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TALE - The Reunited Family


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Koschei is taken in by a family, so he could well have brothers/sisters. Having the loyalists come after them would most definitely turn him fully traitor. Also, is it ever specified whether Primarchs can have children? Because if they could that might add an interesting flavour to the idea
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Alexos doesnt... OR DOES HE *dramatic music on the background*



I couldnt Resist LOL

Koschei is taken in by a family, so he could well have brothers/sisters. Having the loyalists come after them would most definitely turn him fully traitor. Also, is it ever specified whether Primarchs can have children? Because if they could that might add an interesting flavour to the idea

Might be cool but might not play out like we all imagine. For the sake of simplicity, lets keep it to adoptive families :p

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Alexos doesnt... OR DOES HE *dramatic music on the background*




I couldnt Resist LOL

Koschei is taken in by a family, so he could well have brothers/sisters. Having the loyalists come after them would most definitely turn him fully traitor. Also, is it ever specified whether Primarchs can have children? Because if they could that might add an interesting flavour to the idea


Might be cool but might not play out like we all imagine. For the sake of simplicity, lets keep it to adoptive families :p




But yeah. I dont think primarchs should have kids, adopted sons and daughter. sure. But ones from their own stock.

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Lol the Ghost Walkers would prefer to only have a few extremely loyal friends to being loved by all. As they follow the Scorpio astrological sign (of which I am), they have a dominant personality and a cold exterior, but have raging emotions on the inside. Scorpios always need to be in control and dislike many people, but for those who piss them off, they become spiteful to the point of vengeance. However, those few friends that they like, they give their utter loyalty to them and defend them to the end.


So in short, Coch'ise and his legion are always seeking to be the best, and they hate to ask for help. However, a nice gesture and sincere brotherhood make them incredibly stalwart friends. This will damn them as they have a high opinion of themselves and will willingly follow their friends into hell itself for loyalty's sake.


I prefer my allies chart to be limited in close brothers and distrusting of others. They are pro succession.

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Ok. Thought I'd finally add my Allies stuff.


Sworn Brothers: none

Fellow Warriors: Berserkers of Uran, Wardens of Light, Ghost Walkers

By Order!: Imperial Army


Distrusted Allies: Everyone else :P


Ghost Walkers and Berserkers are Fellow Warriors due to the Grave Stalkers feeling a kind of kinship with them both, though in different ways. The Berserkers are savage and practical, but also outcasts (at least based on the ally chart). The Ghost Walkers seem to have a similar style and ethos to the Grave Stalkers, which I think would allow them to mix relatively well. Also it seems as though their tactics are fairly parallel and would complement one another. As for the Wardens I'm not sure, but that is what they said about us :)


The Imperial Army would basically refuse to work with the Grave Stalkers due to the disaster it would be for morale to have so many Pariahs spreading fear amongst their allies.


Everyone else is distrusted due to not really getting along with them or being generally incompatible with them. The mechanicum would be By Order. But I see it as Mars' influence, although great, is not enough to stop all sects from working with the Grave Stalkers, if only for expediency. But the knowledge of the Fabricator General's issues with them would make such alliances temporary and somewhat fraught.

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Lol the Ghost Walkers would prefer to only have a few extremely loyal friends to being loved by all. As they follow the Scorpio astrological sign (of which I am), they have a dominant personality and a cold exterior, but have raging emotions on the inside. Scorpios always need to be in control and dislike many people, but for those who piss them off, they become spiteful to the point of vengeance. However, those few friends that they like, they give their utter loyalty to them and defend them to the end.


So in short, Coch'ise and his legion are always seeking to be the best, and they hate to ask for help. However, a nice gesture and sincere brotherhood make them incredibly stalwart friends. This will damn them as they have a high opinion of themselves and will willingly follow their friends into hell itself for loyalty's sake.


I prefer my allies chart to be limited in close brothers and distrusting of others. They are pro succession.


Sorry, I keep getting confused with your posts about "successionists". Do you mean "secessionists"? The two can be quite different.


the secessionists or rebels or what have you, are trying to get out of the Imperium. a successionist would try to put someone new on the throne (I think), and I don't think that's what's happening here.

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He's more open about the existence of Daemons, but he is hiding the knowledge of the four Chaos gods from everyone except Icarion. So, we have a better idea, but not complete knowledge.

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Okay, so looking over everything I think Daer'dds natural reivalries with Morrow, Raktra, and Alexos. And I could see him wanting to bond strongly with Cochiese but his aloofness separating the two. Daer'dd might perceive arrogance on Icarion's part which he might look down upon a precieved arrogance (which he has a right too) as that would run Daer'dd the wrong way.
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Lol the Ghost Walkers would prefer to only have a few extremely loyal friends to being loved by all. As they follow the Scorpio astrological sign (of which I am), they have a dominant personality and a cold exterior, but have raging emotions on the inside. Scorpios always need to be in control and dislike many people, but for those who piss them off, they become spiteful to the point of vengeance. However, those few friends that they like, they give their utter loyalty to them and defend them to the end.


So in short, Coch'ise and his legion are always seeking to be the best, and they hate to ask for help. However, a nice gesture and sincere brotherhood make them incredibly stalwart friends. This will damn them as they have a high opinion of themselves and will willingly follow their friends into hell itself for loyalty's sake.


I prefer my allies chart to be limited in close brothers and distrusting of others. They are pro succession.

