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Dang Kilofix is an unstoppable force of painting! I can't even imagine assembling a new unit the same day, let alone getting any paint on it. That's dedication, right there!

Glad you're feeling better, Immersturm! When I'm sick, the only thing I want to do is stare dejectedly at a computer screen. Forget painting! tongue.png

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I've assembled and undercoated my Skitarii. Five Rangers, including an Alpha, and five Vanguard. Just for modelling at this stage, not gaming.


I'm using the Alpha head without a hood, and also the two Vanguard heads without the helmets. I'll have to give some thought to the best way to do their skin - I don't love the look suggested in White Dwarf for the pilot of the Ironstrider/Dragoon. I want something a little paler.


Anyway, I'll be painting them in the colours of Forgeworld Agripinaa, as soon as payday rolls around this week and I can pick up the paints I'm missing.

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I can not believe it, but I managed to do Imperial Guard, Militarum Tempestus, Sisters of Battle and Space Marines in the IK guide today. The SM part was the killer, everything else seemed like a stroll in the park. I mean, try and find a viable way to play each Chapter Tactic with IK. Still, kinda pulled it off. Go me :D

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I got my first five Vanguard about 80% done yesterday and I'm hoping that I can get the painting finished tonight. After that it's just a question of how much of the remaining 15 Skitarii I can get started on before I get distracted by building my second Vanguard squad and Kastelans.

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I'm combing through my favorite bits stores for additional parts, and am working to complete the left arm by the end of the week. Hunting for bits is one of my favorite facets of the hobby. biggrin.png

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I have finally taken the plunge and thrown my lot in with the Ad Mech. Whilst all around me were buying resin, I splurged on plastic at the WW opening on Saturday. (Kind of silly, I know).

Today I started building a unit of Vanguard, whilst ogling the sprues of my Warden.

Expect an ETL vow of desert yellow-cloaked troops sneaking in under the deadline once I get my hands on the codex.

No idea what colour I want to paint the knight though... confused.gif

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Technically yesterday's efforts, but I'm now only a few washes away from finishing my first ETL vow and I undercoated most of the models for my second.

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Oh no, my Kastelans are coming in tonight. I was doing so well on my Vanguard, too! sleep.png

if it helps ...post them to me and i'll keep em and paint em up...always happy to help people out msn-wink.gif


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I like many others here have had the "Martin Ironearth falling off the base" Dilemma ...dry.png .

had to repaint the base where it was pulled off by the cracking,watered down PVA glue in recesses and recoating tonight, also painted the Onager legs in leadbelcher...

after looking at it i'm sorely tempted to go completely different to the standard and go Shiny metal tank with red and bone stripe....!?! wub.gif

And welcome Brother Handro thumbsup.gif

Kilofix = Machine!


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Working on my first 3 thallax

Trying to decide if to go with standard shiny black helmet or go with red as the models don't have any other red on them (cream, gold, silver colors so far)



@ marshall Egregorius


Very nice paintjob I would go with slightly different coloration on bases as cloaks and base blend in, this makes sense in real life but for little plastic men you may want a little more POP. Maybe a bit of details or decals on the robes would do it

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Well been off for a long time. 

Family stuff... 

Anyhow, last night I did the basic work on 5 rangers. Looking to do the same to 5 Vanguards tonight and perhaps finish the rangers. 

Once they are done, I have the Skitarii force done for the updated army list I intend to field. 

But I still need to complete 20 more skitarii, and 2 walkers for the ETL vow. 

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With Ryza I'm painting the Thallax's helmet (surrounding area) black with the visor itself silver.


WIP with two options


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