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Rossjk's Relictor Space Marines


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Hi everyone,


Just thought I'd start up a WIP thread for the SM army I'm building up to get back into the hobby.. yeah just plain old space marines but there don't actually seem to be that many threads of them being built (or is it that everyone has just passed that phase!)


If I play them they'll most likely be under ultramarines rules, but I really don't like an upside down omega sign plastered everywhere and not too fond of the smurf look either.. so i'll keep them without chapter markings for now until I can make up some sort of fluff for them.


..anyway, I have some WIP pics ill post up but these are all the troops in their current state:





and the basic colour scheme, inspired by the Relictors:


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Here's my latest model, a kitbashed Captain which can also count as a wysiwyg sicarius.
The various bits I sourced for this::
- Forgeworld Emperor's Children body, (the most SM looking one without the claw logo!) with top part of a purity seal to fill the centre round area
- death company backpack (mainly for the halo)
- sternguard veteran head and shoulder pads
- assault SM plasma pistol arm
- grey knights 1h force sword, with the 'force' bit cut out


He'll also get some grenades to attach to those straps on his leg but will paint him first.


and the CC command squad I'm making for him to roll with. Preferred the choppy + plasma pistol look for them although apparently not the best choice for a command squad, not too fussed about that since this is more about the looks..


Yeah, You are ready to roll with Relictors.  And that's a cool looking kit-bash to make your HQ.  Sicarius's rules are actually rather weak:  You dont have to smurf-out at all if you dont want too.  


Look at your options between Command Squad and Honor Guards, too.


Most of the Vanilla Marines options are covered in the Astates base threads. 


Thanks, i'll have a good look through those threads...


I'm into the modelling side of things mostly, still want to keep them legit for casual games though..  I have a similar sized necron army going together which they'll eventually be playing against with a mate for friendly matches.  But you know, xenos scum & all that's the most they'll get mentioned here haha


Next model in the works is a kitbashed librarian, all the bits arrived today :)

Cheers Razblood smile.png

I've put my Librarian together now, using various bits bashed together:
- Sternguard veteran legs
- DA veteran front torso and Grey Knight rear torso with hood
- GK terminator bare head
- GK warding staff, with the top piece swapped to resemble one of the standard lib's, and the old staff head slapped onto the backpack
- GK shoulder pad has a nice little dangling book around the right side


also a quick conversion on my Terminator Chaplain to turn his storm-bolter into a combi-melta (from standard meltagun bits)


still digging up pics of what's been done already...


picked up a squad of dark vengeance terminators for next to nothing, have shaved off the dark angels logos and tweaked the sarge a little...

not quite finished painting yet but nearly there, still need to paint some details I missed and finish the sword & assault cannon..


haha I kind of do want to now.. but maybe change the flavour a little to include other relics they come across - for example xenos relics to fight xenos with (after all they'll be fighting necrons most of the time)... so undecided but many possibilities!


I'm wondering what sort of extent the original relictors went to? - like was it just the leaders/HQ's or did some items filter down the ranks also?


....now that I think of it my captain IS wearing old armour from a now traitor legion (emperor's children/palatine blades).. so maybe that could fit in well with one of the palatine blade swords also... nice and relic'y 

Awesome, thanks for that link
I've read through the wiki fluff and I really am liking their backstory... so yep have now decided that these guys will be relictors!  One slight difference though is i'll keep the gunmetal shoulder trims.. stands out a lot better than just the grey. My freehand logo painting isn't that great so i'll find some skull transfers to stand in as their logo..

and now some relics are on their way thanks to ebay:
a palatine blades sword to be used as the 'blade of phaedron', and will count as either a relic blade or power sword:
Inside the Blade of Phaedron lies the seething soul of a daemon possessed of a great enmity for all its kin. Although this Daemon Weapon is unremarkable when employed against a living being, against another daemon the blade will blaze white with the pure heat of the captive daemon's rage.

a chaos book for my librarian - combined with my librarian's other small book can be used as the 'books of pain':
The fabled Books of Pain contain every word that has ever been used to describe sensation from discomfort to screaming agony. In times of dire necessity, a few words from these blasphemous texts can cause all those within earshot to fall into paroxysms of suffering.  


and a good old chaos staff, to either replace the current lib's one or to use on another librarian

these will probably take a couple of weeks (in new Zealand, buying from Australia..).

Sweet man, welcome to the awesome side! I am lookin forward to your conversions.


I have also started a WIP thread not long ago to reboot modeling a Relictors force, though I was starting with a Radical Inquisitor detachment.


As far as rules go have you considered Dark Angels? They do have preferred enemy Chaos Marines, which is fluffy for the Relictors. But for me I am torn because there are a lot more fitting things in the vanilla codex. If only DA got CM and some sort of honor guard..

Cheers Guys, glad to have an identity for them now smile.png

I'll play them mainly with Ultramarines rules since I like the idea of a count-as Sgt Telion to run with these guys:

tried to keep them a little different from the usual models you see out there, so....
- converted the Missile Launcher guy to have a camo cloak and bolt pistol. oops just noticed the barrel isn't drilled!
- have put the scope back on the standard sarges' rifle (why would he ever take it off??!) and gave him a standard bolt pistol.
- did a more unique pose for the guy on the top right

Touched up the tactical squad Sarges today, still need to add some depth into the Shoulder Pad markings (aka just throw some nuln oil on them msn-wink.gif). Chapter skull logo will go on the tabbards.

Think I'll try and find some Chaos chainswords & plasma pistol for these guys to help with the relictors theme. http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p218/typicalaquarian/Warhammer%2040k/Space%20Marines/Space%20Marines%20WIP/Tactical%20Sarges.jpg

Some flamers, tried to get their faces looking all dirty & charred. They really need to have a decent fuel-tank on their backpacks but that'll be a future conversion much later on..


Keeping myself occupied with some CNC workshop scenery while waiting for ebay bits to arrive.... have about 9 more of these to make up (been buying these up over the last couple of years) finally have the motivation to build them!! biggrin.png

I've also found a local printer (ie- in NZ) that can print white waterslide decals so now have a good set of Relictor liveries on their way too


Thanks T.E., now I look back I have no idea how I batch painted the 30 or so standard marines in one go blink.png

Some bits turned up today so got right onto some more kit-bashing... with chaos relics!

Captain with his blade of phaedron:

Librarian with a chaos tome hanging from his belt:

Company champion wielding a chaos power sword:

And my terminator chaplain has got his hands on an 'accursed crozius':

The tactical sarges will also get some weapons changed, but limited to the basics like chaos chainswords etc - keeping somewhat to the various fluff out there that the relics will only be wielded by the highest ranks..

A power-armoured chaplain and a converted SM commander as the chapter master are on my to-do list now when their bits turn up

Some printed decals have arrived - used the A5 relictors template hosted here on B&C (thanks to Tubal wherever you are!),


really impressed with how they turned out, much thinner film than stock decals so they respond a lot better to microset/microsol and the printed white is still solid enough to cover the black paint



here's some guys with the decals still pretty fresh, they look a bit rough still but should flatten out and will be much better after a coat of matt varnish.


That Captain is legit, although I must say I liked the first sword better, had a lot more presence (just my opinion, of course). Keep it up!


Actually I have to disagree I think the new sword is a marked improvement.



The only thing I would really say is 'on no, mould lines' as you have good looking, well thought out marines with large mould lines on them. I know it would be a pain but I suggest going back over them and scraping them off.


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