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..::Kurama Reviews the Horus Heresy Series and Products::..

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Shots fired!!!


Yeah they've been coming through slowly for the past 2 years as I had 2 sets which isn't uncommon but is extremely rare for bothering upper and lower jaw so I've got another 4 to remove now

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Legion MkIII Breacher Siege Squad; Build


Bloody breachers, what more can I say about them, static? monopose? Well yes they are but with a bit of ingenious bitz rummaging I found a way to make your shield wall stand out from the crowd, admittedly it's not always going to work but for the first 5 on the chopping block it's worked well for me.


so first up you should know by now what to do, if not I will say it again "rinse clean clip repeat"


pick out your bases and find a not too awkward pose for the feet.


attach the torsos but straighten them in line with the base to balance out their weight and posing.


then use the helms to draw in the line of sight for the model and how it's pose will be facing.


attach the siege shield arms first.


Followed by the MkIII Shoulder Pads and Breacher shield, this will help you line up your bolter arms.


finally add your bolter arms Shoulder Pads and bolters.


now I needed a sgt and I thought :cuss the traditional MkIII Upgrade Set let's see what I can do, so after some rummaging I came up with this guy, he's still legal with a bolter but just gives more of a Predator feel without being too wolf for the wolf god.

so the kit was simple enough to build but can be very sterile if your building 40 or so of these guys so slight alterations and conversion bitz should keep you going
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Legion Deimos Pattern Predator Infernus


The Deimos Pattern Predator Infernus, the blood angel supporter in me is squealing like a little boy looking at this kit, nothing says your :cussed like a rolling Armoured shell that contains highly explosive liquid Promethium, the Pyro maniac in me is awake now and I just want to light the match that watches the world burn!!! But unfortunately I can't do this with one Predator so I'll need to get another 2!


nicely packed as always and no missing components which is a plus!


The instructions as always


Deimos side plates


Predator turret collar plate.


Infernus cannon


The pure sexy bliss of the magna melta cannon


turret for the Predator


front plate and dozer blade




air intakes for the Predator turret


sponson guards mounts and housing.

And don't judge me but I forgot to photograph the heavy flamer sponson bitz, but have no fear because Kurama's reviews are here! And you'll get to see it up close and personal in the build review later today
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So let me know how your feeling and how you think I'm progressing with these kits, has it been helpful in your hobbying lately or has it given you more of an idea on what to expect etc? Just leave a comment and tell me how to improve after all this thread isn't for me its for you guys out there in the Internet and Augustus b'rass who's most likely kicking back in Gratchengordal west or somewhere in the spring weather enjoying life while I'm here in renmark on the murray river going ohh I'd love some epic apple pie but no all I get it is beer and parmis!



They're really helpful. I expect to put my first large FW order in around the end of the summer and your reviews have given me a really good sense of what to expect. Please, continue on! :tu:


The Breacher Sergeant looks really badass, by the way. I plan on ordering a full squad when I finally get round to it, and the way you've kitted him out looks awesome, definitely something to keep in mind for inspiration. Kinda surprising that they still come with the old style bolters, though. I guess that's just one more reason to buy the kit.

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Legion Deimos Pattern Predator Infernus; Build


so it's still an hour till I'm supposed to get ready for work, so I thought you know what while I'm on a role let's get another Review up, so continuing in good fashion here's Kurama's quick run through for the Predator Infernus.


We start like always with some resin and plastic components like so.


so once you've built your main hull to this point we can start adding the resin components, now remember if your not sure refer to other reviews and also those instructions you get
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Legion Deimos Pattern Vindicator Laser Destroyer


still waiting for my day to begin and blasting metal and hardcore from 1:30am is probably the best way to start your morning, so before I make a coffee shower etc I thought might as well get this bad boy up.


so once again new sexy package which makes me hold out that one day GW will stock resin on their shelves.


I literally only got these 2 sheets for instructions.... going to be an easy build


The main resin component which is the hull


exhausts and mine plough


blank side panels god I love how smooth they are


The Destroyer array shield plate


The laser destroyer assembly (I will be shooping da whoop when this bad boy fires it's Laser!)


and finally the hatches cooling vent pipe and twin linked bolter weapon.

so kit is small and compact but will be a breeze to build, great quality kit and I recommend picking one up if you already haven't
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Legion Deimos Pattern Vindicator Laser Destroyer; Build


Laser Destroyers, how they bring a tear to my eye. From their cabling to their chance of exploding and killing your own troops how it excels in dropping the enemy and making their hull points deplete, but enough rambling I guess you guys want me to post the build so I won't waste your time.


so here we go, I'll repeat myself for the.... let's say 15th? Time and tell you to clean your resin etc.


build your hull as always up to this point.


now note do not attach the headlights, I made that mistake and you will understand in the next picture why, now attach the side plates.


then we simply attach the resin cover and your literally in 1 step 90% complete.


attach the hatch bolter and cooling pipes like so


now we start building the laser destroyer array, so first up line up your barrels


attach the end of the array


then attach the cooling plates


next up we attach the shield and mine plough


We then add the exhaust pipes, finally all you do is add the Destroyer array and then...


your done! (Please note I forgot to add the track sections when the photos were taken, this has been rectified since and was a mistake on my part)

The tank is a beast and the thought of running 3 of them together is literally the most amazing thought I've had in the past.... 3 days!
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Must buy more tanks!


Bw, gonna have to drop out of the Kurama banner challenge. Not enough time.


Basic concept was to use various FW models to make the eye of Horus.


