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A Tale of 18 Hobbyists


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A Tale Of 18 Hobbyists

2015 Edition


Welcome one and all to the 2015 edition of a tale of "X" hobbyists, this year we are lucky to find ourselves with some returning participants and also some fresh young bloods thrown into the mix. Now why 18 you ask in previous incarnations we've never had 18.

well I say that if 18 was good enough for the emperor 18 is good enough for his subjects. So this year the goal is simple enough, each participant must add 2000 points within 7 months to either a new or existing force utilizing everything we have available to us from fortifications, formations, dataslates, allies etc.

now in the course of this event we run into the holiday period which for some is a draining time of year where booze, gifts and long transits to visit relatives completely drains your motivation. this event was prepared to help all the participants continue with there projects in this hectic time of year.

This event is also here to promote skillset improvements motivation and of course the addition to our ranks of beautifully finished presentable miniatures that the bolter and chainsword is renown for. so without further ado lets move on to the main part of this event;

The Rules;

  • Each participant must every month must produce one complete legal miniature, this can be anything from a character, a vehicle, a unit or squad, Lord of war, Superheavy, Fortification, allied unit, formation, dataslate or anything with a legal points value from any of the codices, forgeworld books, dataslates, downloads or white dwarf articles etc.
  • At the end of every month a 500 word piece of literature must be attached to your completed vow, this can range from character or unit background, chapter/legion lore, campaign story or battle report.
  • A new addition will be a 1 month siesta, this is for those of us who have commitments such as family etc to take a break from the event without disqualification and is the reason I stretched this event out to a 7 month event.
  • If a participant does not produce a completed model over 3 individual monthly periods they will be disqualified and be awarded the failed legion award, (this can be redeemed in next years event).
  • Now if by the end of the event you have not hit the 2000 point mark you will be awarded with the oath of failure. (this as above can be reddemed next year)

The Awards (Badges);

  • So every month we will have an artificer award which will be presented to that months best completion, this will be awarded by the participants and the fraters, voting will be at the start of the month and ends on the 7th of each month.
  • At the end of the event we will have the overall awards which will consist of the following;
    The Master Artificer- This award will be presented to the participant who has been voted to have the best overall army at the end of the 7 month period.
    The Lord of War- This award is for the participant that has exceeded the 2000 point goal and showed everyone that there motivation is far from burnt out.
    The Rememberencer- This award will be chosen by the participants for the most helpful, motivating, cheerful member of the group. (as this is about community and fun this award I personally feel is the most prestigious award)
  • The failed legion- This award will be optional but it is to be used as a reminder that you let yourself burn out and fail your fellow participants.
  • Oath of Failure- This award is for those that stuck to there oaths but failed to reach their goal, they will be allowed to repent next year and produce a special award come then.

http://i1279.photobucket.com/albums/y524/Taron_James_Beer/Mobile%20Uploads/innVpzQxuWezgr-RONjbay4ozOAPUIN7535CfJLp9crSaxjDbyXnu38PjnVDY-fLrfY9bNItw512-h288-nc_zps0fg3n4pw_edit_1440903835598_zpsx4tf_zpsfc7nimxz.jpeg http://i1279.photobucket.com/albums/y524/Taron_James_Beer/Mobile%20Uploads/innVpzQxuWezgr-RONjbay4ozOAPUIN7535CfJLp9crSaxjDbyXnu38PjnVDY-fLrfY9bNItw512-h288-nc_zps0fg3n4pw_edit_1440903835598_zpsx4tf_zpseoa3kdwd.jpeg

The badges and banners will be as above once I get around to adding the graphics and writing.

Now onto the participants;





















Praefectus Invictus





















Brother SP




The Psycho




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Vth Legion

White Scars

Month- September.

I Kurama will produce for the month of September a set of Space Marine HQ command Tanks for a total of 400 points.

This brings my total to 400/2000 points


Adeptus Mechanicus

Skitarii War Cohort 2605: Battle Maniples 7813, 7814, 7815

Month - September.

I Rashbold will produce for the month of September 580 points, comprised of...

