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A Tale of 18 Hobbyists


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This month will be building and fluff for me, and I'll try to get the last 6 marines finished up today, or in the next week. 


Novembers vow:


1 chaplain (built)

1 terminator praetor (built)

20 tactical marines (built)

5 plasma support marines (built)

5 seekers (built)

5 cataphractii (built)

1 contemptor (built)


Good luck to all this month :)

Well guys for us in Aus it's the first but until everyone hits the 1st were still live.


So ill get to a summary soon.


Unfortunately we've had people drop out as was expected as no event always goes 100%.


So what does this mean when we have a plastic box of heresy goodness on the front door.

It means that hopefully we get more accomplished in the next couple of months.


Now on to completions;

We have only a few so far-

Kurama: Fellblade 10 Tactical 5 assault knight

Dantay xv- 5 recons 5 terminators and 10 Assault Marines

Zujara- Fellblade ahoy

helterskelter- managed a beastly Contemptor and praevian but didn't manage the Vorax

November ix- a terminator librarian.

MithrillForge- produced some amazing whites and oranges for his skitarii but has a lot of catching up to do for his first month.


so guys and gals we have a list of missing participants and some that sacrificed themselves for the Omnissah and emperor.


Now I'll kick off month November.


I Kurama am having my month off for surgery and to stockpile my goodies

We'll come look after you buddy ;)




I'm gonna put the Vorax to the side. They've caused me naught but anguish.

Assuming I get my hands on this heresy box it will be 3x terror squads.

Good summary Kurama.

I would like to say though, that the terminators have been done for a good while now, so they were not a part of my monthly vow. The recon marines, also were not a part of my monthly vow, but I finished them off and put them in for the story.

My only real completion has been the 10 assault marines. My failure this month is due to not finishing my Centurion-Chaplain. So while I did get a completion squared away, I didn't complete my whole vow.

Novembers vow for me will be to complete the psky Centurion-Chaplain and to do a Land Raider Achilles.

Helter Skelter. Thank you for liking my story and giving me your vote, even though I am not sure I can accept, because of above. That'll be Kurama's call.

Means a lot man.

Will totally kick this pig in November smile.png

Good luck with the surgery in November Kurama.. We'll try to do you proud :)

Have you got alternates lined up to get us back to 18?

No alternates now as we're into month 3 so the doors are closed.


I know it's hard for people in real life but people need to not try take massive chunks unless they are prepared.


I myself wanted this project to motivate myself and others, I've personally achieved that and even pushed into my 2000 points goal and started a project with Atia finished an AoP board and started my new night lords project.


So I'm hoping others are getting similiar things from this.


My vote goes to NovemberIX this month as I love his conversion on the space hulk librarian

I know I am, its always fun to see others develop new skills and riff off of each other.


For some, especially those with nique or hoardy- Admaech armies, it can be daunting to work n a high model, low points cost force. For them, it really is a case of getting a conveyor belt going. 1 colour at a time, on  each model until the unit is done, the same with the next colour and so on. It looks daunting when you start, but after a fw hours and you see a row of models half done, it feels a lot better than 1 model down 19 to go!!


I have especially felt dispirited in the past as I paint one model at a time and try to do my best on them, so it takes forever


In last years B&C ETL challenge. The Thundewolves were the first complete units I had done in over 10-15 years.... So it is challenges like these which hep to motivate me to get things done.


So cheers Kurama for organising this... I will reserve my vote until tomorrow, as I cannot see pictures from photobucket just now.

There's less than one and a half hours left here so I ain't gonna make it as I'm just about to get home from work. I'll get her finished by the 3rd after the daft shifts are over rather than push it loose sleep and make a mess of her.


The fluffs been done for a while ...


Illa Felix


Illa Felix originally started off under the tutelage of Viridis. However while Viridis likes to meddle from afar, Illa like to get her hands dirty doing the Emperors work. Cleaving dirty Xenos with her trusty power axe fighting the threats from outside the Imperium wherever they surfaced. An extremely confident woman who finds life most exciting when the pressure is on, up close and personal.


However her experiences on the Cardinal World of Kurama V would change her direction forever. After much contemplation Illa realised a closer watch towards internal threats could have spotted the warning signs much earlier than just looking outward. This lead Illa to move from the ranks of the Ordo Xenos over to the ranks of the Ordo Hereticus, a move that concerns Viridis. Looking forward he can see her views becoming more puritanical over time and at some point in the future his willingness to use the weapons of the enemy back upon them will become an issue.


While Illa doesn't seem to have yet realised the impending confrontation, Viridis ever the schemer has already started to take steps to ensure the fight will be stacked in his favour. He has taken to calling for her assistance in the most dangerous of missions. Festering unheard of levels of cross Ordo co-operation, to many he is a shining beacon of what the Inquisition can do when working together. Some say he's aiming to join the ranks of The Lord Inquisitors, all the while he's just guarding his back. To Illa it seems she has finally gained Viridis' acceptance as an equal. However Viridis is keeping his friends close and future enemies even closer.


The Cardinal World of Kurama V


Having spent several years clearing infestation after infestation of Hrud, a pattern became apparent to Illa. They were all stop off points along one of the regular trade routes followed by several Rogue Traders. Following this lead Illa came across the Cardinal World of Kurama V where there was a premature ageing of a significant part of the population. It didn't take her long to locate the issue. As she'd suspected this lead to her uncovering an infestation of Hrud in the communal baths the Priests had reserved for the blessing of pilgrims.


