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The rules disagree with you: "Template and Blast weapons, and any other attacks that don’t roll To Hit, cannot hit Zooming Flyers."


So skyfire or not, the havoc launcher is useless against non-ground targets. Listing all the cover modifiers they have is also meaningless since there are very few Sv5+ targets in 30K. Mechanicum being able to evaporate Knights in a round of shooting is nothing new. *shrug*


Unless they have Skyfire.


That rule is in a section for skyfire weapons, so it applies to ALL blasts and templates including those with skyfire. The only thing that changes that rule is whatever this FAQ is people have mentioned. So if you don't play Death from the Skies no shooting templates at fliers for you.

Edited by Terminus
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Hey guys, I just played my second game of 30k Mechanicum, played Ordo Reductor. Has anyone else experienced the joy that is Myrmidon Destructors with Volkite Culverins? I don't know if it's just my opponents not having good armor save rolls, or if it's just statistics, but they are a consistent performer for me in both game thus far. BS 5 with Preferred Enemy everything is just insane, with a squad of 3 I get an average of 11 wounds per shooting phase with them. They almost seem OP. Anyone else using them?

Edited by SydonianDragoon404
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They are very solid. BS5 S6 preferred enemy basically means that you hit and wound with every shot. Whatever your armor, you will take casualties. It's a solid weapon choice and the cheapest.


My 9 Myrmidon Ds have a pool of 6 imploders, 3 irradiators, and 6 volkites.

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I have yet to play an actual game with my mechanicum army that I am slowly putting together. I was wondering how viable a force based around the tech thralls could be? I really like he models and love the triaros. Flesh is weak, but it is plentiful. I don't have any yet but thought I would ask opinions before I ordered 60+ thralls and 4 triaros. I have cybernetica and knights. This thread was a great read!
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^Cybernetica. Those improved ranges will give you plenty of room to let the Vulturax scoot around where it wants to go to set up flank shots. 


There isn't a whole lot of point to running Taghmata, I've found. When you can get better robits and cortex/cybertheurgy ranges with cybernetica or ignore 75% of terrain and bring hella scoring tanks as reductor, the minor list tweaks are worth it. 


Yeah I'm hoping they bring out something to buff the 'base' list. It's supposed to represent a varied force though, so losing out on factional buffs makes sense. 

That rule is in a section for skyfire weapons, so it applies to ALL blasts and templates including those with skyfire. The only thing that changes that rule is whatever this FAQ is people have mentioned. So if you don't play Death from the Skies no shooting templates at fliers for you.


Do you use Facebook? It's been out for months now. 


It's a main rules change, nothing to do with Jank From The Skies

Hey guys, I just played my second game of 30k Mechanicum, played Ordo Reductor. Has anyone else experienced the joy that is Myrmidon Destructors with Volkite Culverins? I don't know if it's just my opponents not having good armor save rolls, or if it's just statistics, but they are a consistent performer for me in both game thus far. BS 5 with Preferred Enemy everything is just insane, with a squad of 3 I get an average of 11 wounds per shooting phase with them. They almost seem OP. Anyone else using them?


They're really good, its just if you fight 2+ saves or high AV (ie Legion and SA), they're kinda useless. But yeah if 30k had more horde infantry armies, they would cause a lot of whinging. They basically delete anything that can't save consistently against the first hit. They'll still maul 3+ save squads with massed wounds, you just don't trigger Deflagrate as often as you'd like. 

I have yet to play an actual game with my mechanicum army that I am slowly putting together. I was wondering how viable a force based around the tech thralls could be? I really like he models and love the triaros. Flesh is weak, but it is plentiful. I don't have any yet but thought I would ask opinions before I ordered 60+ thralls and 4 triaros. I have cybernetica and knights. This thread was a great read! 


They really should be T4, because T3 means a huge number of things just deny you FNP. AP4 is also very common in 30k, so likewise even with carapace upgrade they're still so easily killed. 


Your best use for them is unlocking Triaros tanks for scoring, as they're a cheaper method than Thallax (who are over four times as expensive and almost as useless typically). 


