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Dark Angels rumors. update: Codex leaks, pg 28

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Just a small update I read on faeit 212.

Which leads me to believe the new Codex will be released soon probably next weekend pre order along with the 3th book of the Caliban trilogy (which btw I'm already reading, got my hands on a really early released copy today )

Well post a picture of the cover why dont you?

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Why would you worry about that? Half of the C:SM formations are just very poor, nearly unusable, and some are so expensive you won't see them in under 2K.

Well answer is simple : because I don't play in a world of OP players that eat children for their breakfast? tongue.png

The SM formations are nice because they look like the army I currently enjoy playing and add them flavour and nice little bonuses.

I currently play a force whose backbone is 3 tactical squads, 2 assault squads and one devastator squad. => pretty similar to SM one huh? I'm not against gaining bonuses for that

Moreover they allow me to play unusual formations that I could add to my current force like :

The scout ones : perfect reason to paint LS storm with DA scheme and use Telion as count as Naaman

The tank ones : nice "ironwing" that will allow me to play a thundefire along with my DA half battle company.

So it's not on a competitive aspect I see the thing, just on a fun aspect. I don't want that those special detachment prevent me to play the funny lists I'm already planning to test.

Okay, sorry. I understand. But I do play in that world often. I always will play 'fun' games but I go against some stuff that is pretty disgusting... My last couple of 'experimental' Forgeworld Tau games included. lol

I would think anyone with your attitude will love what's coming out, because it will be new and fresh. It will just about be guaranteed to have flavour.

yes each formation is more restrictive but you geta bonus from each and a bonus from the detachment too...

so if you have a more flexible CAD you can use the units you want but you get just a single bonus army wide that usually is fitted toacertain kindof units that are the main ones of that army while the "decurion" gives you specific bonuses for each formation according to the kindof units the formation is made of and then a army wide bonus given by the decurion itself...

I like the idea of having both the decurion detachment and the possibility to use the good old CAD from the BRB...

However the Gladius detachment may seem restrictive but it grants you ObSec on all the units of the Demi-company not just the ones tha are troops... so your devastators can sit near and obj and control it and your assault marines can take an obj easily due tho the high speed...

It is restrictive. Let's say you take a Gladius, and you want to add... Terminators. Guess what? you gotta add 3-5 squads. You want Tigurius? Too bad, you gotta add 3-5 libbies.

The Assault squad and Devastator squad are fine to add to the ObSec, however you are literally giving up free choice for the rest of your army in exchange for that. Is it really worth it?

I'd rather have Belial just simply 'give' ObSec to my Termies. Which is why I REALLY hope he doesn't lose that, but looking at the C:SM I feel like it would be a similar design element to change his cool factors into a Formation template.

Like I said, I'd be very different about it if the Gladius was a Decurion in power. Or if the formations were anywhere near on the same radar as "Canoptek Harvest". Or the 'unlimited Wraithknight' formations.... It's just not there. I think Dark Angels are going to be just fine.

The only thing I don't want to see (but I can't see not happening) is taking mediocre vehicles and making them somewhat useful but forcing you to take 3. For example I was hoping for a "good" Vengeance Speeder (hence why I bought evrey in existence on Ebay!). But I don't want to have to take 3 to get it functional!

I think there's a lot to learn from this codex. Although it brought it 'up' to current style, I truly don't think you're going to see the codex changing the landscape as Necrons/Eldar have.

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I've just made a little bet recently. I've tried to guess what the DA formations would look like.

Here's what I bet (please note that those are NOT leaks but personnal guessing, note also that it is not what I would do but things that I thing GW would)

First I think we'll work like eldar ie : 3 basic formations 2 HQ and a few auxiliary formations


I hate you so much. I skipped the first part and thought those were leaks biggrin.png

And that's why Mods are keen for that sort of post to be kept out of rumours ones, speculationa and wishlisting causes confusion and off topic discusssions.

Don't be suprised if a DA Mod comes and does a little clean up when they get the chance ;)

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So it looks like preorders on the 20th for general release on the 27th.


Codex (normal and LE)





Also in the mix is that Unforgiven novel, and a hardback anthology of DA short stories: Lords of Caliban (not heard of in previous rumours).

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This is quite exciting indeed ! And here's to say I was about to convert my DA Terminators to Raven Guard Terminators, hope isn't lost tongue.png

Sounds like you had a minor brain aneurysm there!!