Upon the revealing of the infestation the aged Priests took up blessed Evisorators, joining Illa in the cleansing of the holy site with flame and chainblade. Shortly after the cleansing several of the Orders Higher ranks who had strangely seemed immune to the ageing fell ill to toxic shock. After more investigation it became clear those affected had become addicted to certain poisons the Hrud produce which then protected them from the ageing that can be found around Hrud infestations.


Having saved their world from the encroaches of the Xenos and corruption the remaining Priesthood pledged to protect Illa in her work gifting her the most holy icon the world had "Percello", a mighty thunder hammer once used by Saint Teresa Martyr of the Blessed Shroud in the cleansing of the Scar Cluster. Illa aware of the importance of the Priesthood in the Cardinal World accepted Percello and an honour guard made up of the most able-bodied men. The remainder stayed on with renewed vigour to do his holy work. Once every few years those of the honour guard who have survived serving at Illa's side return to Kurama V and are replaced with a fresh group of Priests ready to sell their lives for their worlds savour.

++Edit++ added Pic.

October - Failure but must finish 1st squad blush.png

November -

Eversor Assassin.- 135pts

*Adding to Novembers Vow -

New! - 1x Squad of Kastellans and Data smith - 350pts(?) will double check pt's tonight

WiP - todays work



This stuff was all i had at work today so thought i should start on them instead of doing nothing!!

Cheers, Mithril

will cast my vote tonight for October.

Oh and Helter....oh my cry.gif

By some heinous miracle, I have managed to complete last months vow. The tactical squad is done ohmy.png . I also managed to figure out batch painting. Anyway here they are:



Some individual photos


Brother Sergeant Terinius


Brother Korpus




Sorry for the pic splurge

Also my month 1 vote is for Kurama, and his awesome knight titan

My hand twitched in movement. I had a muscle spasm. This happened. She won't go back together. I think I'm going to cry



Oh geez, i feel for you.

Are the Vorax stupidly delicate? Pinning or magnets in future with these?

Pin the living snot out of them. And the gun belts... jeez the gun belts. It's not the hot water for bending that's the issue. It's having hands not machindrites! They kept pinging off with every manipulation. Which would then result in me knocking a rotor cannon off. A cycle of doooooom. So yeah lesson learnt: fiddly models = get the pins out

Great work on everyone that completed! My vote for this month goes to dantay_xv


Got an Apocalypse game coming up this month, so looks like I need to go a bit crazy and make a  big vow to get everything I want to take painted in time.


I Zujara rise to the challenge and vow


Forge Lord w/ Power Axe, Refractor Field, Volkite Charger, Rad Grenades

Veteran Tactical Squad w/ Meltagun, 2 Power Weapons, Power Fist, Artificier Armour, Melta Bombs

Rhino w/ Dozer Blade

Quad Mortar

Outrider Squad w/ 3 Twin-Linked Plasma Guns, Melta bombs

Deredeo Dreadnought w/ Aiolos missile launcher, armoured ceramite

Tactical Support Squad w/ 1 extra marine, 5 Volkite Calivers, Sergeant w/ Bolter & augury scanner, artificier armour

Tarantula w/ Twin-linked Lascannon


for 1050 points Bringing my total to 2115/2000











My October vote - Dantay_xv , November was a close 2nd...

@Zujara - cool looking stuff, cant wait to see paint on them bikes thumbsup.gif

@Praefectus Invictus - very nice, 30k ultramarines are cool.png

@SW1 - great story,(reminds me to start typing stuff up too wacko.png)

Cheers, Mithril


also Vow update pics...


Quad mortar completed! 1 unit, down 7 to go . Hopefully the upcoming game keeps me motivated to finish everything on time.




Gotten a bit quiet lately, how is everyone's progress going?

Gathering our strength ie waiting for the box to drop.


I helterskelter vow for the month of November 1 terror squad with volkite chargers, chain glaive and melta bombs for 275 points


Attainable and a little something to pick me back up after those :cuss vorax!


Zujara how are those little puppies to put together I've been eyeing them up for a project

My progress is on hold just now, but a small vow for this month. I am doing cover work on another rig, but they do not permit me to fly with my modelling stuff.


I get out to my own rig on Monday, so hobby work will resume next week.


I am really torn as to who to vote for, in October


Paintng a Glaive is no mean feat in one month. And a nie shade of red too.

November has those stunning yellows

Kurama is a freakin' machine. I could never output as many models as himand to that quality.

Mithrils, Starwars insired mechanicum are amazing, I look forward to the C3-PO beast

Praefectus, it is really cool to see your painting skills progress & get better with each passing vow. Keep going fella.

I love ove love Helter Skelters dread and Centurion.


I am going to go for Helter Skelter, but believe me it was a close run thing an you guys are doing B&C proud.

Sounds like the best time to take a break.


Hope both you and the kids get better soon... Btw did your female Inquisitr finished? I didn't see her in Kurama's completions.


I liked the part about keeping friends close and potential enemies closer...

Sounds like the best time to take a break.


Hope both you and the kids get better soon... Btw did your female Inquisitr finished? I didn't see her in Kurama's completions.


I liked the part about keeping friends close and potential enemies closer...

She's still not finished. I'll sort her out this month so I get a clean start next month.


I'm taking the opportunity to clear out the hobby space and sort through all the bits. There's a daft amount of unfinished stuff knocking around in boxes.

She's still not finished. I'll sort her out this month so I get a clean start next month.

I'm taking the opportunity to clear out the hobby space and sort through all the bits. There's a daft amount of unfinished stuff knocking around in boxes.

well we all know that feeling don't we tongue.png

todays WiP-

3P0's head takes shape -




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