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Rossjk's Relictor Space Marines


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sternguard unit done and waiting for basing.... yeah I know not the optimal loadout but doing what I like the look of msn-wink.gif


and added some more detail, moved the sword a little and brightened up shoulders on the comanpy champion....


Back to some more building!, the other captain is a bit of a double-up so I'm putting him to better use as a vanguard veteran sergeant, as half of his bits are from that kit anyway. Will get a jump pack organised for him..

For the vanguard vet squad I've kept the loadout simple but with a claw/fist combo in there:


First let me say I find the quality and quantity of your conversions and painting is great!

Yet imho some of the last images posted here are not completely up to par with some of your earlier works. Probably it is only personal preferences, so please don't take this the wrong way.

I went back to the first page where I found these awesome terminators. what i especially want to point out is the variance and balance you found in the coloring of the details. different metallic grey, bright and darker silvers, the cloth and the dirty light blue ribbons... I pretty much love every thing here. for comparison, the newer images tend to have a flat grey (librarian), the colors are quite flashy (devastators) and the chaplains look rather standard compared to these terminators. Maybe it is the lighting, maybe it is just me looking at stuff in a strange way, but I'd like to encourage for more subtle details that you sure are capable of as you showed with these (imho) fantastic guys:


First let me say I find the quality and quantity of your conversions and painting is great!

Yet imho some of the last images posted here are not completely up to par with some of your earlier works. Probably it is only personal preferences, so please don't take this the wrong way.

I went back to the first page where I found these awesome terminators. what i especially want to point out is the variance and balance you found in the coloring of the details. different metallic grey, bright and darker silvers, the cloth and the dirty light blue ribbons... I pretty much love every thing here. for comparison, the newer images tend to have a flat grey (librarian), the colors are quite flashy (devastators) and the chaplains look rather standard compared to these terminators. Maybe it is the lighting, maybe it is just me looking at stuff in a strange way, but I'd like to encourage for more subtle details that you sure are capable of as you showed with these (imho) fantastic guys:

Thanks for the great feedback, I'm starting to settle on the level of painting detail at what those sternguards are, which is a bit more than those terminators but still not too time consuming - those terminators actually feel a little bland to me and need some details picked out in brass. But like you say it comes down to personal preference msn-wink.gif

Unfortunately I don't have the time or skill for greenstuff sculpting so some of the kitbashed characters are a bit bland, but I'll make up for it with the converted ones and the kitbashed Marneus Calgar Artekus Bardane!

But first i'll get the sternguards based and vanguards painted...

While waiting for some washes to dry I had a play with some spare legs and scout torso, along with some other random bits one thing led to another and I ended up with a renegade inquisitor teehee.gif


Have started a new different thread for a small inquisitor detachment:

some more converting (sorry for the lack of painting updates!!). Scored a blood angels terminator captain, I've now changed him into a terminator sergeant since I wasn't happy with the look of the dark vengeance sergeant - will change that one's sword to a power fist. With his addition this will also give some army list options for the squad (ie-assault cannon or chainfist in the squad).
I'll be keeping the nice cloak he had for a future inquisitor terminator conversion.

painted vanguard veterans shouldn't be too far away....

  • 2 weeks later...

Hasn't been much painting progress with lots of my Necron dirty xenos stuff soaking up time, but got the highlight done on the vanguards, ready now for the detailed bits.


The chainswords on the sarges seemed a bit useless when they could have pistols to get a shot in before charging into combat, so fixed that (and swapped a boltgun onto the other one). The combi-plasma (SM commander version) is just silly with the magazine feeding through the lower plasma gun so changed it to a side-loading bolter.  Should be a quick paint job to finish them off...


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

You continue to strike a great balance with your conversions - just the right amount of chaos bitz mixed in to bend the codex standards without looking like a chaos force

Thx sgt smile.png

maybe one day GW will give the relictors their own codex rules... not likely sad.png

Here's the kitbashed counts-as vindicare assassin.. didn't go for the usual all-black scheme so he can tie in with the Relictors theme.  Also swapped his head to a scions one with better mask:


Liking the assassin but I feel he needs some sort of backpack, to show him camping behind enemy lines sort of stuff.


Well played with counts as Calgar and all. Good work on the fists. Small thing that only ever shows up after we post pictures, mould line on the back of the sword.

The counts-as Calgar conversion is looking ace, and I also really like the paintjob! One suggestion, though; Just imagine how much more he would pop if you were to add some highlights to those chords running across his chest (and around his right leg) and to the pteryges loincloth as well.

Thanks for the feedback guys :) 


I'll do some touch-ups on Marneus Relicgar but have been a bit distracted coverting my command squad into honour guard - after a couple of games I'm realising how much better their stats are in close combat... will post new pics of stuff when I get a chance

freshly converted honour guard waiting for paint touch-ups... will work much better now with a landraider crusader to assault from (on the to-do list!).. The chaos lance will now count as power lance and his backpack banner will be the chapter banner. Chapter champion in front/centre. Going with bright silver on the standard powerswords..


their previous state as a choppy command squad:

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Here's the command squad all done biggrin.png I've done six of them to keep options a little bit more flexible...


also added a little bit of a highlight to relicgar's brown bits as suggested:http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p218/typicalaquarian/Warhammer%2040k/Space%20Marines/Relicgar.jpg


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