Thunderhawk for the downward arrow, tanks making the eye outline, Caestus for the top of the arrow above the eye. Fire Raptor and Storm Eagle making the tips of the eye :)

Then a B&C log th the left and a pic of Kurama to the right


Unfortunately I do not have the photoshop-fu to pull it off, nor the time to print cut out, glue down and then scan.

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Nah, don't extend it! Someone else is free to run with the idea. Them's the breaks


The next 3 weeks, I am going to be changing jobs and got a lot of decorating n fixing to do.


Plus a lot of behinds the scenes stuff for Wolves in the ETL.


If nobody does do it, I'll have a crack when I get the time.

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Well boys and girls etl is upon us and with such a momentous event on the horizon I thought I'd clear my head and take some time off after etl.


This means once the competition winners from the two events are done from the mini events I'm running I'll be putting away my hobby bitz and leaving my resin stockpile to gather dust.


My reasoning is two fold, I really want to focus on my Vostroyans and they will utilize more GW plastic kits like the baneblade Ogryns & sentinel models meaning I won't be reviewing them, and secondly I've been away from my misses now for nearly 5 months and I've spent every weekend working overtime or driving 600km round trips to see her & honestly I'm exhausted from it.


So until she relocates I'm going to try devide my time more evenly over the rest of the year. I also need to get my army ready for a game against Kizzdougs and after etl I'll have a fair chunk done and for those of you that know the geographic location of myself and kizzdougs will realise I'm going to be driving a 1200km round trip to see that son of a bitch ;)


This is by no way a resignation or a I quit moment this is giving a heads up to everyone to let them know my intentions.


I also will take some requests for reviews during this period, im currently sitting on a Xiphon and Deimos Vindicator request but will do my best to give the community what I can within reason. After all I'm pretty much starting to slow down mentally and only etl is keeping me motivated

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I've had a big catch up with this topic.

I loved seeing the Typhon construction and the MkIIB Landraider... Though the Landraider might be more trouble than it's worth. I'm considering one eventually as I want my Heresy force to look as authentic as possible, though I'm still using 40k Rhinos :-/


I also caught the message about your fiancé crashing a car, hope everything was well in the end!


Your hobby budget is literally 10x mine. I spend quite a bit, but this topic blog is testament to something on a different level!


Assault Ram is a flyer I'm actually looking to get eventually. Imo the only one worth considering from an actual game perspective, and can use it for a Termie transport :-D


Also, I agree with your outlook on the Vindicator Laser Destroyer. The kit is easy to put together, reasonably priced and very effective in the game. I get scared about facing them in game :-/

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So I have another forgeworld order arrived which means another influx of reviews, but due to the worse hangover I've had in years crippling me today I unfortunately will be putting them off for a bit.


(Spent all of last night and the early hours of this morning on the piss with the lads. Which in turn meant busting put moves smashing the drinks and getting all round wrecked... I have however got my mate luke on board to try his hand at 30k so I'll be setting that up for during etl)





Each of the lads are all my workers and this is the pre etl piss up so no more drinking till the AoD win this year



So more to come I'm still alive just very very very hungover

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So I have another forgeworld order arrived which means another influx of reviews, but due to the worse hangover I've had in years crippling me today I unfortunately will be putting them off for a bit.


(Spent all of last night and the early hours of this morning on the piss with the lads. Which in turn meant busting put moves smashing the drinks and getting all round wrecked... I have however got my mate luke on board to try his hand at 30k so I'll be setting that up for during etl)





Each of the lads are all my workers and this is the pre etl piss up so no more drinking till the AoD win this year



So more to come I'm still alive just very very very hungover

@Kurama - More power to you on the ETL front!


Off the grog for 3 Months! Strewth the mind boggles.

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Yep 3 months no booze should be a challenge to say the least, now I've got to put a call out if anyone has any valhallan minis they are looking at getting rid of send me a PM.


I've decided valhallan models will make for great conscripts for my militia and the vastroyans will be my grenadiers.


Speaking of which 6 days till I can start with my Imperial Militia updates

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Imperial Knight; Renegade


So once again I'm returning to my thread, but this time with something different. Now I know this game is based in the 4 41st millennium but we ignore that and we call it Imperial Knight; Questoris! So why did I pick this up? Well for $245 Aud I'm getting $340ish Aud value plus I can look now at expanding into a new Questoris Knight based army. Now this box is a self sufficient game with rules and crap for renegade knight houses and all that crap but I'm not buying it for that (if you want me to go into the rules I will in another post) so let's take a gander inside.


box art is pretty cool eye catching and gives an idea of what it contains


nice and neat good work GW


so two knights with only one Upgrade sprue for the fist and gattling cannon, some terrain which I'll stockpile for my next army board and a pathetic piece of piss transfer Sheet. I'm actually really :cussing annoyed that GW give you :cussing no options other than house tyranis and there's barely any individuality that can come from it, the least they could have done was put in 1 of the transfer sheets.

Lucky enough I'm set but a single Sheet of transfers would be appreciated compared to that piece of :cuss.


and the instruction booklet, rules, damage cards, so really the main worth this had for myself was the ability to now have 3 Questoris Knight titans allied to my militia. So with this kit I'll build a gallant and use only Mechanicum based Armour ain't no smooth plates for me! And I'm deciding between a Maegera or a paladin or a Warden.

So let me know what you'd like to see and drop a comment below, also the new Review logo competition will be finalized next Monday so if your keen on an original conversion of your loadout choice drop an entry and the best man will win.

P.s. sorry that it's short I'm just not really in the posting mindset so I'll ensure the next Review has more substance
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