Sorry, I keep getting confused with your posts about "successionists". Do you mean "secessionists"? The two can be quite different.


the secessionists or rebels or what have you, are trying to get out of the Imperium. a successionist would try to put someone new on the throne (I think), and I don't think that's what's happening here.

It was more of an honest typing error :P

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Warm blood washed over Jackel's face. The ork he had just dispatched fell down, grunting as its head toppled from its shoulders. Behind him, he heard primal squeals as his Devils ripped the throats our from the other greenskins. Still, the horde rushed on, through the majestic canopy of the forest. Roars resounded from the ironwood trees, and bright flashes drifted from above, flitting through the gaps in the leaves. Another beast came at him, lunging with a snapping claw, stopping mere inches from the Primarchs faceplate as the Hound's axe came up and transfixed the creature. With a savage yank, he wrenched the axe out, leaving the ork to die on the ground. Around him, his sons were dispatching the creatures with equal ease, flamers whooshing superheated promethium, bolters singing with the Emperor's peace, and intermittent sniper rounds punching holes through the ork's leaders. The horde was being driven back to the plains. In less than 40 seconds, they would be in the optimal position for phase two. Jackel gleefully counted the seconds, watching the chronometer on his HUD. "Phase two, launch!" He whispered into his vox unit, as the time ticked to zero. At first, nothing happened. Then new stars filled the sky, over the plains. These stars rapidly turned into drop pods of the VIIth - The Berserkers of Uran. Slamming into the ground with meteoric force, crushing the furthermost orks, the doors hissed down and the White Devil and his legion charged out, ripping into the foe with blade and bolt. Caught between the two legions, the ork horde of Facesmasha was crushed in minutes. In the aftermath, the two Primarchs met upon the see of bodies, both legionary and xenos alike. 


"You Should've let me go first. I'm better at killing them." Raktra said, grinning, his bloodstained teeth reflecting the lights of the landers that had arrived to collect the remaining legion forces.


"I wanted to test the mettle of my legion against an actual foe, instead of the heretics and recidivists that we've been fighting over the past year" Jackel retorted,  scanning the kilometres of greenskin carcasses "I think they did pretty well, wouldn't you say?"


"Brother, you haven't seen 'good' until you see the Berserkers in proper warfare, not this menagerie of tricks and plans. That is no proper way to wage war." Raktra said, casting a sideways glance at Jackel to see how he would react.


"Maybe one day you and your Berserkers could actually teach me something about warfare" Jackel said "When the light of the Astronomican goes out, of course"


Before Raktra could respond to the insult, Jackel had begun to pick his way through the bodies, heading towards the nearest lander. 


"Bastard" Raktra hissed under his breath as he began to follow his brother.

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I was thinking about which of Hectarions brothers would know that he still had fragments of the Bloodthirster in his mind. The names that immediately sprung to my mind were Alexandros, Pionius and Dear'dd. This would help with making Hectarion closer to those three, helping to make them the four closest primarchs.
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A Leviathan from the Leviathan.


On Huron a harpoon could feed a tribe for a month from the meat of an Atlas K'chi Sturgeon. My brother Pionus walked the depths of the deepest trenches of his home, and whilst I loved my long boats, he was a master of the waters. On Terra The old God Neptune, or Poe'psydon wielded a Trident. A grand weapon and hunting implement. So for my brother Pionus,

I found his weapon in his element, in the depths themselves. On Huron there is a river of heavy water a thousand meters below this surface, it meets with hyper pressurised carbon and tungsten liquid hotter then a stars surface. The legends told a of a devil beast placing treasures of immeasurable quality in this surreal river. I traveled down once and nearly destroying my hands, but I found perfect black diamonds, ten of which addorn the knuckles of my gauntlets. For my brother I found something finer, two spears, said to be used in a war of gods on Terra over thirty millennia ago. Though both were little more than poles now; I had no doubt what they were when I found them in the magmatic river of Hel.

One was said to be frozen golden lightning, the other darkness made whole.


With the two pieces in hand I lost myself deep in the forge for weeks. I used star plasma to heat and twist the two pieces into a beautiful braid of gold and black, I took one of my final pieces of Magnatar Osmium to finish the braid, it's color an almost blindingly perfect white silver. The braid unwound into the the three sharpest bites I could make the two outer prongs curved inwards to tear and catch, the center bite a quad edged harpoon to slay any prey. Finally I worked a similar mechanism to my own stormwalker so Pionus could call it to him no matter how far away it was,along with a micro gellar field to ensure it's safety.

Conquer no less than ten thousand worlds with this brother. Not even an Imperator Titan should withstand it's wrath, for this is a true Leviathan.

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I was thinking about which of Hectarions brothers would know that he still had fragments of the Bloodthirster in his mind. The names that immediately sprung to my mind were Alexandros, Pionius and Dear'dd. This would help with making Hectarion closer to those three, helping to make them the four closest primarchs.


I'm actually surprised so many people say they'd be willing to help. With the rampant fear of the unknown within the Imperium, I'd expect anybody knowing about a DAEMON SHARD inside someone's mind would feel extreme distrust at best. I'd see something more akin to people calling him a changeling or possessed, and trying to burn him for that.


While I don't think it's a good idea to go that far, I'd say you might want one of the Primarchs to know about the shard, and feel extreme distrust for Hectarion because of it, even if he never acts on that knowledge because of instructions from his father.

An interesting twist though could be that this same Primarch could eventually be one of the insurrectionists, who then falls to Chaos: since he still knows of the bloodthirster in Hectarion's mind, he can try and turn him too (like Lorgar trying to turn Sanguinius), but of course eventually fails.

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