TR Skitarii Vanguard (10) - skit. war plate, 7x radium carbines - incl Alpha, 1x arc rifle, 1x transuranic arquebus, 1x plasma caliver

TR Skitarii Vanguard (10) - skit. war plate, 7x radium carbines - incl Alpha, enhanced data-tether, 1x arc rifle, 1x transuranic arquebus, 1x plasma caliver
TR Skitarii Vanguard (10) - skit. war plate, 7x radium carbines - incl Alpha, omnispex, 1x arc rifle, 1x transuranic arquebus, 1x plasma caliver
HS Ironstrider Ballistarii (1) - twin-linked cognis autocannon, broad spectrum data-tether, searchlight


This brings my total to 580/2000 points



Adeptus Astartes

Black Templar Crusade of Ash

Month - September.

I, the Psycho, will produce for the month of September 315 points, comprised of...

HQ Marshal (Chapter Master), artificer armour, the Burning Blade.

FA Assault Squad, 5 men, 2 flamers, Sergeant with power axe.

Picture to come on Tuesday.

This brings my total to 315/2000 points

We of the NovemberIX pledge that this month our honored wounded will once more see battle. Our forges bellow with unyielding industry to bring forth relics of an era past, dreadnoughts in the Contemptor and Deredeo styles. Points and images on the morrow whence I can speak clearly a'gain ;)



"From iron cometh strength! From strength cometh will! From will cometh faith! From faith cometh honour! From honour cometh iron!"

Numeration: The IVth Legion

Primogenitor: Perturabo, the Lord of Iron

Cognomen (Prior): None officially recognised. {An informal Imperial Army designation for the Legion, the 'Corpse Grinders', was suppressed and use of it was categorised as an infraction of duty by order of the Officio Provost Marshal as "corrosive to Crusade morale"}

Strategic Tendencies: Siege Warfare, Co-ordinated Mass-theatre Warfare, Armoured Assault, Planetary Decimation, Attrition, Retribution and Counter-unsurgency Campaigns, Zone Mortalis Warfare.

Noteworthy Domains: The satrapy of the Meratara Cluster, Olympia Majoris System. Primus grade garrisions, keeps and bastion-holds established on at least seventy worlds, unknown number of additional secondary outposts and watch-stations.

Warcry: Iron Within, Iron Without!

Allegiance: Traitoris Perdita

The colours of Iron:


Note: Early production Mark IV Maximus pattern power armour -

widespread used by traitor line elements during the early days of

the Heresy alongside the so-called Iron Armour.


Howdy Guys and Girls smile.png

First, awesome artwork Kurama! ohmy.png

This month will be one of the smaller ones for me, still waiting for the HH masterclass book aswell as some plastic troops, will mostly build some stuff i've here (Tarantulas, Tartarus Terminators) aswell as build and paint these things - big guns (ok, maybe they aren't that big tongue.png) for the IVth:


(That's 160/2.000 points tongue.png)

@Rashbold: That's alooooot of Mechanicus action :D awesome xD



Lions of Macragge

The Unforgotten 4th




"We march for Macragge!"



"No, today we march for Calth"

-Remus Ventanus upon the decimation of Colchis






I, Praefectus Invictus, will produce, in the month of September, one Legion terminator squad to the total value of 243 points. Let the madness and procrastination ensue.


Total: 243/2000 points

By the order of his most holy =][= Inquisition, I your most humble servant bring tidings from Inquisitor Lord Stefanos Wulfram "Exterminatore Mundorum".






A small fact finding force will arrive shortly headed up by Inquisitor Vladmire and his retinue. Your full co-operation is expected, anything less will be dealt with accordingly.

V Legion, The White Scars: The Brotherhood of the Lost Souls:


This month, I pledge the following:


Rakesh Khulan, Siege Breaker: 160

            -Thunder hammer, boarding shield, artificer armour, 2 phosphex




Veteran Tactical Squad: 290

            -10x, 3 power weapons, 2 heavy flamers, sergeant with artificer armour and thunder hammer, Furious Charge

(First half of the squad, remaining balance to be assembled after work the next few nights)



For a total of 450 points.

Interdictors - Fifth Company


Castellans of the Drift


This month, for the glory of my DIY Chapter the Interdictors, I pledge to complete:


Tactical Squad Perras

10 Marines

Grav Cannon and Amp

Plasma Gun

Combi Plasma


Rhino Dauntless

Storm Bolter


This will take me to a total of: 240/2000

A Tale of 18 Hobbyists.

The beginning.

