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Day 1

'Listen up gentlemen! Navigators say we're coming out of Immaterium by Nubilus in 15 hours. Make sure your people are ready to start immediate deployment. Orderders and maps have been sent to you earlier this morning. I want your reports in 5 hours. Dismissed.' 


Day 3
'General surface scanning show no enemiy activity. It seems we're late and PDF managed to solve the problem. But we've found no trace of combat. No ruins, no battlefields. Everything looks... normal, as if the enemy never came here. There are no ships around the planet and no even debris that must be here if the forces of chaos were stopped on orbit.'

'Find me the local governer i want to talk to him'

'We've already sent a message but our astropaths got no answer. Vox frequencies are filled with songs and some kind of preaching'

'Who's preaching?'

'We don't know yet sir, but we've asked priests to listen to the records. They say that it is not Ecclesiarchy but it doesn't look like heresy too. In short people are asked to stay calm and do their duties. Our vox opperators feel strange after listening to those messages and music for a long time.'

'Are they sick?'
'As they say, they feel no need to sleep' 

'Call the Inquisitor. I have a few words to him'

'Sir, the Inquisitor and his acolytes have gone to the planet 30 minutes ago.'

'Why for the Throne am i knowing this only now?'

'I'm sorry sir...'

'You better be. Send a mesage to all regimental commanders. We are starting the operation as it was planned.'

'But sir who are we going to attack? As i mentioned before there is no any trace of the enemy.'

'Consider the planet hostile. Find new landing zones outside of the hives. The catachan can stil deploy in forests by the oil platforms and refineries. We'll need that prometium sooner or later.'


Day 15

'We are glad to greet you on the blessed soil of His world General. We apologise for the messege you've recieved. There was no need to send forces of the Guard here.'

'That's not you to decide chancellor. We recieved a message telling that Nubilus was under attack of the Arch Enemy. And we will stay here until we a sure this world is safe.'

'Of course General. You can inspect every corner of His domain. But we assure you there's no need to worry. We're all doing our duties under His protection. You can move your men inside the hospitality of our cities and enjoy the blessed air of our planet as long as your duty demands it.'

'Chancellor we need vox frequencies free of this non-stop music and preaching'

'We will do as you ask General'


Day 26

'Damn it! Can somebody tell me what a grox crap is going on with vox? Can somebody clear it from that constant buzzing and static?'

'The locals say it's the blessed sound of his will on air'

'Whose will?'

'The Emeror's of course. Whose else?'

'Don't ask me. These locals are damn strange. They are polite, they do what you ask. But have you seen them smiling?'

'Hmm. I think I havn't.'

'And they wear clothes of almost the same color. All of them. Women, children, workers, clercs. And have you seen any temple?'

'Nope. I'd like to visit one. I have strange dreams since we arrived on this piece of dirt'

'Dreams, huh? Don't tell me you're going to become one of those crazy friends of the inquisitor.'

'Don't be silly. I'm not. They would taken me as they did to my sister many years ago. The man examined us both and said that i'm not needed'.

'So have you seen you sister after that?'


'Was she beautiful?'

'Shut up! She was only seven'

'So what? Woman is a woman'

'Oh you're such a scum!'

'Calm down I was just kidding. Let's do our duty'

'You start to sound strange you know'


Day 45

'Good day gentlemen. We have asked you all to come and tell us how the inspection is going on. Colonel Zeeman would you please start'

'Yes general. We have not found any trace of the enemy. Citizens of Nubilus seem to be loyal and not warp tainted.  PDF forces are not large but well-trained. It looks like planet-wide broadcasting network helps govern this planet a lot. There were no crimes registered since it was established a year ago.'

'No crimes? This world is really blessed.'

'Indeed sir.'

'Have you found our iqusitor friend yet?'

'Unfortunately no sir. But intelligence has some witneses to interrogate'

'Good. Tell them to stay calm and be polite to those people colonel'

'Of course general. That is what we all need'


'Yes colonel Frites'

'A man has delivered a messagge today. It was written on paper and had inqisitior's seal on it'

'What was in this message?'

'It was "All loyal Imperial forces in order to stay loyal must leave the hives and turn off the vox casters".'

'We have recieved the same paper' 'and we' 'we too'

'Hm sounds like nonsense. Let us see it. Yes it's our friend's seal on it. Chancellor you have asked all comanding officers of all regiments to come because you have somethingg important to say. Can you bring some light on this too?'

