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Trying to keep up some momentum on this project, as well as posting in the thread here! Thanks to those putting likes on my posts and replying and such - the interaction helps keep me pushing on!


So, I've resumed work on my Storm Eagle that mostly looks like a Storm Raven, with eBay bits stuck on. I've also added some brass etch! Hoping to get this under-coated and base coated soon enough :)



Really starting to come together there man. Looking forward to seeing it all finished.


Thanks man! Hah, yeah me too. Project has been a long one. When I started I was the only member of my gaming group investing in 30k, now there are 4 of us, and a larger community we interact with in the area of 12 or so. That, coupled with having a bit more spare time than I've had in the last 12 months has really boosted my enthusiasm and productivity :) Cheers for checking in! 


Nice looking Storm Eagle!


How's Pepper?


Cheers dude! I really didnt fancy paying Forge World for the full model, given the horror stories about it. I figured this works nicely, and I also enjoy the fluff behind it that I've written. Its already known by its moniker 'The Iron Crow' in my gaming group. Pepper is good! She's happy as its been long enough since our house move that she can come and go through her new cat flap as she pleases :P


Nice conversion on the Storm Eagle/Raven.


Cheers! I'm really happy with it. Its just Storm Eagle enough to make it passable, I reckon ;)


More updates coming later today good people!!

Update, as promised! Got a bit more work in this weekend whilst skilfully procrastinating over an assignment for a management training course I attended a few weeks back... oops msn-wink.gif I'll just have to answer the various essay questions in the character of Ferrus Manus, I'm fairly sure his management style would be acceptable in the modern workplace, right...?!


So! My ultimate list calls for a few more tactical marines for a large squad to sit in my Storm Eagle. The final list needs less than some of the smaller lists in between, so I've built and under coated all the ones I wanted. Thrown in a couple of MkII marines for some variation as well smile.png Also pictured below, the (hopefully very fluffy) Iron Hands Praetor. He will eventually have a cyber familiar as well, but not just yet. His face already has base colours, as I did a few heads last time I had my airbrush out.


Next up - The Iron Crow got under coated, woop! I also built myself a MkIII pilot for her. The eagle (pun alert) eyed amongst you may spot that the arms are just the mk7 or 8 ones provided with the kit. Yeah I know. Lazy. He is currently just under coated grey as I have a different process for painting marines than I do with vehicles.


Finally, I built and under coated my Sicaran Venator, complete with popped open hatch, and magnetised legs for me to stick my Castrmen Orth model onto when he takes command of that tank. Note to self: Need to build generic marine top half to go on the other tank when he isn't commanding it...


Next part of the process will be dry brushing highlights onto the black of the two vehicles, before I give them some serious highlights. These models are bigger than the previous ones so I expect it will take a little longer. Also, my airbrush is now buggered so I will need a new one (seems that the .3mm nozzle is loose, and therefore causing air to come up into the paint cup, and prevent the paint from going where it should.) Yay for hobby! tongue.png

Until next time, faithful readers!

Happy Easter folks!


Just dropping in with a small update. Its been a busy family time over the last few days, and on top of that I am in the midst of writing an assignment for a management course I foolishly signed up for... regretting it now that the assignment writing is cutting into my hobby time..!!


Anyways! The additional marines and the Praetor have now been airbrushed their base colours and washed down to black, as you can see below;





The Venator also got some attention, although nothing more than a bit of a dry brushing to help me easily find the areas I want to highlight some more. Its looking pretty sexy though!




And finally as a small treat to myself I did a bit of work on my Praetor on a break from my assignment writing. Got a little carried away and ended up doing his face from start to finish...! See what you think folks :) 



WIP Praetor head.




Finished Praetor head, on WIP body.


Hoping to get a bit more done over the next few days, depending on assignment progress. We shall see. Until then, good people!

Continues to look good. I've got a group of Iron Hands on my painting table at the moment as well and I always like to see what other people are doing with them. You are going to have a very nice army if you keep at it with these guys!

Continues to look good. I've got a group of Iron Hands on my painting table at the moment as well and I always like to see what other people are doing with them. You are going to have a very nice army if you keep at it with these guys!


Cheers man! Yeah there really is nothing more inspiring from progress than other peoples progress :) Cheers - I am fairly confident in the techniques I want to use by this point in the project, so really its just a matter of actually getting it done! Wish I could find more time at the moment.

Very minimal hobby work going on over the last few days, as I focus on this assignment. Hand in date is the 4th, so not long to go now. That said, I have made some more progress on the Praetor. He is so very nearly done now - just needs a few more highlights here and there, some weathering, basing and his cape finishing and we are there. 


