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Forge World Open Day 2015 - news thread


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Corax, a supporting Raven Guard character, Alpha Legion kits, Alpharius/Omegon, Perturabo and a decent Sons of Horus character. That's what I'm hoping for, at least.


That or Prospero

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I'll read through the topic again just before I go and will try to ask as many questions as is humanly possible! laugh.png
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Does that include the weather? We're experiencing a heat wave right now.

Right now In Quebec, its either DISGUSTINGLY SUPER WARM WITH 100% HUMIDITY! or RAIN! ALL DAY! WOOO! (not like Texas whose had raid for the past 50+ Days straight :P)

That sounds like Florida. But we're having both. At the same time.


On a different subject, IIRC last time I believe there were rumors that the KSons rules were playtesting as either over or underpowered and were facing balance issues. I'm kind of hoping this time around we hear rumors that those issues have been fixed because you know, progression. :D

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Out here in the wastes of Chi it's been raining like Seattle :P


I really want the FW team to announce that they've secretly been buckling down and will have the first Prospero book out by November if not sooner. Failing that, another book that I'd be ok with is if they came up with rules and RoWs for all the missing legions (cough dark angels cough). But then I'd imagine it'd be out sooner because of less work.

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I'll read through the topic again just before I go and will try to ask as many questions as is humanly possible! laugh.png

You mean Trans humanly possible!

laugh.png Yes!

If you could, might you ask the team how they plan to top the Warlord titan?

Do you mean, are they planning on an Imperator for example? If so, I'm wondering that myself! laugh.png

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Battle of Terra, seven years time, Emperor and the Imperator. (and the second Sanguinius model). Calling it now.

I'll read through the topic again just before I go and will try to ask as many questions as is humanly possible! laugh.png

You mean Trans humanly possible!

If you could, might you ask the team how they plan to top the Warlord titan?

Chocolate icing and sprinkles, probably.

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Considering the increase in the speed of Forgeworld releases, versus how BL releases have slowed down due to the authors having to meet their other contracts, they would have to dramatically slow down to match the BL releases. But hey, who knows?
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All I want to know is, where the in the Olympian Hells is my damned Tyrant Siege Terminators?!?


Cough 'em up, Forgeworld. I know there around here somewhere....

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All I want to know is, where the in the Olympian Hells is my damned Tyrant Siege Terminators?!?


Cough 'em up, Forgeworld. I know there around here somewhere....

But they're right here! :P


I wish I was funny as I thought I was.

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If FW is dragging their feet on them, see if Subtle Discord would be interested in whipping up some launchers to go on Cat termies.

I'll certainly ask if they're on the cards any time soon smile.png

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I'm pretty sure I heard that they where having trouble with balance from prospero and that prospero is queued to be book 7! when it was meant to be book 4, the thousand sons and custodians better be perfect. I think book 6 is Calth underworld which would make more sense, they have already started the calth story line, it wouldn't make much sense to go and release a new book. Model wise I would love to see the raven guard actually get something, I'm beginning to feel sorry for them but I do want Dorn out, which I understand won't be happening.


In the mean time how about they actually release Thudd guns!!! I saw that model you had now give me it!!!


Not sure but I suspect book 8 (if they do manage to release sons as 7!) will be sigmus with the Blood angels and ka'bandha.

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Laurie on the First Expedition has said that there are 3 levels to the Imperial Army (Solar, Army, and Militia), since we've got lists for the Solar Auxilia and Militia, someone should ask if they plan on releasing a list for the Mid-Tier Army eventually. 

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Off topic a little but how do people think the remaining legions will be approached?


Fitting many conflicts and hence legions into one book or many single legion books.


E.g the blood angels, white scars and dark angels were no where near one another but would they be put into a single book to get models out the door.


Isstvan allowed them to do a bulk of the legions in a few books. If we go down to have 1 of the remaining legions per book (looking at you ultramarines) not including prospero we may be waiting a while.


Anyone have thoughts or better yet... Rumour and fact from the resin horses mouth.

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The rest will be brought out in the same was as Ultramarines, although they weren't at istvaan they still had their own conflicts. Blood angels fought in the sigmus system with daemons and will be put in a book with the 2 unique and powerful daemons, Ka'Bandha and kyriss which are both going to be at the very least a match for a primarch each at most huge LoW characters probably kicking in around the same points as a warhound.