'Oh yes general. Thank you. Gentlemen I'm here to tell you His will for today. You all need to take your weapons. Put them into your mouth and pull the trigger. Please do it now.'

'Gladly chancellor. That is what we all need'


Same day's evening

'Damn it! Colonel must already be here by now. Any message from him?'

'How for the Throne i would recieve it? Colonel ordered to turn all vox casters off.'

'Yeah. This mission is growing more and more strange from day to day'

'We're guarding this landing zone for month already and have not seen any hostile. This planet stinks. And i'm tirded of this constant rains'

'Would you like to be shot at by heretics every day instead?'

'No but this idleness drives me mad. I want to shoot someone.'

'Easy warrior. Soon we're going to leave this boring rock and go to find some glory and death somewhere else. The Emperor's wars never end.'

'It is usually more death than glory. Hey look! What is there in the sky'

'You've seen something more than all this damned clouds?'

'Just look'

'Holy Terra! It looks like something big is falling down burning. Looks like one of our ships'

'Not one. Look there!'

'What a frag is going on there? Are those fly boys gone crazy?'

'We've got to tell cap.'

'Do you think he is blind and deaf?'

'Hey look that one is smaller. And it flies here'

'Too fast'

'Take cover!'


Day 57

'Don't shoot! Please don't shoot! I'm not brain washed!'

'Why should I belive you lady? I and my friends have seen enough not so loyal guardsmen for a last week. How many of you there?'

'I'm alone here. Don't you see?'

'So it's only you alone there, right?'

'Of course soldier! What a stupid question! Am I looking like two people? Are you blind or what?'

'You don't say "we" about yourself. That's a good sign. Cap is going to like it. Come here slowly cause me and my friend don't want to shoot a fleet girl. Esppecially such a pretty one.'

'It will be more appreciated if you call me "Lieutenant Vega" soldier'

'Oh! Yes ma'am. As you say it. How did you managed to get here?'

'I have landed in escape pod. My ship "Righteous Wrath" was captured by heretics. Some other vessels were too. It was a well planned attack because ships started descending to surfase almost in one moment. That happened after some astropaths recieved a message from surface to shut the vo nework down and prepare for the evacuation. What is going on here?'

'You better ask Cap about that ma'am. We know nothing except that all who went to hives came back to shoot us.'


Day 69

'APC on the road! Run and tell Cap!'


'What's there Todson?'

'It looks like 3 Chimeras Captain. They've stopped far enough so we cannot shoot them with our guns'

'They belong to Catachan as i can see. all that came before these did not stop, right?'

'Yes sir! They were shooting on sight'

'So we might have some friends here. And we won't shoot them too'

'You're the boss here now sir'

'Call Williams and tell him to bring Platoon standart. Everyone stay alert!'


'am Lieutenant Stork. And you can see all what left of the Catachan 377th. I need a medic for the inquisitor. And as he said vox can be used again.'

'I am Captain Greshin, Obian 14th. Good to see you Lieutenant. Need a medic here! Lead the way Lieutenant! Where did you find him?'

'My regiment was tasked to secure refineries in the forests. And about three weeks ago when all this crap started those refineries opened their tanks and poured all around with prometium. In some hours we were driving through burning hell as fast as we could. So this damned planet has no forests anymore. Five days after my people ran out of that inferno we saw a crashed Vendetta. There was the Inquisitor and his psyker and some others dead already.'


Day 75

'With all due resect Inquisitor do you think we must go to the Nubilus Primus?'

'Yes Captain we must punish those traitors and make sure they won't use their technology anymore.'

'But you said that your people destroyed that broadcasting network'

'My people destroyed the central hub, but i'm not sure that it can't be build somewhere else. You and your people will help me stop those heretics'

'They're not all my people. I'm only a Captain.'

'You are the senior officer of the loyal to the Emperor regiment. All collonels and majors were killed in the first days of this crysis. So you are the commander in chief here. And you must help me win this war.'

'Holy Terra'


Day 88

'Hey look! What are they doing there?'

'Give me the magnocular. They are just walking here and there'

'Are they armed?'

'Some of them. But most of them are not. Just civilians'

'We need to get closer'


'This is not right! This is not right! Why are these people do this? They don't talk, they don't shoot, they just come and hit my tank with sticks and even bare hands. I have to drive over them. This is a nightmare. They are absolutely brainless idiots.'

