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While we await Blunt's answer (what time is it over there?), I have one more administrative matter. Right now Alpha Phase is comprised of the initial two general chapters and six legion chapters. So, eight chapters, altogether. Right now, three of them are done, both general chapters and the Grave Stalkers. Given Athrawes' absence and Squig's difficulties, what do people think about starting Book 2 Alpha Phase, if we can get two more legions done? That would put us at 5 out of the 8 required chapters.

About 7am. Oh, the things I wake up to.


Much as it pains me, I don't feel up to putting a Legion together. I will gladly help whoever takes on the challenge with writing stuff, but I don't think I'm the right person to build it.

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Bluntblade has withdrawn.


Kelborn, kneel.




Kelborn of Bolter and Chainsword, as Project Leader and Master of the Brotherhood of the Lost, I now appoint you as a Legionnaire. As the Emperor gifted each Primarch with a Legion, so too do I institute you as Master of the XXth Legion. You are to create its own thread and begin pursuing its development immediately. 


Now, arise, Kelborn, Master of the XXth.


To my other Brothers, I want to make it clear that this does not reflect poorly on any of you. Many interesting Legion ideas were presented and weighed. 


Hold onto them!


For, though we have a mere eighteen Legions to work with during the Insurrection, come the Scouring, we will have dozens of Cohorts for each of us to pour our creative souls into.

I gladly look forward to reading these ideas take a new form on that day.


Until then, work will continue apace on the Insurrection on Book 1 and potentially Book 2 in the very near future.


Ad astra!

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I, Kelborn, vow to deliver the tales and deeds of the XXth Legiones Astartes. I will not rest until their story has been told and their fate uncovered.


May my brothers guide me through the dark times.


Praised be the Emperor!


Log live the Brotherhood!









*jumps around and screams like a little girl*

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That was a lot sooner than expected. 


That's adding Raktra & Blunt, which means we are up to 8 out of 16, a full 50% of the group.


I, too, will vote yay, pushing us into the majority. 


EDIT: Whoops, was getting a little ahead of myself. Alright, we need two, just two legions to cross the finish line to open up Corruption. The Iron Bears are obviously the closest, and that's where I'll devote most of my efforts. 


I'm not sure who runner-up is: the Godslayers or the Scions. If anyone can figure out what's up with Squig or give him a boost, by all means. As soon as the Bears are done, I'll focus on the Scions if the Godslayers are still in stasis. 


I'll send another PM tomorrow to Athrawes to see if he has a little more free time. 


Hesh, how are the Drowned?

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Hey guys, can I have an opinion on this section about the Dominion/empire of Mycenae?


Organization of the Dominion

Sometimes referred to as the empire of Mycenae, the Dominion is the a mini empire carved out by Hectarion and his Crimson Lions during the Great Crusade. Located in the galactic north west, the Dominion's northern border is often defined as the space anomoly called the "Eye of Terror", for the northernmost of the Dominion's tiarniaid's(that of Cadia) only extends a small distance northwards and is largely centred upon the worlds surrounding Cadia. Any further north than this and the Dominion would have come dangerously close to Mexicatii and so Hectarion agreed that most worlds past this point would be part of the Imperium as a whole rather than the Dominion as a concession to Alexos Travier.


Within the Dominion itself, the administrative capital is not, as one might expect, Mycenae. Instead, seeing that Mycenae was feral world ill suited to becoming the administrative centre of an empire, Hectarion chose to locate the main administration of his empire upon the world of Konossia. A world of gleaming marble cities, it's on Konossia that all the central administration of Mycenae takes place. Spreading out from Konossia and Mycenae, the Dominion's twin capitals, the Dominion spans nearly 300 worlds directly under its control. These are then organized into Tiarniaid's which are given to a member of the Crimson Lions legion to administer as a Tiarnos. To be made a Tiarnos is a great honour but one that goes with great duty for a Tiarnos is expected to be an administrator, warlord and judge all in one. Beneath the Tiarnii are the stewards appointed by the Tiarnii to administer individual planets.


Alongside the Tiarnii and almost as important are the rulers of the Dominion's vassal states. While few and far between, these states opinions bear equal weight to those of the Tiarnii upon Hectarion's council in matters to do with administration of the Dominion, whether it be taxes or the resolution of internal disputes. While there are perhaps two dozen vassals states who's realms consist of only a world or two, there are only four who's realms are large enough to take note of, the Punik trading lords, the Forge Fathers of the Blood Stars, the Hanseatik merchant league and kingdom of the Tewtonik Order. Each of these vassal states controls a dozen worlds or more and is allowed self rule, not being part of any Tiarniaid and being allowed an envoy upon Hectarion's council.


This council consists of each of the Tiarnii or an envoy to represent them as well as either the leader of or an envoy from each of the Dominion's vassal states, the Lord Commander of the Arpine Auxilia and a representative of the Mechanicum in the Dominion, as well as envoy to represent all of the Knightly Houses of the Dominion, the Lord Steward of the Dominion and a representative from the Adeptus Astra Telepathica. While this Council has no official powers, it acts as an advisory body to Hectarion.

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I'm not sure who runner-up is: the Godslayers or the Scions. If anyone can figure out what's up with Squig or give him a boost, by all means. As soon as the Bears are done, I'll focus on the Scions if the Godslayers are still in stasis. 


Don't worry, I've just been caught up with real life and the ETL, and have been procrastinating around the Organisation section  I'm writing it as we speak, so it'll be done tonight.


EDIT:  Oh, and yay to book 2

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Explanation por favor?

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Kudos for using a great swear word :tu: :lol:


I'm a bit apprehensive for the upcoming season...

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sim, should we start a book 2 Alpha thread to discuss the events of that book?


I almost did, but we really should wait until the next two Legions actually cross the finish line.



Sanguinius! Good to see you! ...oh crap, you weren't quietly lurking around like I thought you were.

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