In the hold of the Scramaseax, mighty warship of the Wolves, A figure clad in darkest black stepped from the shadows, into the firepits flickering light. Once all the wolves were gathered Vykryl, Wolf Priest to this band of warriors drew himself to his full height and began:

Brothers, you may wonder why you have been chosen. You may wonder why we are far from home. These are uncertain times and we do not yet know who deserves our trust. But we do know of one who has committed the greatest betrayal of all.

Russ himself has dispatched us, not as Hearthguard as we have told our kin, but as Vengeance Seekers, Now I may speak of why we have come. I may tell you of why we follow Fafnir Vol’kyr into a fight that wasn’t ours to begin with.

We are here to hunt down Keldane Blackfox, traitor and our once-brother.

Keldane came to the Wolves as part of an exchange. Kurze could see how isolated and insular his own legion was becoming. He petitioned his brother primarchs to accept emissaries from the Night Lords. Anything in an attempt to foster bonds of fellowship between his Legion and the others.

Most of the Nobler Legions refused Kurze’s request. They did not wish to pollute their ranks with the Night Haunters tainted sons. We know what the legions think we are, and we know what we really are. We are not of the noble sons like Guilliman, Sanguinius, Dorn or Jonson’s benighted scions. We are the outcast, the barbarians, the savages… like Angron’s 12th, Kurze’s 8th, the Khan’s 5th.

However some agreed to his request

Russ was one of the few….

Like Russ, Konrad Curze knew that sometimes justice had to be earned upon the point of a sword. Sometimes peace had to be bought with blood. Sometimes a populace has to fear us more than its masters before they can truly accept the enlightenment we were once brought.

This is a lesson that Russ and Curze learned well. For are we not the animals in the dark? Animals whose howls bring terror to the hearts of our foes?.... We each bring our own brand of fear, as a weapon. The Rout, bestial wolves, and the Haunter’s, night cloaked stalkers…

We cannot know the mind of a Primarch, even though we are of their blood. Who knows why Russ listened to that hell-spawned wretch he once called brother. Maybe Russ tried to see the good in him? Maybe he thought a show of kinship might have helped curb some of his brother’s many excesses. Maybe Russ heard his brother’s plea for help and held out a hand in his own, feral way, hoping against hope to bring him back from the darkness that had been threatening to swallow Kurze whole.

Or maybe Russ, like Konrad, knew that they were all flawed. After Kurze’s secret, shared in confidence, was cruelly revealed by Fulgrim, the request of Kurze was a way to bring redemption for his son. Maybe our father was willing to offer him that chance.

Whatever may, shortly after Russ agreed, Kurze sent us his emissary. He sent us Keldane… The Blackfox.

Keldane wasn’t of the pack. He was almost instantly rejected by those of Fyf. But as it was Russ’ decree, none could gainsay him. His word is law and to break his law is death. Even though our instincts railed against this… intruder, we stayed our hands in early retribution. How I now regret that I did not forfeit my life to rid us of the curse that was to come.

So as one, we set out make Keldane leave, either by choice or on the red ice.

We made sure that Keldane drew the most arduous and dangerous of tasks from within Fyf. It wasn’t his wyrd to die in some mis-begotten challenge, for he was a bad star and so he kept returning when better men did not. How he managed this, none know, but he earned his name on the ice. We called him Blackfox for his heart was darker than the Nostraman night, and his mind as clever and cunning as the mountain vulpine…

Eventually he forced his way into the pack, for none could doubt his arm, or, unbelievably, his loyalty to the company. This was how the thread of Blackfox became intertwined with that of Great Fafnir Vol’kyr.

Fafnir was a menhir of a man, as broad as he was tall. He was quiet and brooding. Many thought him touched by Lokyar, that he would be inducted into the scouts, however this was not to pass. In time, whether through cursed luck or no, he was to become the reluctant warden of the Blackfox. What started out as wariness, verging on outright hostility, eventually became a grudging respect and finally a friendship forged in battle.

Fafnir came to rely on Keldane’s insights and cunning, Blackfox on Fafnir’s skill of the hunt. They often embarked onto the ice together to run down beasts and game. As time went on Fafnir became more gregarious , more likeable and so his standing within the company grew., With Fafnir’s star on the ascendancy, so too did Keldane begin to have more of an influence on the affairs of the company. He eventually even gained a grudging acceptance as a brother of Fyf. While Fafnir learned from Blackfox and became a central figure within the company, so too did Keldane learn from Fafnir. Who knows what secrets he may have gleaned, but his skills as a hunter grew to rival that of any of the Rout.