'Stay focused and proceed to the designated coordinates! Shoot them if you want'


'This is strike team one. Governors palace in sight. Enemy infantry and armor'

'Do you see any loudspeakers there? Any interference in vox?'

'Yes, some loudspeakers. Reading you loud and clear'

'Do not get any closer. We're getting artillery strike there.'

'Roger that'


'Strike team one status report.'

'Loudseakers are destroyed. I repeat speakers are destroyed. Enemy troopps are... errr... They are leaving their position sir. They now are like those mindles folks we met before. The path to the palace is clear'

'Roger that. All strike teams begin the assault. Proceed with caution any louspeakers and enemy vox stations must be destroyed. Get those bastards alive if possible'

DONE!, Now where is my medal!?... I mean... Ready for service Siiiiiir!





- Motto of the Hessian Household Guard. -




The Hessian 101st Household Guard is the most reknown of the planets highly disciplined guard regiments, recruited from the industrial hive cities of the mining colony Hessia, in the Segmentum Tempestus, located at the edge of the Caron Nebula. In its seven thousand years of service to the Imperium of Man the world has been subject to numeros xenos raids, with the savage orks and merciless dark eldar being the most predominant threat; and the ever present menace of the chaos cults in the underhives, scheming to overthrow the imperial rule of the planet. In the last year of the 41st Millenium the Household Guard has been engaged in three fronts: The ork Waaagh! Of warlord Gutsplittah laying siege to Goltha, the systems local forge world and weapons manufacturer; a civil war inspired by chaotic cults has been brewing for three years on the capital world of Hessia splitting the population in half; and a Tau incursion on the civilized world of Belium III in an attempt to establish a Tau colony in the Segmentum Tempestus. And on the horizon a new threat is looming, the tendrils of the hive mind creeping its way towards the system. With their current situation and only a handfull of reinforcements arriving it is believed the system will be lost within the next decade.


The Household Guard Regiments are so called because their sworn duty is to guard their home system and therefore serve as the mainstay defensive force of their neighbouring inhabited planets. Only orphans under the age of 8 are recruited into Guard and on Hessia there is no shortage of orphans, the hard and dangerous industrial work claims thousands of citizens each day, although the systems other planets send their own orphans to the planet as well as payment for the protection. Guard troopers are not allowed to marry or continue their lineage and so spend their whole lifes in service to the oligarchic gobernment of Hessia. Officers however are the sons and daughters of the planets nobles and aristocrats, an orphan is not allowed a rank of command above sergeant. The Household guard has a great distate for any non human imperial elements, such as ogryns or ratlings and do not employ them in the military. However, ogryn are bought as slaves from a neighbouring planet to work in the mines.


The Guard specialize in urban combat, an ability needed to keep the order in the wild streets of the hive cities and orbital dockyards. Each Regiment numbers 500 men and are divided into 50 man platoons of proffesional troops with an above average training and equipment compared to most imperial guard companies, equiped with specialist and heavy weapons as needed and supported by light vehicles like chimeras or hellhounds and sentinels, the only vehicles that are able to move through the streets of the cities. Their main duty is to keep the peace in the city, put down riots and defend the solar system. Hessias elite troops are known as the Riot Corps, its members are clad in suits of demi-power armour and equipped with riot shields and power mauls or heavy combat shotguns. A small squad of 5 of these men can easily dispatch a hundred rioting miners or workers.










Marcellus Dran had, at the end of 998. M41, served in the 5th Platoon, 3rd Company of the 101st Hessian Regiment as the vox officer of the platoon command squad. He is seen here during the Hessian civil uprising of 998, during which heretical cults began a planet wide revolution on the homeworld of the regiment. His Platoon was parading, which is why he is not wearing the usual black and blue guard uniform or the camouflage of deployment but rather parade armour, in honour of the Sanguinalia when a large mob of rebelious citizens charged into the Saint Hansel's plaza armed with crude melee weapons and autoguns, in what became a gruesome bloodbath. The Hessian guard, always ready for combat, returned fire without a second thought gunning down innocent civilians and traitors alike. Dran was wounded on his left arm when his squad was assaulted by renegades, but he is on record as having escaped with his life to later regroup with the 87th Regiment and re-engaged the enemies in the darkness of the under-hive.




