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[HH1.0] 30k Ultramarines tactics


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Even AV14 with Tank Hunters is fishing for 6's with 20 BS5 missles, thats about 4-5 on a good day!


Hell, maybe more because if another unit shoots I get to reroll 1s... :D


But yeah, SUPER expensive... Though off set by the numbers and cheapness I can bring with Cults. Even a Primarch and Bodyguard will sweat from the Fulmentarus and Flyers will be threatened by volume of fire too.


RoW wise though I refuse to use Tacticals, they're so bloody crap and a pure point waste as an allied detachment.


Pride could work, just bringing another cheap squad of terms as troops...

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I think their price is too high in an already expensive Marine army, but you're right that in a force full of swathes of cheap infantry it could work.


Remember that they can only target a single unit per turn, and although they would likely destroy it, the retaliation against them will be severe.


In my experience you need multiple high powered threats to dilute enemy firepower. What else will you bring in your force that's comparable to the Fulmentarus?

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Well, no big list planned out yet but the UM allied detatchment will be just a HQ, Troops and Fulmentarus. I refuse to use Tacs, thought it may be a sad inevitability.... We'll see.


Cult list however will be some big blocks of T4 3+ 30" S4 shooting dudes with FNP, the same in Rhinos but S5 shorter ranged. Medusa Gun Carriages with the tank hunter shells too, S10 AP1 Armourbane!


Some MM Sentinels to Outflank.


Probably a Malcador or something for big guns.


Super Ogryns in a Goron Perhaps.


Suppose could always go full fun and get a Stormlord....

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Oh right, you're using the abhuman provenance. This tactic won't work then, sadly, because that means all space marines are distrusted allies to you. It's in the same spot as mechanicum becoming sworn brothers to certain provenances.
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Oh right, you're using the abhuman provenance. This tactic won't work then, sadly, because that means all space marines are distrusted allies to you. It's in the same spot as mechanicum becoming sworn brothers to certain provenances.




I thought this was the case but couldn't find the rule so dismissed it.


Turns out its in the initial bit of the list, NOT with the provinces. God Damn it D:


I'd use a different province but Squats need to be T4 - it's a shame because my other option would be just using Traitor Ultras in a Dark Compliance buuuuut a Marine has to be the warlord there. Suppose I can just keep them as AP3, but then it is a lot of cost for not nearly as much effectiveness as I was hoping!


Making a squad of Militia Missile Launchers, with a maximum on ten missiles at BS3 that aren't tank hunting, -1 cover or mobile isn't half as effective...



Edited by Charlo
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Fellow space romans, I have a question for you.


I'm looking to get that lovely new limited character model to use as a praetor with a paragon blade, but I'm having trouble finding a retinue for him that I like.


The Ultramarines rules don't really help close combat that much, and tartaros terminators seem to lack a good amount of power.


So is a terminator retinue doomed to being subpar compared to Suzies, or is there a way I can use tartaros to good effect in close combat? Maybe using command squad terminators instead?


Also, transport-wise I was thinking of using a storm eagle, is that a good idea or a terrible one?

Edited by IronDrake28
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The problem is, Tartaros' main advantage is that it can sweep.


What else sweeps? Suzies who get legatines that are balls to the wall AWESOME.


Sure Tartaros can bring a little shooting, but it's negligible compared to the wrath of Suzerains.

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Agreed, that's why cataphractii is my go to terminator suit for Ultras.


Regarding the storm eagle, it depends on what points level you're playing. At ~2000 and less, it's alot of eggs to put into one basket that won't be arriving until T2 (and that's far from a guarantee). Though Remus Ventanus + DCR (or even just Ventanus for that matter) will significantly increase that likelyhood.

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Tartaros Praetor naturally goes best with Invectarus Suzerains.


A whole unit of AP2 Close combat weapons that aren't unwieldy. Can also transport him and the squad (And a Chaplain or Primus Medicae) in a Landraider which saves points over a Spartan.