Then even outside of the hunt, they became almost inseparable. They were mirror images of one another in almost every sense, often found in company and always fighting back to back amongst the thickest of foes.

But alas the mirror was cracked, the reflection of Fafnir in Blackfox was twisted and flawed. Such was the pride of the Wolves that we did not see it until it was too late. When Keldane left, he took with him all the skills learned on the ice. He allowed Kurze’s twisted heart to poison that which we had taught him. Gone was the honour, gone was the pride, gone was the Keldane we knew and called once called brother.

Keldane became the Night Haunters pre-eminent hunter. Not of Ork or Eldar or of beast. No, he broke his bonds of loyalty and became the hunter of his own kin.

The betrayal of the Blackfox hit Fafnir hard, as only such base treachery could… It drove him to the edge of sanity and we almost lost him to the Wulfen, such was his pain. Now we hunt, for it is not Fafnir’s shame alone to bear. Blackfox made fools of us all and so he must be made to pay. Keldane may believe he is the perfect hunter, but it was us who taught him and it will be us to bring him low. We may be old dogs, but we never give up all our tricks!

So brothers, finish your mjod. Go now to prepare your arms and armour. Tonight we go to hunt one who was once of our own. We have tracked Keldane Once-Brother, to Korianna and it is time to make this hunter, become the hunted. We shall run him to ground.

And if we have to kill every whore-son Night Lord & traitor that stands in our path, in order to get to that piece of skitja we once taught and trusted then so much the better…

We do this deed for Fafnir!!

SAM 2475

SAM 2476

SAM 2477

SAM 2478

SAM 2479

SAM 2481

SAM 2480

SAM 2482

For my monthly vow, I introduce Vykryl. Not sure if he will be run as a Centurion type or another Praetor. He is in essence a Wolf Priest, but I am not sure if Chaplains or an HQ of that type exist in 30K.

I'll need to pore over the books and come back with points for the model. Needs a lot of work and I will not get to him until mid-month atleast, so Fingers crossed I can get him done.

With regards to the fluff. I wrote it a while back for Korianna, and I ran it past Flint13 who made some editorial changes. So a big thanks to Flint for this piece and for the inspiration which went with Fafnir, who was going to be the central part of my story.

I am hoping that as the mnths go on,I can add to the story a little and also make it linked.

Thanks for looking and reading. And if you bump into Flint Thank her too.

While not strictly part of this, here is the link to Fafnir smile.png Enjoy



yay, Dantay is on board xD


atleast rulewise there are Chaplains, no worries^^ (and i guess they had their wolf-priests back then?)


Vykryl looks cool so far, not sure about the big wolf-head shoulder though, i think he needs something on the other shoulder too, to be balanced (maybe some cloak or something? edit: not cloak cloak, some fur or something xD)


either way, keep it up :>

All right guys it's good to see vows coming through, now remember to edit in your points values and pics if you haven't already.


I'm proud to see such artistic presence already been brought to the forefront of this event and hell it's only been 24 hours.


So here's the first update;



Great work guys and remember this isn't a rush job take care and enjoy yourselves

Thanks Atia,

The wolfs head was just a trial piece, I am not sure if I will keep it, or go with a twin wolf head l

I am not sure if it will interfere with the cloak too much, but we will see.. Is the wolf head too big??

i would use the skull head - that thing is cool as hel (haha) and fits with the wolfpriest theme smile.png

i think the other one would fit well for the back of a Praetor, or maybe a Dreadnought (?) - like Grimnar's wolfhead^^


*looks at Kurama and is jealous about both the Warhammer World tanks and the ponies*


VIII legion, 123rd company commanded by Vikan Prixus....

In the holds of The Long Shadow a storm is brewing, in the autumn of the enemies life it comes to the sound of Thunder, the blast from its Cannon ignites the sky around it like lightning.

The Stormblade designated "The Abominable Justice" commanded by Fighbus of the VIII legion.

Stormblade: one pair sponsons (twin heavy bolter, one lascannon), space marine crew, armoured ceramite = 545

FW order will take a bit to get here, so I guess I will start on some allies to my XVIIth


I Zujara will produce for the month of September a Lord of Change (Level 3, 2 Lesser and 1 Exalted Rward) and 10 Pink Horrors with Blasted Standard for a total of 415 points.