Cybernetica is my favourite, but if you'd be going to tournaments I'd look at Ordo Reductor. 

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They are very solid. BS5 S6 preferred enemy basically means that you hit and wound with every shot. Whatever your armor, you will take casualties. It's a solid weapon choice and the cheapest.


My 9 Myrmidon Ds have a pool of 6 imploders, 3 irradiators, and 6 volkites.


Looking at it I always though compared to other options, Culverins might have been a little lacking on Myrmidons... But damn, when you combine Pref-enemy, deflag etc they are just perfect rollers.

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^Its that combo of preferred enemy, BS5 and Str6 in an environment of primarily T3&4 targets.


Even with 2+ armor, you're going to force some failed saves through. It also makes you feel even worse for daemons in 30k :lol:


But it fits well with the Myrmidon cult. Each one of them is a miniature tech-warlord who has dedicated their entire machine-life to destruction instead of the building and management of a forge.

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They don't feel competative, right up until you dump a squad of grav imploders out of a Triaros and crush a Primarch like a beer can.


Aye - Grav Imploders feel a bit too 40k though, but are a necessary evil :tongue.:


Thats because Grav Imploders are 40k Grav.


Well yes that's why I said it duh

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They don't feel competative, right up until you dump a squad of grav imploders out of a Triaros and crush a Primarch like a beer can. 


I mean they cost the moon and if you lose the Triaros early they're so slow...but if you manage to get in range and dump them out within 18", even Horus and Peturabo get turned into pancakes. 

Ah, but in 30k, they are handled exactly how they should be:


Available as one expensive upgrade to an expensive super specialized Mechanicum unit in tiny numbers that is super potent scissors against its specific paper. 


Yeah you can't drop pod them, or 'Gate' them, and they are only Range 18" instead of 24". Although I will say Preferred Enemy with Grav is just disgusting. You basically never miss or fail to wound if you're shooting 2+ saves, and even against 3+ you'll fail like 1 wound roll in 12. Also Concussive is hilarious on a ranged weapon ;) so is Immobilising Spartans. 

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Just wondering what are people's advice for taking Castellax Automata I was thinking of taking one with paragon of metal for a small black shield force though a forge lords cortex controller but unsure of what load out to have for it. I know having a lone Castellax probably isn't ideal but taking it more for rule of cool :D
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Just wondering what are people's advice for taking Castellax Automata I was thinking of taking one with paragon of metal for a small black shield force though a forge lords cortex controller but unsure of what load out to have for it. I know having a lone Castellax probably isn't ideal but taking it more for rule of cool :biggrin.: 


Castellax work better in pairs. By itself its not going to accomplish all that much. I much prefer the Praevian to unlock Castellax, as he grants them Legion rules and also Preferred Enemy if he hits an enemy unit with his bolter. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Depends on their transport options. So far we've seen a lot of badass melee units with no way to get in melee.  Assuming they get conveyance of some sort, they would make a good counter-assault unit for Mechanicum lists that tend to be mostly shooty.

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Yeah they really need their grav-transports to turn up. Due to BB not being able to hop in transports, we can't move them around. Custodes are great, they just need a fast delivery system. 


Sisters of Silence are going to be a meta call. If 1k Sons end up being good, might not be a bad choice. 30k doesn't typically see many psykers. Would be good against Lorgar Ascendant, as his buffs turn off if he gets in range of them. Keeping the Sisters alive without transports is going to be difficult, so again, they need a ride to be useful. 

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Looks like the Vultarax are coming soon.  I already pre-ordered some because I absolutely love their design and rules.  Once all is said and done, how do you think it will be run?  I feel like the obvious answer is in a Legio Cybernetica list but I am thinking that it can be immensely useful in the Ordo Reductor's.  Mars-Colossus artillery batteries plus two separate Vultarax could make a devastating combination.  That opponent's new land raider?  Pop it open, make their prized terminator squad footslog it while Myrmidons of the like pound it with long range weaponry.  Use the artillery batteries to insta-gib any normal marines that disembark/come out of destroyed rhinos.  Krios Venators sound fun too, but at this point I feel like we are running out of HS slots.

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