Destroyers trundeld into range of a Wraithknight. Turn two one unit of 3 Destroyers took away 5 wounds from the Wraithknight, before it was finished off by the Knight's thermal cannon. My opponent wasn't best pleased.


The Destroyers then spent the rest of the game punishing Tyranid Gargantum and monstrous creatures and earning abit of a rep for themselves.


The Knight earned another kill marker by cutting the head from a Scythed Hierodule, before losing its last hull point from a hammer of wrath attack from a charging carnifex.



I'm going to enjoy having plenty of Destroyers as troops choices :P

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Assembled 3 out of 6 Kataphon battle servitors. I made 3 breachers with heavy arc rifle and hydraulic claws. Now the hydraulic claw might not be there all the time, but to be honest... my opponent won't see the difference between the arc claw and the hydraulic claw. 


Eager to try these Cult units. I am so looking forward to this weekends release. 

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Mine should be coming in this week. I may bump them up in my vow queue (still gotta get those in before next week!) just to have an excuse to work on them next! msn-wink.gif

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Brothers, I am so bad at painting. Man.


Also, the arms on my Skitarius with the transuranic arquebus ended up messed up, so I had to trim the base of the rifle stand to make it work. Now he looks like he's shooting at a Squat. I guess it won't look too bad if posed on high ground.


However, I've just started on the pressure suit. I'll do the second coat on that, tidy up the inner robe and metal parts, then figure out the next step. I'm not sure if I want to buy Brass Scorpion to detail the bronze parts on the armour and weapons, or just stick with one of the colours I have, like Hashut Copper.

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Just finished off this lot!


Rather different to everyone elses stuff, but unleash the bio-mechanical heresy of K'Thul 


robots 5


The Large ones are count-as Onagers, the smaller ones with guns are Ironstriders, the others are the dragoons :) had a lot of fun making these and my opponents have enjoyed seeing them on the table if a little freaked out by them hehe. more photos and info in my thread.

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Mostly went riding and ate yesterday.


Got red and black layers on.


Need to touch up Leadbelcher, then brass, flesh, blue glow, wash, base.



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Very nice progress Kilofix!


As for me, I will be priming my onager #1 tonight, and plan out some ideas for magnetizing the bases of my ad mech for transport. Furthermore, I will be making a decision on a question that has been plaguing me.

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Update: Sicarians assembled. The time for priming is at hand . . .

Heya Vel'Cona, Quick question...biggrin.png

Are the sicarians on 40mm bases ?? i ask cause i haven't got my infiltrators yet and i'm making up some scenic ruined 40k architecture bases for them and i instinctively started with some spare 40mm ones...i hope im right unsure.png


P.s did you finish the vanguard?..

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Hi Mithril,


Yes they are on 40mm bases. I cross checked the GW site to confirm


"This 117-component, multi-part plastic kit contains all the parts necessary to make either five Sicarian Ruststalkers (including one princeps), or five Sicarian Infiltrators, and comes with five 40mm bases."



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