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I've just completed the first Rakarth Flesh base coat on the interior of my Skitarii's robes.


Lesson learned: don't glue them to their bases before painting the inside of the robe. So hard.

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I have a better (in my opinion) method - I glue the legs to the base but don't glue the torso to the legs until I've finished the inside of the coat. Just be careful not to layer the paint too thickly around the hips and thighs or they might not fit properly.
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going to a double tournament today and an 1850 "GT" saturday and sunday at Nashcon. gonna bring the skitarii out and will let everybody know how they did :D gonna take lots of pics too :D

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going to a double tournament today and an 1850 "GT" saturday and sunday at Nashcon. gonna bring the skitarii out and will let everybody know how they did biggrin.png gonna take lots of pics too biggrin.png

ooo please do post a nice battle report. haha heck send me a PM so i don't miss it :P

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going to a double tournament today and an 1850 "GT" saturday and sunday at Nashcon. gonna bring the skitarii out and will let everybody know how they did biggrin.png gonna take lots of pics too biggrin.png

I second this! A tourny report would be solid enough, if you get the time. happy.png

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Put another layer of microsol on a makerplate decal on my knight to show that House Cydonia gets it's knights from Mars rather than nearby Forgeworld St Hoagland, and the beginning of a House Cydonia emblem on my Dragoon Aplha to show that he is a noble of House Cydonia who was made into Skitarii of Forgeworld St Hoagland after failing to mesh with a Throne Mechanicum.

I also ran a Deathwatch RPG game in which an NPC elderly Techpriest Enginseer did assist the Marines in their duty against the Tyranids following their orders with precision and making some truly remarkable piloting and shooting and repair rolls to all our astonishment.

More crucially I ordered the Limited Edition Codex Cult Mechanicus that it might sit beside my Limited Edition Skitarii Codex in my bookcase.

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Building 6 Kataphron today....


Edit - Finished building, priming, hope to get close to completion tomorrow....zzzzz....

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I've completed the tracks of all my Kataphrons but I'm going to take it slow on everything beyond that. Going over a test model has shown me that they're going to be a hell of a lot easier to paint if certain pieces are only added to the model at a later stage.

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first game with my skitarii against dark eldar in a 1000pt game, and yeah it was a nasty venom spam blasterborn list. sadly i lost in the end sad.png things ive learnt:

1. infiltrators are great! especially with taser goads and flechette blasters smile.png the amount of shots and hits they are can cause in shooting and melee is great, took out two trueborn units and urien rakarth in a combination of shooting and melee.

2. i need more feet on the ground, one unit of rangers and one of vanguard are not enough. my opinion of vanguard has changed, really like their guns.

3. Ballistari are good but fragile, i had a unit of three Im thinking of splitting them into a two units of two, maybe?

4. Dunecrawlers also good but fragile as well (got killed turn two by a lucky dark lance shot) trying to decide on most effective load-out, i like both the neutron laser and the eradication beamer.

5. Transuranic Arquebus, cool looking but too random for its cost.

overall an entertaining first game, i will enjoy learning how to get the most out of this force and having fun using it smile.png

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I have a better (in my opinion) method - I glue the legs to the base but don't glue the torso to the legs until I've finished the inside of the coat. Just be careful not to layer the paint too thickly around the hips and thighs or they might not fit properly.


Yup, same here. I stick the legs to the base and paint them (barring glue contact points) and stick the cloak together and paint the inside of that, then glue 'em together and paint the rest.

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Yeah, that's what I should have done. I'll know better for next time!

That's what i did,but i actually based and finished the whole lower part even before the upper torso was started...just left a spot of blu-tac on the waist to stop paint going where the glue contact point would be.



p.s. today im working on finishing my 5 man ranger squad for the ETL

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Oh man, got so much painting done today. Vanguard aren't as painful to detail as Rangers, but they're still a ton of work. Maybe I'm trying too hard to get all the details? unsure.png

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Yeah but if you work hard on the details in the end it'll be great. You'll post up the finished picture and we'll all go "Whoa" in our best Keanu Reeves voice and you'll go "I know right?" then we'd be like "Awesome!" and you'll be like "Like totally!".


It just works out in the end. :)

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Assembled my Kastelan Robots and data smith. 

Added Space Marine Centurion shoulder pads to the robots. It bulked them up a bit, which is fine with me, as they are bulky in general. The shoulders, in my opinion, were not really following the bulky feel. Thus I added the shoulder pads. 


Also, ready on the table is 5 rangers and 5 vanguards. All I need is a spray can so I can start painting. But that will have to wait until tomorrow. Then I'll be picking up some paint and Kataphron models. 

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