Why you'd ever consider anything but the 1st is beyond me tongue.png

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This is quite exciting indeed ! And here's to say I was about to convert my DA Terminators to Raven Guard Terminators, hope isn't lost tongue.png

Sounds like you had a minor brain aneurysm there!!

Why you'd ever consider anything but the 1st is beyond me tongue.png

I was lost, but I repent :p

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Can we use either this forum thread or this one: 



It is getting hard to keep up! 


The thread in News and Rumors originally had a lot of non-DA information. This one was started specifically for DA.

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in some of the tidbits is mentioned the following:

"Dark angels are known for their discipline (even guilliman respects says that) need proof? look at the overwatch fire of a battle demi-company!"

and "dark angels are known to attack hard and fast. expect the deathwing to assault on turn 2"


the upcomming WD has(sorry if it isnt 100% translated):

- at the dusk of a new age...
-...we are celebrating warhammer
- new mission: hunt The Fallen


no real leaks yet dear friends. expect them on the following tuesday/wednesday. when i got the book in my hands.

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So, battle demi company (similar to the Gladius) that is getting overwatch bonuses ?


I sincerely hope that pure Deathwing and pure Ravenwing armies will still be fieldable :/

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So, battle demi company (similar to the Gladius) that is getting overwatch bonuses ?


I sincerely hope that pure Deathwing and pure Ravenwing armies will still be fieldable :/

According to rumors the DA codex will have 3 different detachments and 6 formations...

So probably we will get a Battle company detachment (core is demy company like C:SM) plus DW and RW detachments that will have DW and RW formations as the core...

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Not to go all 'DA fan' on the rules tidbit, but a boost to overwatch doesn't really turn me on in an edition focused mostly on shooting. If you're getting assaulted it'll likely be by elite units which won't care much about a few extra bolt rounds.


Now with the negativity out of the way... woot! Definitely getting a LE release dex! Though the green doesn't seem right to me, too light.


And can anyone who has a LE dex enlighten us on what all those extras may be? From left to right you've got objective marker coins, then DA objectives, I'm guessing that larger pile beneath the DA objectives are just generic objectives, then psychic power cards (DA to get our own power?!), then what's the last thing? Some art or a reference book?


And thank you so much Sheol! Made my morning! I was supposed to be sleeping on the plane into work, but have no idea how I'll manage that now!

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Interesting. Codex cover looks ok. The outer box for the LE just looks cheap and tacky imho.


Yeah not too sure what to make of that overwatch and discipline reference. Unless, a demi company overwatches at full or greatly improved BS (?). We were always known as the 'shooty' army after all. If so that could be mint. Just speculation of course <_<.




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New codex is confirmed:


Limited edition contents:


6 objective markers/tokens

Maelstrom cards

Art book

A cardboard box to hold everything (done in a snotling green color.

A copy of the codex with a matching snotling green cover that says UNFORGIVEN across the bottom in gold letters, and then there is the chapter logo in gold on the box and codex.

A spell cards set for our new interromancy table


The cover of the standard codex is sgt Raphael of dark vengeance (seen inside the box)


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The cover of the standard codex is sgt Raphael of dark vengeance (seen inside the box)



So if the green book is the Codex, is the one with Raphael on it the art book?  I'm still on the fence as to whether I want to order the LE version, given the speed at which GW renders books obsolete.  And I'm not as fond of the antique style of binding as some.  But I do like all the goodies.  I'd be interested to know if the art book is all illustrations, or also photos of painted models.

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New codex is confirmed:


Limited edition contents:


6 objective markers/tokens

Maelstrom cards

Art book

A cardboard box to hold everything (done in a snotling green color.

A copy of the codex with a matching snotling green cover that says UNFORGIVEN across the bottom in gold letters, and then there is the chapter logo in gold on the box and codex.

A spell cards set for our new interromancy table


The cover of the standard codex is sgt Raphael of dark vengeance (seen inside the box)


ore than Raphael itself it's inspired to him...

the DA on the codex cover has a power sword while raphael has a chainsword, the cover DA is wearing a full robe and not a tabard and it has a hood while raphael has just a bare head...

to mee the DA on the codex cover seems a mix of raphael and a DA from the covets box...

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