Dark angels will be brought out with the traitor dark angels during the conflict at Caliban, and you will see pre-heresy cypher!!!


I personally have no idea about white scars as little is mentioned of them but they will be brought out, eventually, probably .... maybe.

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Off topic a little but how do people think the remaining legions will be approached?


Fitting many conflicts and hence legions into one book or many single legion books.


E.g the blood angels, white scars and dark angels were no where near one another but would they be put into a single book to get models out the door.


Isstvan allowed them to do a bulk of the legions in a few books. If we go down to have 1 of the remaining legions per book (looking at you ultramarines) not including prospero we may be waiting a while.


Anyone have thoughts or better yet... Rumour and fact from the resin horses mouth.


ff topic, but worth covering. Out of the remaining legions (5, Space Wolves, Thousand Sons, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, White Scars), there were originally planned to be covered in two books. Prospero, and what was initially labelled as 'Signus' which would have the Blood Angels going into th Signus Cluster to battle Daemons, and also the White Scars and Dark Angels bundled in at other campaign ponts (presumably Dark Angels against Night Lords in Thramas, and White Scars being held up by the Alpha Legion).

In recent events the 'Signus' book has sort of dropped off the radar, nobody has really mentioned it in terms of upcoming releases as their seemingly directed towards Prospero, Shadow Crusade (part II of Tempest) and now seemingly another 'Conquest'-esque book looking at the war from a more expanded viewpoint (as opposed to something conflict centric, such as Calth or Istvaan).


It would appear that they're gearing towards splitting books and Legion upgrade kits to try and appease those that are awaiting their Legions to appear, but I wouldn't think it would go as far as Legion specific untis and non-Primarch Characters (just my viewpoint).

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Upgrade kits are imo a good thing because it's one thing to have to redo an army with said kits rather than add in unique units at such a time the rules/units/characters for that Legion have been covered. As for the books themselves? Hell no. Get them out when they're supposed to be out. Do them the justice they deserve. Anyone who has read the bits and pieces on the other 13 Legions covered so far can't deny that there's a massive benefit in them being done in the same vein.


I hate being negative about it but all this constant banging on about "we want Legion X next" really has to stop. It's almost as if people forget that having a book covering that Legion isn't a guarantee of instant models/Primarchs etc, there's a significant wait involved. The Ultramarines are the exception that rule because they pretty much have Tempest to themselves. Can't remember the poster or the exact words but the whole "what's the excuse for no Prospero this time" thing, I mean really? How hard is it to understand that this isn't GW, this is FW. This isn't "bang out a hundred models a week to appease the masses now matter how :cuss and broken they are in the game". They'll be done. They'll be balanced. They'll look awesome and the background will be sensational because all of the Legions have been outstanding. Think they forget that the Raven Guard and Iron Warriors are crying out for some love having been skipped over for 2 books, just like the Raven Guard and Iron Warriors players forgot that the same thing happened to the Night Lords and Salamanders when they were demanding models straight on the back of Extermination's release, just like the original 4 Legions of betrayal still hadn't gotten much at the time Massacre was building up a head of steam.


Believe me, I sympathise with anyone who's currently waiting, I know how it feels and I share your pain, especially since Blood Angels and Thousand Sons really interest me for my next army. But please, for Throne's sake, stop making every single FW thread a staging area for why a certain Legion should be done next or get X releases or included in book Y just to get them out sooner.




Back on topic, something that would be really interesting to get the low down on would be the design process of the Legions left considering that there's some really really big hitters to come and there's obviously 25 or so years of background and snippets floating around and how they go about incorporating that into what they write. The Dark Angels especially given that they were the original Legiones Astartes and everything associated with that.


Something else that would be good to hear more of is the Shattered Legion list. How it works, what can be included and how it differs from the main Legion lists available.


And finally, once and for all, the answer to the question of Knights in a Legion list now that they have their own lists to abide by

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This may have been asked before - if so, please disregard.

If someone gets the opportunity, will they ask why forgeworld has changed its character series videos?

I really enjoyed the insights into the design process that they used to give and would like to see it return.


Thank you!

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This may have been asked before - if so, please disregard.

If someone gets the opportunity, will they ask why forgeworld has changed its character series videos?

I really enjoyed the insights into the design process that they used to give and would like to see it return.

Thank you!

Yes actually I'd like to know that too.

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