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Tyrants of Olympia - Horus Heresy Iron Warriors

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Hi all,

For many years I've read and followed WIP threads always with the dream to do start my own, but it's just never happened. With the release of the awesome Horus Heresy models I felt now was the time to stop being the painting 'butterfly' and focus on one thing...my Heresy era Iron Warriors army. This log work in progress will hopefully keep me focused on the army I've decided to sink quite a bit of time (and money) into, and will hopefully give others out there inspiration/ideas that other threads I've read over the years have given me.

This won't be something that will be updated every couple of days, as work and home life occasionally get in the way of painting, but it'll hopefully get steady updates.

Questions, comments, criticism (within reason) are always welcome. smile.png

So, to the army...

Why Iron Warriors? For me, Iron Warriors have always been one the more interesting legions. Cold, calculating, and with a very slight Greek theme to them, which is reflected in the Greek tragedy way they fell during the Heresy. That said, they also only loosely based on real life history whereas too many of the other legions come across as a little too cliché. Finally, they have a great colour scheme, which, with the exception of the hazard stripes, is very simple to paint at a decent speed.

The army list.

This army isn't designed to win any tournaments and uses units that are both good (in game), fluffy and cool looking on the table. It's main opponents just will be Night Lord, Salamanders and Sons of Horus, but possibly Blood Angels and Word Bearers down the line. I've also decided to aim for 1,000 points to start with, building up to 1,500, then 2,000, and once Perturabo is on the scene, 3,000 points.


Forge Lord – Terminator armour, volkite charger, power axe, cortex controller


Tactical Squad – Artificer armour, power axe

Tactical Squad – Artificer armour, power axe


Contemptor-Mortiis Dreadnought – Two Kheres assault cannons

Heavy Support

Castellax Battle Automata Maniple – 2x Castellax, search lights

Sicaran Battle Tank – Sponson heavy bolters, shrapnel rounds

That's the first 994 points

Although not the very begiining, here is the start to this project...the Iron Warriors contemptor-mortiis dreadnought.


In order to contrast with the colour of the Iron Warriors armour, I decided on a slight red tinge to the basing. I'm still not sure whether to keep it bare or include some sort of static grass.





Thanks for the comments guys. Yeah, you're probably right about the base, it was just something I was a little conscious about for some reason. Like you say, grass probably wouldn't last too long around fighting legions msn-wink.gif

Here's the latest progress I've managed over the past week. Obviously they're not finished yet and the patches of yellow are where hazard stripes will eventually go. The armour still needs edge highlighting to make it 'pop' a little more then I'll start on the stripes, the seperate backpacks and guns.


@Olis - Thanks for the comment smile.png

@sockwithaticket - Cheers dude, I appreciate you noticing the added extra. After the basecoat and two washes there's the drybrush stage, then two shades of edge highlighting. It's easy to simply base and wash, but Forge World somehow deserves a bit of extra effort.

A bit of progress with the tactical squad this week. Stripes, weathering, and eyes done. Just back packs, seals and boltguns to do now.

Still a little unsure about how to do the right pad. Do I wait for Iron Warrior transfers or get annoyed free-handing symbols!? unsure.png


furstyferret - The Heresy era Iron Warriors are looking really cool :D 


I'd wait for the decals. Freehanding can go horribly, horribly wrong for a lot of people. 

Yes that should be out pretty soon.  Hopeful hear a bit more infomation on there release from the Forge World open day next Sunday.


Thanks for the comments guy smile.png

@Olis - Yeah, I've seen some horror stories in the past with free hand. Have you any experience with the Forge World decals? Using the old GW ones as a kid, they looked very flat.

@Skrall - thumbsup.gif

@Insane Psychopathy - Really? Have you heard something? I've been a little disappointed by the lack of Iron Warrior releases. I'm not at all a fan of the torsos or heads. They just seem a little basic compared to the other legions, and the decals, etched brass and characters have been bypassed in favour of the Smurfs.

@GrandMagnus - The three main recipes are below:

Silver Armour -

Base: Boltgun Metal

Wash: 50/50 Soft Tone/Dark Tone (Army Painter)

Drybrush: Leadbeltcher

Edge Highlight: Boltgun Metal

Spot Highlight: Mithril Silver

Gold Armour -

Base: Brass (Vallejo Model Colour)

Wash: Strong Tone

Wash: Seraphim Sepia

Highlight: Brass

Highlight: Brass + Runefang Steel

Metals -

Base: Gunmetal (Vallejo Game Colour)

Wash: Dark Tone

Drybrush: Iron Breaker

Highlight: Mithril Silver



@Insane Psychopathy - Really? Have you heard something? I've been a little disappointed by the lack of Iron Warrior releases. I'm not at all a fan of the torsos or heads. They just seem a little basic compared to the other legions, and the decals, etched brass and characters have been bypassed in favour of the Smurfs.



Just ask, have you not seen the Transfer already?  They where shown that the Warhammer World open day last month.  My guess is they will hopeful say the release date or even possible have them pre-release?  As the Forge World open day is next Sunday 5th July.  Bare in mind this is only my guess due to Forge World usely have pre-release or they talk about product they've shown that events.


But if you check out the Warhammer World open day topics in the rumour area or check out the Iron Warrior community topic which I had link in my sig/banner.


@Olis - Yeah, I've seen some horror stories in the past with free hand. Have you any experience with the Forge World decals? Using the old GW ones as a kid, they looked very flat.


I've seen FW sheets first hand but I haven't used them. With the sheets being A4 in size, there are a lot of decals on them.

Ah yes, finally found a picture of them half way down this link. They look pretty funk, although not sure if I'd ever use the hazard stripe transfers when painting them allows you to shade them.




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