Not sure whether to put some OSL blue on his thunder hammer to tie him into the rest of the army... hmm.



Not sure whether to put some OSL blue on his thunder hammer to tie him into the rest of the army... hmm.



Very nice looking there altogether. I do think that some OSL or at the very least something brighter might help to add a lot to the mini.


What are you thinking for basing?

Very beautiful Praetor! I'd advocate on putting on some OSL. smile.png

Not sure whether to put some OSL blue on his thunder hammer to tie him into the rest of the army... hmm.

Very nice looking there altogether. I do think that some OSL or at the very least something brighter might help to add a lot to the mini.

What are you thinking for basing?

Hi guys, thanks for the input :) I'm really happy with him so far.

On the subject of OSL, I've come to the conclusion that I'm not gonna go with it. I cant find any examples of OSL on thunder hammers that really work for me personally, and it would set a precedent for them throughout the army - really don't want to put OSL on Ferrus lol. The other factor is that the face is my favourite thing about the model, and the human eye is naturally drawn to the lightest parts. Adding a bright OSL may well detract from the face, ultimately.

In order to make him stand out a little, I'm gonna go down the raised basing option. That way he will stand a good head and shoulders above most other models, and hopefully look like a total bad ass. More pics to follow next week :D

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey gang! Just checking in. Finally got a little hobby time again this weekend, spent a lot of it just tweaking my Praetor and scrubbing some resin for my tactical support squad and apothecaries later down the line! So, here we have some more pics of the WIP on the man himself.




Stage one, building up the base. I decided he ought to have some trophies on his base, and I had a mk3 backpack which had been accidentally run over by my computer chair some time ago, so I sawed it in half and planted it in the base.




Stage two, Agrellan Earth applied and some additional rocks. Plus a Sons of Horus helmet with a hole right through the eye piece and out of the back for effect. My most regular opponent is a Sons of Horus player, shockingly :P




Stage three, so nearly finished! Just got to paint the Sons of Horus parts and its a wrap. Painted the rocks, washed with agrax and highlighted with tyrant skull. Also needs weathering once all the painting is completed.


Hoping to get more done on the additional tactical marines, not to mention the Storm Eagle and the Venator in the coming weeks - so watch this space!!

  • 2 weeks later...

Hobby time has been pretty sparce in the last few weeks, but hey - I nailed that assignment I mentioned :D Phew! I do have some limited progress to report, mainly that the Praetor is now ostensibly finished. Maybe a tweak here and there, but no longer on the painting desk! And here he is: 


Praetor Gerron Silvanus of the Xth Legiones Astartes 'The Iron Hands'




Thats all for now folks, but I am hoping to get some more hobby time in the next few weeks so we shall see what happens then!

Looks great! I love the wash you are using on the metal bits, it really makes them stand out from the usual iron hands stuff


Thanks! Yeah, one of the things that left me a little cold on the Iron Hands paint scheme was the silver bits, I just felt they looked too cold and unfinished. Agrax to the rescue! Along with the flash of red on the weapons, I like to think they stand out from the crowd a little without deviating so much as to look non-iron hands.


Great stuff!


Thanks very much :) Glad you liked them!

  • 1 month later...

Hey gang! Another long delay without updates, but not without progress I can assure you! I had a whole week off work and got a good few days worth of hobby in on both my Iron Hands and my other 30k project - Night Lords. Without further ado, progress on the Iron Tenth:


The first thing on my agenda for the week was to get EVERYTHING built for the 3,000 points so that I can at least put them into some test games and have the proper models to represent them. That meant an 8 man plasma squad, 2 apothecaries, a Spartan and at least the base / body of Ferrus Manus.



Spartan under construction. I really recommend the use of nice big elastic bands to get a solid bond on these models - they are huge and heavy! Oh, and lots and lots of dry fitting!




Plasma team and two apothecaries. Oddly the Apothecary is the only Mark IV model in the entire force. I probably could have tried to convert up a mkIII version, but it was just too damn convenient just to field him as is. Nevermind!




Once I'd done that, and put Ferrus Manus's body onto his base I was able to take this photograph. The first time the entire force has been assembled together in the flesh (Resin?).




I even had time to knock together a tank commander to be magnetised into my 'Orth' characters previous spot in the Predator. I really went to town with my left over bits for this guy and gave him a power fist as well as an archaeotech pistol. Rather handily, he can also magnetise onto Orth's legs... so you never know, he may get to use those items one day!




Later I got the Spartan undercoated. So smooth!! Beautiful model. I have also magnetised the sponsons incase of battle damage, and to avoid *actual* damage during transportation.




