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What do you need of us?


In all honesty, I still have several deep reservations about the Void Stalkers. Although I approve of the switch to African-based, the emphasis doesn't seem to be on a martial tradition, but a spiritual one. The ancestor worship is pushing it, but the emphasis on rituals runs into a less intense version of the problems plaguing the Catholic Legion. Why would the Emperor allow this Legion to stand?


And, the Anti-Chaos idea really should remain sole purview of Icarion and the Lightning Bearers until the Insurrection starts. 



Skal...I'm not sure what you're trying to say in your post. Were you trying to meld the Ash Walkers and the Black Guard?

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Skal...I'm not sure what you're trying to say in your post. Were you trying to meld the Ash Walkers and the Black Guard?

I… I believe that's what I did, not noticing Sigi had been disqualified while I was writing, nor seeing how rude it was. Answered your questions in an edit of my last post.

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Skal...I'm not sure what you're trying to say in your post. Were you trying to meld the Ash Walkers and the Black Guard?

I… I believe that's what I did, not noticing Sigi had been disqualified while I was writing, nor seeing how rude it was. Answered your questions in an edit of my last post.

Indeed I have been disqualified seeing as I was the only person whose proposal of their legion was actively opposed by other members.


(walks off plotting revenge and keeping arguing with self over the proper course of action)

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Skal...I'm not sure what you're trying to say in your post. Were you trying to meld the Ash Walkers and the Black Guard?

I… I believe that's what I did, not noticing Sigi had been disqualified while I was writing, nor seeing how rude it was. Answered your questions in an edit of my last post.



There's nothing rude about what you did. It's been a long time since we were posting so fast that we were tripping over each other.


I do accept your rescind...rescindation? Is that a word? 


Regardless, that leaves three candidates left: Raktra, Kelborn, and Bluntblade.


EDIT: And we're still doing it apparently. It'll be okay, Sig. How about some ice cream?

Edited by simison
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Inner voice: Oh yes please!

Shut up!

Other inner voice: Kill him and then take the ice cream from his cold, dead hands

You shut up too!

3rd inner voice: What have I missed? Have the butchers nails been invented yet?

Other inner voice: Sadly not

All of you shut up!


Inner whisper: Skalpynock could count as support...kinda...vaguely


Quiet? Please?

Edited by Sigismund229
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I offered an alternative to the anti demon thing previously. Got no time to post it again.


Please read my posts again and you will see that I'm open for changes.


And have a look on Mikhals post as well. He offered solutions as well

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Yup. As I fought valiantly for Kelborn and have an eye over everything (most of the time) and know the other legions, I will help Kelborn to make a framework so that we have a cool legion everybody hates. Baron Samedi will rise and he will see the aura of everyone ( the spectral sight has cool opinions and could be used for other things than deamon hunt. Believe me when I say, Death has come for you and his name is kelborn
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(roars to the sky, with a shield in one hand and a falcatta in the other)

Kelborn can try to kill us and the Lions will oppose him every step of the way


Incidentaly...there wouldn't happen to be any writing I could do for book 1 would there?(smiles innocently)

Edited by Sigismund229
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(roars to the sky, with a shield in one hand and a falcatta in the other)

Kelborn can try to kill us and the Lions will oppose him every step of the way


Incidentaly...there wouldn't happen to be any writing I could do for book 1 would there?(smiles innocently)


Ah, Squig wasn't responsive? Mikhal does have a point, we will need to replace the Ghost Walkers, but we'll need their replacement before you do that.


How willing are you to start some work on the Omega phase? 



Raktra is out, which just leaves Kel and Blunt.


I'll also hold off on any more criticisms of the Void Stalkers until we've decided on the new 20th.

Edited by simison
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While we await Blunt's answer (what time is it over there?), I have one more administrative matter. Right now Alpha Phase is comprised of the initial two general chapters and six legion chapters. So, eight chapters, altogether. Right now, three of them are done, both general chapters and the Grave Stalkers. Given Athrawes' absence and Squig's difficulties, what do people think about starting Book 2 Alpha Phase, if we can get two more legions done? That would put us at 5 out of the 8 required chapters. 

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I second it. While we wait we could already do the groundwork for the next book. And we can always refocus on book 1 as soon as squig and athrawes are free to work. Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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There's two yays. 


Here is the current outline on Book 2.


Book 2 - Corruption

  • Berserkers of Uran
  • Eagle Warriors
  • Crimson Lions
  • Void Eagles
  • Ghost Walkers
  • Godslayers & Grave Stalkers (Daemon)

Campaigns - Blood Crusade (Berserkers/Eagle Warriors vs Crimson Lions/Iron Bears) The Astral Dance (Void Eagles vs. Stygian Jackels & Ghost Walkers [?]), The gods' Blessings (Kochei spreads the love, while K'awil adopts a new feathered patron)


Note - Since going Daemon only involves a few rule updates and a unit or two, I think we safely say that they won't take up as much space as a full legion entry.



The gist of this book is the next decade of war as the Imperium resorts to xeno allies which pushes the Traitors toward Chaos. The outline needs to be revamped after we have our new 20th.

Edited by simison
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Omega phase is when we add all of the rules for the campaigns. Alpha is general fluff and the legion chapters. Beta (I'm thinking about calling it Delta on a whim) is the campaign fluff. 

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