Hope you like it! :D

I've tried 2 ETL's before and it did not go well unsure.png But you never know about next year! laugh.png

The commissariat provides "extra" motivation compared to the other ETL factions... msn-wink.gif Well done on an excellent completion, top quality work on all three counts so a very well earned Sergeant rank! Don't forget that you have secondary vow you can make for any one of the other Regiments challenges so further promotions are available if you want them... plenty of time to complete another model before the deadline :D

My vow is delayed thanks to a busy weekend but that wasn't unexpected. I'll try and sort out the vow in the coming week even if that doesn't involve the model!

I've tried 2 ETL's before and it did not go well unsure.png But you never know about next year! laugh.png

The commissariat provides "extra" motivation compared to the other ETL factions... msn-wink.gif Well done on an excellent completion, top quality work on all three counts so a very well earned Sergeant rank! Don't forget that you have secondary vow you can make for any one of the other Regiments challenges so further promotions are available if you want them... plenty of time to complete another model before the deadline biggrin.png

I don't think I will have any time to complete another one until the deadline. Although I will consider it. I was going to order a commissar from GW but I doubt it will arrive in time. If it does I might make a last minute vow :P

Lovely work, Elmo and Grand Magnus!

Through the Warp, to near and far,
To Tallarn, Lethe and Ultramar,
The Emperor points and we obey,
Through the Warp and far away...

I give you sergeant Sergei Dragunov of the 1st Stoutfort Rangers: a volunteer regiment of homo sapiens rotundus sharpshooters and refugees from their lost homeworlds. Note: insufficient numbers exist to constitute an actual regiment. The riflemen are officially part of the Imperial Guard regiments of Kierdale's Shrineworld.


Hidden Content

The last of a dying breed.

A race tipped past the brink of extinction.

Homo sapiens rotundus.

Less than four thousand survivors that he knew of had made it to Kierdale’s World. Any others were likely scattered far and wide. There were not enough for a viable genepool, even with the aid offered by the Mechanicum. The survivors had turned down the offer of genetherapy and cloning; their ancestors had always shunned such medicine and the survivors would not discard such beliefs even now with the end of their race in sight.

Thus they were called stubborn. Die-hards.

And die hard they would.

Sergeant Sergei Dragunov, 1st Stoutfort Rangers, settled the crosshairs over the xenos’ cranium and squeezed the trigger at just the right moment, timing the shot with his breathing. The shot was spat forth by his sniper rifle and blew out the genestealer’s brains; its entire cranium vanishing in a violet puff. The body dropped into the dirt like a particularly monstrous marionette, its strings cut. It was a particularly pleasing kill as it had been the Great Devourer who had put paid to his race.

The tyranids had descended upon the squat worlds and, beyond a handful of ships which escaped carrying what became refugees - him one of them -, naught remained. Dragunov had been a battletrike gunner at the time and had fought ‘stealers back then: before the hiveships had appeared in orbit somehow the bastard monsters had infiltrated his homeworld.

By the time the ‘stealer cults were discovered it had been too late. Once they were outed he never again raced across the sastrugi plains beyond the Felfrost Habs, holding on to the grips of his heavy bolter for dear life. All were recalled to the Habs and soon he found himself fighting not only ‘stealers but also his kinsmen: those who had been entranced by the foul xenos cult and had given birth to mutants. Half breeds: hunched, multi-limbed bastard things they had been. Killing them and the purestrains had been the hardest thing physically, but to see enthralled kinsmen throw themselves between the guns of the cleansers and the hybrids - their offspring - had torn his heart out.

The last of the cult had barely been wiped out, and Dragunov been promoted to hearthguard - before the big bugs arrived . He remembered that big, heavy, gilt heathguard mask he had been rewarded with. It had never been comfortable and a part of him did not miss losing it in the eventual flight from the homeworlds. Another, greater, part of him deeply regretted the loss of such a relic. Worn by hundreds of hearthguard before him. Dinged and dented from countless battles and polished to a great sheen by whomever it was granted to. Now gone.

He could not recall the hive fleet’s name. One of the human rogue traders had told the squats it - named for some ancient Terran beast - but it mattered not. The trader had fled and the squats had dug in, briefly looking up from their defensive preparations to see his ship caught and devoured.