They can't engage vehicles or anything with AV, but you can cover that with the rest of the army.


Stormeagle is a poor idea imo, as you're looking at a turn 3 charge at the earliest, but potentially one at turn 5 is also an unpleasant possibility, unless the Skyshield landing pad is an option in 30k??

Edited by Ishagu
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Agreed with the Suzerains ! With the Ultramarines, everytime you want to take Tartaros for anti-infantry duty, Suzerains are an effective counterpart. The lesser invulnerable against shooting makes a negligible difference, so in both cases a transport is mandatory.


Cataphractii can be a decent option for footslogging, only if they're not the main source of high strength AP2 in the list. If they are, a transport is a mandatory palliative measure to ensure you'll be able to deal actual damage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tartaros Praetor naturally goes best with Invectarus Suzerains.

A whole unit of AP2 Close combat weapons that aren't unwieldy. Can also transport him and the squad (And a Chaplain or Primus Medicae) in a Landraider which saves points over a Spartan.

They can't engage vehicles or anything with AV, but you can cover that with the rest of the army.

Stormeagle is a poor idea imo, as you're looking at a turn 3 charge at the earliest, but potentially one at turn 5 is also an unpleasant possibility, unless the Skyshield landing pad is an option in 30k??

Why in the name of all things unholy would you give a Praetor Tartarus armor, unless you're desperate for a Tartaros command squad? Edited by Terminus
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Just keep his Artificer Armour and an Iron Halo. Bam 2+/4++ that can sweep and isn't bulky. Already better than Tartaros and its not like you needed Relentless on the Praetor since he doesn't have any Heavy Weapons to shoot.

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Tartaros Praetor naturally goes best with Invectarus Suzerains.

A whole unit of AP2 Close combat weapons that aren't unwieldy. Can also transport him and the squad (And a Chaplain or Primus Medicae) in a Landraider which saves points over a Spartan.

They can't engage vehicles or anything with AV, but you can cover that with the rest of the army.

Stormeagle is a poor idea imo, as you're looking at a turn 3 charge at the earliest, but potentially one at turn 5 is also an unpleasant possibility, unless the Skyshield landing pad is an option in 30k??

Why in the name of all things unholy would you give a Praetor Tartarus armor, unless you're desperate for a Tartaros command squad?

Because it looks cool? :-/

Maybe I want to fire a combi plasma and Charge? Lol

Edited by Ishagu
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I disagree with you there, particularly without helmets Tartaros armor looks super derp to me (see new Tribune model, for example).  But like Runefyre said, if you like the style it's not about the min-maxing.


Some things aren't about min-maxing, but about style. Personally I love the "mini contemptor" look of tartaros armour, so I'll run my Praetor in it for the heck of it.


But year aa+ih is definitely a better buy.


Well, you already have the artificer armor for free, so yeah.  That said, the new Tribune is a decent way to bring a Tartaros command squad.  He gets the master-crafted paragon blade, Iron Halo and digilasers most people want anyway, and costs the same as a similarly-equipped Artificer Praetor and 15 points less than a similarly-equipped Tartaros Praetor.  So you're only missing out on a combi-weapon or a second specialist weapon, which isn't the end of the world.

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Hello guys and gals, I was thinking about the Ultramarines as my main instead of night lords after reading Know no Fear and falling in love with the legion. So I was wondering gameplay wise how flexible are the boys in blue? Our they stuck to one build? How would a pride build work? I was looking for an army that was primarily fast and needs to be played aggressively. Can the ultras full that role?
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The Ultras are definitely not mono build, but they aren't geared as well for assault as the super focused World Eaters for example. They're also not as "in your face" as some SoH lists might be.


The Legion rules favour shooting, but the Invectarus Suzerains and Locutarus Storm squads are really good value melee units that perform well.


Can definitely make a list with either jump packs or bikes in mind. Interlocking Tactics would bolster the damage of biker units in shooting quite well. Just an example.


What kind of list did you have in mind?

Edited by Ishagu
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