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A Tale of 18 Hobbyists


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Well for me its dental surgery (three wisdom tooth) and on all sorts of pain killers and antibiotics that have just made me drowsy and woozy and just feeling like I need to sleep.  Apparently I am recovering well but.... I certainly dont feel it.

So I'm going to try and finish my Witch-Praetor Archimedes Ptolemy this month. His fluff will be forthcoming after he's built :)


The helmet isn't permanent, I will be adding styrene helmet crests ;)




The "Owl".






:) I also got in my banner bearer and Thallax for my allied Reductor force...

So votes wise we have;

atia- 1

Helterskelter- 4

Zujara- 5


So we're waiting on another 8 votes to come through but I'll leave this going till Monday then I will have to announce the month 1 artificer.



So my wrist is killing me and I know I shouldn't be painting I'm just so bored

here is the usual WiP shot to show that I'm legally starting a squad tongue.png

its 2 members of this months vow and one from next months(collectively they are a colour test for the squads!)

My small original force of skits is standard mars pattern, the additions i'm doing for "Tale of 18" are going to be from the same force but the covert op's section of the temple and they will be all done in "Star Wars" Colours (where possible,without looking like a completely white,red or grey blob ohmy.png )

test scheme will be worked on tonight so fingers crossed that hopefully when you see them next the "Star Wars" recognition light will ding in your heads...msn-wink.gif


Cheers Mithril.

p.s. DC12 great model wub.png want to see paint on old Hoot there cool.png

Kurama - speed demon! painting & that heavy makes me jealous ph34r.png ,

"Brother SP" - i feel for ya - had wisdom removal earlier this year dry.png

Kurama, it is cool, just not sure if it had been done but on another thread.

Give your wrists a break fella smile.png

Hmmm... Tough call.

Zujara, your stuff looks great and the wings of the LOC look great and must have been a pain in the butt to keep so neat.

Atia: outstanding work on those guns. I like the fact it isn’t boring grey or blinged out gold, also the weathering is good. I like to see people experimenting, so it was cool t see you try the W&N oils.

Kurama: your pace and quality is outstanding. Stand outs for me are the jet bike rider Iskander and the Land Raider

Helterskelter: The Superheavy is brutal, I love the weathering and Lord knows trying to keep motivated on something so big is a challenge in and of itself

NovemberXI: liking the yellow, but the best for me is the freehanded blues. You must be a surgeon with rock steady hands, as free handing give me the shakes

Balthamal: A nice shade of red and like the effect you were going for with the vials. I feel he could have done with a wash or an additional highlight to get the reds to pop. However for being under the gun time-wise it is a great start.

Praefectus Invictus: Nice shade of blue there, makes the flesh stand out. Again could maybe benefit from an edge highlight to break up the panels, but a good start to the first month.

SW1: Your Inquisitor kills it. Love the shade of bone and green, Reminds me of the old-school Mentor Chapter (when their symbol was an owl and they were famous purveyors of esoteric tech) Might be a nice tie-in and follow up project for you.

I hope that is everyone, if not I apologise, it is hard going back and trying to remember who did what, especially with some early completions near the start.

Its why I think a gallery would work well.

Without kissing arse I want to vote for Kurama’s Land Raider. It is a great conversion of an already nice tank, which shows individuality and is in keeping with the background of the universe. I think it could garner more vote if it was nt near the start of the thread with such an early completion.

However I am not sure if the vow was completed because I haven’t seen the 500 word fluff piece to accompany his models.

Hard call but for me it is SW1: Again something unique and a very neat paint job, also digging the nostalgia vibe for me.

No worries Atia:


Now it is time for some honest feedback.  These are first pass with paint and a bit of wash put on the gold and red. What do you think so far?


Do the red guns and face plates look okay, with green lenses, or does it take too much away from the Space Wolves aesthetic?


They are hella messy just now, but in a few days will be much much tidier.


Anyhoo, let me know what you think...


Also grey or steel shoes for the mark 3 marines??







like them so far ^^ the red is cool, especially on the snouts, i used red gloves for my assault wolfguard^^ 


not sure on the green lenses though - sadly i can't make out what colour FW has used for their artwork - maybe we get more informations at the weekender :o

I used red snouts with black hemet tops on  my terminators prevously. I like the look of the green eye lenses as they would be lost in the red snout.


I could go black or grey snout though


I do have this image though, but I want to be a wee bit different.


Heresy Wolves

Really loving the wolves. I'm wanting to venture into 30k with them but waiting for the book. So I have dabbled into a mix of others Legions. Well I got the models, they've sat doing nothing for ages and now I'm chopping them up for my current Inquisition stuff. ;)

SW1: Your Inquisitor kills it. Love the shade of bone and green, Reminds me of the old-school Mentor Chapter (when their symbol was an owl and they were famous purveyors of esoteric tech) Might be a nice tie-in and follow up project for you.



Colour me interested. I'll have to do a bit of research on the Mentors. They sound interesting. :D

@Dantay - the red suits it's kinda like a bloodied mouth/jaw very wolfish if you ask me devil.gif i would have gone an icy blue for lenses but everyones different and honestly if their done right any colour works on lenses thumbsup.gif . oh and Steel Claws shoes !



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