The war had started on the tundra. The white fields ground beneath the vast treads of city-block sized colossi. Originally mobile mining installations, these huge vehicles had been retrofitted with battlecannons and plasma missiles to defend Squat cities. Seldom were they deployed. Few enemies were foolish to set foot on the good earth of Squat worlds.

All were deployed. These and other behemoth warmachines: cyclops, leviathans and land trains pummeled those Xenos who made it past the goliath mega-cannons and thunderfire cannons lobbing ordnance into the heavens.

Dragunov had watched with pride as a vast overlord armoured airship had passed overhead with a thunderous drone, its broadsides raining shells down into the sea of smaller bugs that swept toward the squat lines. A dark cloud rose up from the mass of bugs and through a scope he could see that it was a flock of winged beasts, all hooks and talons. The gargoyles soared, flying directly for the overlord and, even as iron eagle gyrocopters attempted to down as many as they could with their cannons, the winged monsters made it to the war-dirigible. The guild aeronauts, realizing they were doomed, had loosed their entire playload of melta bombs upon the enemy creating a carpet of white fire before diving the airship itself down -by that point covered in hacking, spitting and clawing gargoyles- to detonate amongst the enemy in a huge fireball.

Oaths of vengeance were sworn by those who saw the great ship fall.

Wave after wave were mown down by gunfire, roasted by fire and ground beneath tracks, but the tide could not be turned and soon the Squats had found themselves fighting within the tunnels and the caverns which housed their cities. The narrow confines were, unknown to the Squats, all too similar to the vein-pathways and gullet-tunnels of the hive warships and the fighting was the bitterest Dragunov had seen in all his long years.

The living ancestors had attempted to turn their psychic powers upon the aliens only for a great many of them to be driven insane, collapsing, muttering doggerel and screaming about a shadow in the warp. The warlord had called his hearthguard close for counsel and ordered the mourning of the loss of such eminent members of their race to be postponed. Until the war was won.

Some advised flight from the Felfrost Habs, booby-trapping the city and bringing it down upon the enemy to cover a retreat south to Swardstone but comms were imprecise and others suggested likely the other hearth-cities were likely as deep in bugs as they were; most suggested new tactics - some sound, many risks and a few suicidal; very few suggested flight from the homeworlds and these were looked upon with scorn, henceforth hiding their shame behind their gilt masks.

Dragunov was shaken out of his reverie by the heavy footfalls of a pair of scout sentinels marching past. The battle had been won and the towering walkers stalked across the craters and trenches with their heavy flamers, incinerating the alien corpses.

The refugee ships had at first received a cold welcome when they had decanted from the warp to Kierdale’s World. They later learned that it has been the Adeptus Mechanicus representatives on the planet who had persuaded both the noble houses and the Ecclisiarchy to accept the squats.

In exchange for their technical knowledge, of course.

The opportunity to get their mechadendrites upon the squat STCs had been too hard for the Priesthood of Mars to allow them to be turned away. Dragunov was bitter, but grateful. Their mauled ships wouldn’t have survived another jump. Thus their guildmasters now worked in the small forges on Kierdale’s World and upon Alceforge itself not far off, sharing their knowledge with Mechanicum enginseers, while all others of able bodies served in the Shrineworld’s regiments...

He took a deep breath and stood, his body feeling heavy and he thumped his fist into his back several times, trying to work a crick out of it. He turned, intending to seek out the rest of his people - his squad-mates as almost all of the squats who had made it to Kierdale’s World had enlisted - but stopped when he found someone sat atop a half-fallen wall behind him, watching him.

Almost naked but for a loincloth – a scrap of camouflage material, the figure was lean, wiry. It’s tanned, leathery skin was covered in tattoos: stylized Aquilas, winged skulls and text: Penitent, Sinner, Woe, Shame...Mutant. For the watcher was homo sapiens variatus.

A beastman.

Its face was a permanent snarl, the lower lip pushed down by tusks jutting from the lower lip, beady black eyes under a heavy brow crowned by a pair of short, devil-like horns. It sat with a gore-stained axe resting against its shoulder and its lasrifle across its lap; the latter was dented and rusted. One hand was holding its side, blood slowly trickling out between its hairy fingers.

“You fight well, short man,” the beastman said. It was hardly high gothic, but Dragunov was surprised how clearly the mutant spoke despite its...dental obstructions.

He hefted and carefully slung his longrifle over his shoulder, holding the butt with one hand. The barrel pointed heavenward, finishing a good meter above his helmeted and hooded head.

