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its staying loyal to the 7th  for sure , I also have a glaive head coming so illb e able to swap it ,  very excited  to begin work tomorrow 

I  designed my own little Tank Commander for this campaign were running  his name is Godfrey and he has a thing for superheavy tanks  

The 775th Armored lives Boys ! 

Now that the Event has started Ive been spending most of the day painting. 



The fellblades ready to be shaded , on all its armor panels  , it needs to look like its been through an adaquate amount of hell  so ill prolly get that done later tonight 


The Grind Continues , Ive got Khârn Mostly Done and the red butchers have been re shaded , I need to paint his base and the dead / dying guy on it  for Khârn  and I need to shade / finish up the plasma support squad and fellblade , but I need another break 

I seem to have forgotten to eat anything all day  , oops @ n  @  




Speaking of Bases, they just showed up so its time to do the mud on them and oh yea the fellblade is finished shading so its done


AAAAAND were done 
Tomorrow is red wine and World Eaters Day  gonna get those butchers finished  and my desk will be clear 

Butchers are done  so knock another one off my vow  figured id set em up in a nice little epic confrontation for the picture also put the Templar brethren up on  32 mm bases ,  need to get some nice stone shale to do the rings around the mud to mark them out even further but money is a bit tight 

Still waiting on a Leviathan Dreadnought and a Sicaran Battle tank  so I can get that  Champion Consul Award  ,  I got forgelord and Centurion and Chaplain I think  no sense not trying to hit the full 6   shame theres no primarch for me to paint



Sooo, I just read through this thread (love that Khârn vs Siggy matchup) but I have to say that you've caused me great pain.


My worst fears have been realized, someone has managed to merge the two greatest things in this world (Templars and 30k). Now I really wanna play Imperial Fists dammit :D. The worst part is my terror squad and volklite chargers just arrived today…


A thousand curses upon you bladewolf you have just ruined me. I have the urge to now buy 30 templar brethren from forgeworld now because of you. The only thing holding me back is my terror squads and my wallet.


Keep on crusading you imperial bastard :D!!!

Sooo, I just read through this thread (love that Khârn vs Siggy matchup) but I have to say that you've caused me great pain.


My worst fears have been realized, someone has managed to merge the two greatest things in this world (Templars and 30k). Now I really wanna play Imperial Fists dammit :biggrin.:. The worst part is my terror squad and volklite chargers just arrived today…


A thousand curses upon you bladewolf you have just ruined me. I have the urge to now buy 30 templar brethren from forgeworld now because of you. The only thing holding me back is my terror squads and my wallet.


Keep on crusading you imperial bastard :biggrin.:!!!

Im  am both sorry and very glad to  have you thinking about starting templar themed fists. Its a fun project , I have throughly enjoyed my journey thus far. 

Thank you for looking and for the compliments I  appreciate them alot. 


tumblr_o18pmhlQtE1tdqdkto1_1280.jpgTheres currently nothing on my Table So I went rummaging through my Bits 


Ill probably try and get a hold of another single pair of legs  and two more missile launcher set ups and eventually turn these guys into another heavy support squad this time with missiles.  Things are a tad tight at the moment so it may be a while before you see these guys painted up , I know that  I have a Sicaran Battle Tank and a Sicaran Venator  on  their way likely by the weekend.  Not to mention  a Leviathan Dreadnought as well to work on.  My tiny world eaters will see a few additions later this year to get them into Zone Mortalis size but for now we roll on with the  Templars. 

Finished up the Venator gotta wait till Tomorrow when Captain Semper is back  to put this in the other thread but yea that was fun 


Just waiting on  that second battle tank so i can finish out my armored division 

I was able to secure some missle launchers and a pair of legs so I will be doing the heavy support squad sooner rather than later ,  the levithan still has yet to show up but soon I reckon. 

Amazing work man!


I think I actually like your heavily weathered black and yellow scheme on the larger vehicles than the smaller marines. It really gives a great sense of a warmachine that's been through hell.  


Question: How easily did the Venator kit go together for you?


BCK and I both built one of those things, and there were crazy gaps and warping issues through everything. 

Thanks for the compliments I really appreciate them @ u @


The venator went together fairly easily fer me. There is a slight gap where the top meets the hull on the side with the gun but by and large it came pretty straight.


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