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Leviathan Siege Dread tactics


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Multi-shot would be perfect. 3-shot twin-linked multi-melta shots plus another meltagun from the drill, and phosphex for infantry trouble-shooting.


Ehh Even if its Melta, Knights can't take Armored Ceramite. Give it a Drill + Melta Arm, put the Knight between a rock and a hard place by making it face its Shield Away from the Levi when it pods down (if you can), stay inside, Melta Blast it once + Melta Gun if possible. T2 Hop out. Melta It again, charge and smack the thing at I5 before it even gets to strike back.


6 Hullpoints might've just vaporised at that point. And unlike the knight, you still have a 4++ in CC (unless its a Lancer)

Even a lancer wouldn't like being charged by this thing, unless it managed to sneak in concussive on overwatch.

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Buy a Kharybdis, buy a Leviathan. Shove both down their throats.


Or a Dread Drop Pod if you dont want the behemoth that is a Kharybdis. The first time it kills a knight before it gets to strike back is the day they learn.

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There's people on my Facebook calling it dumb and useless. How best to break their legs?

Snip them off with those D3 extra wound claws!


Honestly though, I love this thing. Drop it in with two Bombards for just a silly old time. Overkill? Probably. But god damned awesome. Anyone would have to divert a lot of resources towards it and it's pod to stop it from being a nuisance.


Now, what about Rapiers? You could land next to a bunch, Grav them and suddenly there is no crew left! Not to mention be an utter BASTARD and just land in front of them blocking line of sight/ giving shrouded to anything they want to shoot at beyond the dread pod :D


It's safe to get back in the Spartan again. If only I could take a single Pod in the reaping :P

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Double grav bombard sounds hilarious, but I don't think I'd run without at least one melee weapon.  This being a dreadnought (and thus a walker which is way worse than a monstrous creature for no reason at all), you are left with 2 S8 AP- attacks, which I feel is wasting its assault potential. At that point you wouldn't need to devote many resources to it other than blowing up the pod, so you can engage it in melee with pretty much anything and tie it up all game.

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I went ahead and ordered a full Talon of 3 Storm/Grav Levis for my Heavy slots, intending to replace my artillery. And I just noticed their range is 18 - 24.


Lol, I'll still field them but I'll have to rethink putting them in the backfield.

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So... I'm thinking Grav, Drill, Phosphex and Choom for the Ultimate "Come at me" Monster able to melt 2+ and punch out Knights and Spartans if need be.


I think the Claw is a bit niche personally...


Going to Order in the next day or so - what do we think?

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So... I'm thinking Grav, Drill, Phosphex and Choom for the Ultimate "Come at me" Monster able to melt 2+ and punch out Knights and Spartans if need be.


I think the Claw is a bit niche personally...


Going to Order in the next day or so - what do we think?

Really depends on what you're facing. If you have a lot of Mechanicum around, the Stormcannon/Claw combo isn't bad at going after their monstrous creatures. Likewise in 40K, those are far more prevalent so it sees more use (and can't get the super neat guns anyway).

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I think you can't go wrong with phosphex, bombard, claw and choom leviathan. You can go after a pretty good range of targets, and with all those ap2 blasts you'll completely wreck any TEQ. Just one thing to consider, if you're up against knights and armor heavy lists more often then mechanicum or any 40k army where you'd want a claw, the drill is better. It's going to do significantly more damage to something like a knight.
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