“I take good care of my weapons,” he muttered and moved to pass the beastman.

“All must make do with their lot in life,” the other replied, stroking his rifle and whispering soothingly to its spirit.

This made Dragunov stop. He did not laugh, for he could no longer laugh, but he gave a grunt of amusement.

“Is that what you’re doing?”

The beastman raised and shook his head. “To be idle is to fail Him. I seek redemption. But for now...I bleed.”

The squats were not part of the Imperial Creed. They neither worshipped the Emperor nor believed there were spirits in machines. He almost reached for his meager medkit but stopped. What was he doing conversing with this mutant? He was one of the last of a proud race, while the other was a cursed, all-but-proscribed deviant; evidence of the corruptive influence of Chaos upon man.

“Save your meds little man. If He wants my soul, He will claim it. But I feel it will not be this day.”

Dragunov had heard that while a great many worlds across the Imperium of Man outlawed homo sapiens variatus, they had been granted a pardon of sorts on Kierdale’s Shrineworld. Something about a priest having fought alongside such mutants against the greenskins in the world’s past. Hence they were not summarily executed but instead granted life via conscription.

“You look down upon me, little man.” This stopped Dragunov once more. “Brother abhuman. But I am blessed by His Light and the possibility of redemption. What fate awaits you?”

The diminutive sniper gritted his teeth and turned to leave.

“Little better than mine, I wager, little man. I may find forgiveness in death. But you…?”


See to it that the commissariat's faith is not misplaced Reyner, or you will find we don't misplace our bolt rounds... msn-wink.gif

Speaking of the commissariat former Commisar Kier shoots in for Sergeant, an excellent model and write up but we expect no less! In at Lieutenant Major for Regiments now, just Treads and Thrusters left should you want to achieve the full rank! biggrin.png

edit: Kier's rank corrected

Looking to get my Guard collection finally going. I'm looking through my cousins stuff he gave me and I see about 20 Catachans, a Leman Russ, and 10 man Cadian Squad. 


Is it too late for this ambitious imperial commander to sally forth and join the glorius ranks of the heroes of the Guard? 

Not at all, plenty of time to get your vows in thumbsup.gif Any model can be done for Heroes of the Guard, and your troopers can be done for One for All (or Blood and Glory if part of a CCS). Your Russ would be for Big Guns Never Tire so you've plenty of options for two challenges should you want smile.png

Nice squad sniper Kierdale! The bipod reminds me of a pair of horns from a dwarven helmet.

They do a bit, don't they?

Actually the model is a converted WHFB dwarf thunderer/quarreller. The bipod legs are the arms of what was his crossbow.



Speaking of the commissariat former Commisar Kier shoots in for Sergeant, an excellent model and write up but we expect no less! In at Lieutenant Major for Regiments now, just Treads and Thrusters left should you want to achieve the full rank! :D

No chance, sadly.

I have no Chimera or Taurox to make and the Valkyrie I have will take far too much work to get it done in time.


I'll sit back and watch everyone else's work now :)

The purple plasma is something I am using on all my imperial armies, goes back to my second edition space wolves, they had purple plasma and so everybody else is getting it :) I tried purple osl on my straken counts as, will hopefully get it done on these guys as well.

The bionics should fit into the fluff as should my nork counts as who will be using the ripper gun.

Veterans Kai and Leyton reporting for duty, sir ! Those two gent' are now ready to fight in His glorious name. First time I paint models for years (2010 if no mistake). Glad this challenge brought me back in hobby. I suppose I won't be doing the bases before having half of my army paint... Thus not before Christmas, according to my painting speed whistlingW.gif . Need to have a global perspective on this army before deciding what theme should the bases represent. Hope it does not lead me to the Penal Legions. Here are picture of models and some fluff (translated from a weird language to English, sry).