(the one I already have partially pink was the standard bearer model for these ones)



So we have half the points values for this month, we're on a great first month and I'm already excited to see this month start.


Zujara- loving the allied Deamons keep them coming.


Helterskelter- first super heavy in the competition so feel proud

No modeling at the moment. Instead, fluff...






It was there that my existence began. It was there that I often cogitated it would end. Countless centuries of service to the Omnissiah led me across half the galaxy, fighting for the Adeptus Mechanicus and many of its Forge Worlds. Until the fateful day, when the Archmagos commanded our macroclades to stand against our own kind, brothers of the Machine-God. It was the day we saw a blessed Forge World die by our own hands. It was there we were triumphant and forever damned to eternity.


So much for duty.

So much for logic.

So much for being One with the Machine.


If I’d had any real courage, I would have took my arc pistol to my flesh-cursed head the moment I had heard the Archmagos’s neural congress scream of guilt and realization over what he had done. It would have been the logical thing to do, after all; the Forge World’s betrayal was my fault as well. I obeyed the orders of a flawed commander, and I helped slaughter many of my own Skitarii brothers. There was really no other way to look at it.


But I didn’t. I couldn’t. The Archmagos commanded us against such action. Such punishment was not permitted to release us. We were tasked with finding the true conspirator that fed our Archmagos the scrapcoded lies and misinformation that led to our horrendous actions. Soon afterwards, the Archmagos commanded me to fire my own weapon into his skull. I prayed to the Omnissiah that another of my brothers would release me as quickly. Instead, their judgement was more merciless. I was to lead them.


... 200+ words so far. Any comments?




A Tale of XVIII Hobbyists

The Crusade of Ashes

Book I




‘Traitor. Deviant. Witchblood. Filth.’


My words are snarled through gritted teeth, every syllable laden with contempt. The psyker, clad in power armour of deep sable, as mine is, simply smiles in response. It is not the smile of a sane man. No sane man has the Warmaster’s Eye upon his chest, or horns that crackle with arcane energies, or has rows of serrated teeth within his jaw. No, only madmen, traitors, and witches have these. I have no doubt that my enemy is all three.


I raise my sword, the blade Ignis, as the dust sweeps about us. I thumb the activation rune upon Ignis’ hilt, and the blade’s power field ignites in a blaze of flame, the light shining in the darkness. With a roar, I sweep my blade around as my opponent brings his own weapon to bear. He is a fool to do so. Ignis is a paragon blade, a relic of the Great Crusade gifted to me when I was welcomed into the Sword Brethren, and superior to any blade of the Enemy or, for that matter, the Imperium. The two weapons impact upon each other, driven by the force of my holy zeal and his complete insanity, and for a second our blades are locked.


For a second.


The flame of Ignis’ soul burns ever so slightly brighter as it cleaves through his weapon, driving through the unholy Eye emblazoned upon his chest, and plunging into the Traitor’s chest. His blood-red eyes widen in surprise at the moment of his death, the shock convulsing him, impaling him further upon my blade. The stench of burning flesh fills the air.


I lean in close. I have words for him, to hear before he dies. Six simple words, before he passes into the arms of his Dark Gods.


‘Suffer. Not. The. Unclean. To live.’


He smiles, and this time there is a touch of superiority in that smile, the smile of a man who knows something that his counter does not. He tries to speak, but succeeds only in coughing up blood. Before he dies, though, he manages one phrase.


‘Indeed,’ he gasps. ‘But which one of us, who, is unclean?’


I raise Ignis once more, and let it fall. The witch’s body convulses once more. He dies with that smile on his face. No matter. He may have been right, for all I know. It does not matter. I took many oaths the day I was initiated. One was to uphold the honour of the Emperor, no matter the cost. Not one of them said anything about right or wrong.


They call me the Red Marshal, this I know. They say I am bloodthirsty, a warmonger,a butcher, a Knight whose sole aim is destruction. Such may be the truth. But I took many oaths the day I became a Knight of the Eternal Crusade, and I will not break them, no matter what evils men may say I inflict.


No pity. No remorse. No fear.






The Red Marshal, Crusade of Ashes pic-capture, wielding his blade Ignis.


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