Apothercaries have been base coated white, although they mostly look grey here... Gonna give oil washes a try with these guys as its a technique I've been keen to try for a while!




I also knocked up a batch of bare heads to finish the project. I probably only need two, but hey - I'll have a choice at least! :)



And the final bit of work for this week was to get the plasma team base coated, and washed down which I achieved as pictured.


So left on the painting list:


1 Storm Eagle

1 Spartan

1 Venator

2 Apothecaries

5 Gorgon Terminators

8 Bolter Marines

8 Plasma Marines


And Ferrus Manus himself!


Easy, right?!

  • 8 months later...

Well, its been ages again! Not that I havent been active in the hobby during that time! I painted a 1000 point force of Iron Warriors, bought a friends White Scars army, painted a Blood Bowl team and played many many games of 30k besides!


Truth be told I've been tinkering with the Iron Hands list again. My local meta is ever shifting...! Anyways, heres some update-y goodness for you all!

First off, I had to reorganise my 1000 point list for a friend to borrow my army at the Horus Heresy Doubles event at Warhammer World! Only one Heavy Support choice complicated things, but with only 1 troop being the compulsory slot we decided he would run a Praevian as the HQ with a couple of Castellax, which he painted up in my scheme!



Also, ahead of the tournament I wanted to add some mud and general weathering to the tanks so that they felt a bit more 'up-to-standard', and add pintle mounted multi-meltas to the Rhinos which resulted in the following;








With the tournament out of the way, it was time to turn my attention to the next 1000 points of Iron Hands! I've decided to focus on my Gorgon Terminators, a Phobos Land Raider, A 7 man plasma support team with a rhino, and a Sicaran Venator. State of these items as of a week ago below;




First up the painting block - the plasma squad!!








One unit down, a lot more to go! Really pleased with how the OSL on the plasma guns came out on these guys - I decided to give dry brushing it a go as I always seem to suffer a bit with spitting when airbrushing white. 


Hope you all enjoyed this update - expect more soon, as 2017 is my year of completing projects and the Iron Hands are first on my list :)


Stay tuned!!

Amazing work mate. I've been pondering whether to start an iron hands or a sons of medusa force for a while now and your black has been what I've been looking for. What grey are you using, if you don't mind me asking?

Awesome legion, it's very inspiring to see almost 3000 points painted. I'm struggling with just getting 500 points done ermm.gif

Ta very much! Yeah, its funny - I struggled to get started at first with it myself. Best thing to do - find a local event you want to go to, buy the ticket. Its funny how quickly you get stuff done when you have an actual deadline :D

Amazing work mate. I've been pondering whether to start an iron hands or a sons of medusa force for a while now and your black has been what I've been looking for. What grey are you using, if you don't mind me asking?

Thank you very much indeed! Glad you like it :) So, this 'black' is Vellejo Model Air 'USAF Dark Grey' washed down with 2-3 coats of Nuln Oil, with Dawnstone edge highlights. Black is undoubtedly one of the worst colours to paint because it is so extreme. You can't make the recesses 'darker' if the whole model is actually black, so a dark dark grey is definitely the best approach :)

Hi folks, another update for you! And it didn't take six months this time - wow! (In fact, surely its a record for me - 6 days!


So, as you may recall the Gorgon Terminator squad were next up on the painting block. A particular bugbear of mine, this unit. My girlfriend got them for me as a birthday present a year and a half ago, so having not painted them is embarrassing enough as it is. The other key issue is that whenever I have used them they have been a body guard for Ferrus - which is great, but they always ended up getting smooshed in one round of combat by Justaerin. So I converted them to have power fists. Since then, they've done a bit better so I am glad to finally get some paint on them!




So very much metal detailing on these models, they really were a bit of a slog to paint. Once the first couple of them started to come together I was happy with the results and that pushed me through to the end.




I love painting heads these days. The Gorgon terminator sergeants head actually ended up on my HQ character so I need another, suitably bionic head for him. I like this one. Stoic, yet ever so slightly miffed at the situation he seems to have found himself in... whatever that may be! 




The sergeant was completed first, the way his head is cocked makes me think he is eye up his own thunder hammer in a "Im going to smash someones face in with this." kind of look. 




And later that day, the whole squad were finished - hurrah!! Pleased to have gotten these guys completed, and then show my girlfriend what her money had bought... all that time ago. Hah.


So with the Gorgon's completed, its time to turn my attention to transports for both them and the plasma support squad I posted last time. I'll be starting with the Rhino and then moving onto a nice chunky Phobos Land Raider. Exciting times ahead, as we close in on the 2,000 point mark!


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