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Leyton adjusted his respirator and took a deep breath of oxygen. Heretics were a little more nasty than expected. While taking off the brain leftovers from his coat with the back of his hand, he beckoned to Kai to move in the nearest trench. The earth was soft and spongy beneath his feet. The veteran checked his lasrifle magazine and counted his grenades. Three. He progressed slowly in the trench, a mixture of water, peat and vaguely human fluids reaching knee height. With his bayonet he probed the mud before each step. The fanatics facing the XIV had no chance, but they could be a thorn in the side. Those devils multiplied ambushes for three weeks, complicating the progress of the Imperials in the tunnels. They sprang out of the mire, a pile of corpses or some shelter hidden in the maze of trenches. And the flood of the Terso three days after the arrival of the regiment on Torken Secundus did not help. Leyton continued to walk, slowly, carefully, one foot after the other. Damn river, he grumbled. A muffled squawk warned him that his blade had touched something sill alive under the mud. A barely recognizable shape leaped out of the filth in a large spray of brownish liquid. Unfortunately for the traitor, his opponent was not an ordinary guard. The veteran strongly raises its rifle, impaling the torso of the heretic on his bayonet even before he has had time to use his dagger. Without a sound, the lifeless body sank into the mud. Running sounds a few meters further signaled Leyton that the hunt promised to be good this day. Two other cultists emerged at the corner of the next trench. They opened fire on sight, leaving barely enough time for Leyton to press against the nearest wall. The heretics were moving forward methodically; one was reloading while the other was shooting. A vulnerability and Leyton could leave them a good memory, shooting them in a blast of laser. Then he prepared a grenade, praying the Emperor for the mechanism to trigger at the right time. Now the heretics hurried their pace, joined by a third man who inveighed them. Probably a former sergeant from the local PDF, thought Leyton. The cultists were only a few steps away from his shelter. The veteran was about to arm the grenade. Too short, and it would turn him into ribbons. Too long, and his enemies will have enough time to make him a sieve. Anyway, he will carry the three censored.gif in the grave. What better way to die than by killing His enemies? Actually, Leyton would rather live a little longer in order to continue to exterminate His enemies in His name. Then there was a big swoosh and Leyton felt the air being sucked from his lungs. An infernal heat surrounded him and what remained of his hair caught fire. Then nothing but weak groans of agony. He put his head out of his dugout and saw two blackened bodies floating. Hanging on the barbed wire which delimited the trench, a third wriggled feebly, still in flames. Heavy footsteps. Kai walked in with a merry glance at the carnage. “God dammit! you took your time! For a moment, I’ve felt obliged to blow that cesspool with grenades”. “If it was that easy to move in these censored.gif trenches with those censored.gif stuff, the bigwigs would have never call upon us” replied the flamer, showing the hardened promethium tanks strapped to his back. Kai lit two cigs and handed one to Leyton. “And thou almost cry that I have deprived you of your finest hour". Leyton took the cigarette, snatched the respirator hanging from his face and had a long drag. Far away, a gunfight broke out, followed by another, punctuated by grenades explosions. "My finest hour shall wait. The war is just beginning."
The Munitorum Advisor (count as.. a voxcaster) Karl Boritzoff is next in line. Need a bit of undercoat first, and fluff... And the regiment needs more fluff. Always need more fluff, and more translation wallbash.gif

Well done Guilloom, they look great. The muted colours are highlighted just right, excellent completions! All you need now is the regimental background piece and that's your two vows completed to the highest level! :D

Work starts on the Carrier of Men. I hear a powder coat has been laid and the camouflage is being prepped as we speak.


The enemy shall not see us until the light of the Emperor fades for a moment in their eyes...and then the light of Man will blind them.

How did you achieve the lagging around the las gun? Really like the brown uniform, very drab you've achieved a very nice effect

Actually, that was easier than i thought. I used three thin strips of GS (0,3mm thick) as the lagging is made of 3 parts (in order to not overlay this guy's hands). Wrap them around the rifle, then use a rubber tool to merge each part and a vaseline-coated metal tip to sculpt the whole. That description is a bit messy so I'll post a few pictures on the Rgt thread next time I make that kind of camo happy.png

Well done Guilloom, they look great. The muted colours are highlighted just right, excellent completions! All you need now is the regimental background piece and that's your two vows completed to the highest level! biggrin.png

Thanks. I still need to learn how to wash (a lavis ?) the colours... Advices are welcome. And also noticed a terrible green hole on the flamer coat ! The problem is now solve, but maybe I should use better quality paintings, especially for undercoat. Or is it GS texture and density ? Advices are welcome again biggrin.png (I'll post that on an appropriate thread in order to avoid polluting this topic)

Depends what you want to do as to what wash and how, but you can't go wrong with a single coat of a wash if you're in doubt. For you Agrax Earthshade will be work a look, a very useful wash to have either way :)


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