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New chaplain model


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The scheme looks like an angels sanguine scheme. I am wondering if they initially intended some form of campaign but then gave up part way through. The model is almost too blinged out to be a generic character. However I won't complain as I will take anything we can get.


30 USD is a bit hard to swallow though.

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It's a nice try, but the overall pose looks like it would need a ton of cutting, re-fitting and glueing it all back together. That foot has a very painful angle (ever landed like that after a jump? Say goodbye to your ankle!) and the infernus pistol arm's just hanging there, looking sad and doing not much more.


I think the pose looks quite good. I don't think he is landing, I think he is just pushing off for a jump. I agree about the pistol arm, hopefully just raising it so that it is aiming forward should fix that problem.

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Having initially been super stoked about this guy, I'm starting to cool off and feel like the Chaplain I'm currently kitbashing will be superior (well, certainly more unique).

His gorget has started to bother me, as have the Crozius and jump pack wings, sinc eit makes him look like he's got a giraffe neck and throws the whole thing off. I already had reservations about the skull helm.

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A BA decurion to save christmas! Love the new model, too smile.png

Hang on, is that really a thing or is it just people wishlisting?

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Perhaps it's the new flavour for us? Obviously Mephiston has it and then Astorath, but there's also a chest front on the BA upgrade sprue which was our most recent non-FW release.

I like it. Since its always been in Mephiston I think it's intrinsically BA enough now :)


Like nipple armour! This is super nipple armour.

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Perhaps it's the new flavour for us? Obviously Mephiston has it and then Astorath, but there's also a chest front on the BA upgrade sprue which was our most recent non-FW release.

It's certainly a better flavor than power armor with.. Nipples..



The two type of armour looking fit the Blood Angels dual nature. The Nipples/Muscles armour tend to represent perfection of body, of humanity, while the Fleshy armour tend to represent the natural imperfection of humanity.


Personnally, the two type of armour perfectly represent the soulful aspect of the Blood Angels Chapters, as well as their artificers skills.


Mixing the two type with the Chaplains make sense, for they are guardian of those fallen to the black rage (imperfection) and symbol of purity (perfection).

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Yep seen it. First though is 'Oh no, not more xenos-brofisting... ', we're developing something of a reputation at this point and with at least 2 successors having already been declared excommunicate we might want to tread carefully.

On the other hand, if they've rocked up to do some 'nid hunting in the Baal system I can see how we might be courteous enough to not kill them until they're done.


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Yep seen it. First though is 'Oh no, not more xenos-brofisting... ', we're developing something of a reputation at this point and with at least 2 successors having already been declared excommunicate we might want to tread carefully.

On the other hand, if they've rocked up to do some 'nid hunting in the Baal system I can see how we might be courteous enough to not kill them until they're done.

We should go the way of the Templars - watch them start the fight and then join in to kill them all, because it would be unhonourable to merely finish the weakened victor. thumbsup.gif


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Personally, i see nothing ><. I have watched carefully the leaked WD page n°8, and :


The first artwork : No Blood Angels, ofc


The Second : No Blood Angels. (The space marines is a Raven Guard one)


The third : Farsight unit, so no Blood Angels, ofc.


I think that being you may started having hallucinations due to lack of attention from GW^^. (I hope i'm wrong in some way^^).

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I'm guessing he's talking about the ad about the new terrain bundle deal:




For those that don't read German, the text below it mentions that the Relicos Militarum combines 5 terrain kits into one building, and it comes with a booklet for rules, background and an Altar of War mission called 'Ashes of Conquest'. It mentions that Armies of the Imperium 'draw courage' (Fearless or re-roll Morale probably) when in the building, while its enemies gain Hatred.

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Anyone else see the pic with the BA next to the tau models in the leaked WD pics?

It looks like we are deployed beside them against another threat. I don't understand

Nah. It looks like both armies are creeping around the corner of a building and are about to bump into each other in true Laurel and Hardy style. :D

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Anyone else see the pic with the BA next to the tau models in the leaked WD pics?

It looks like we are deployed beside them against another threat. I don't understand

WD apparently has their fluff wrong, we are buddies with Necrons not Tau.

Sounds like everyone has their fluff wrong, we aren't buddies with the necrons either. The Blood Angels made a desperate alliance that they knew wouldn't last in order to stop a much, much, much greater threat. One they really didn't have a choice in making.

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If I'm not mistaken, what actually ground people's gears was that the 5th edition codex said that the blood angels didn't attack the necrons as soon as the alliance was not necessary anymore not because their forces were spent, which can make sense for chapters other than the black templars and marines malevolent (who wouldn't even stop shooting the necrons when the tyranids come), but because 'turning on an ally is dishonorable.'


That would probably would have been less reviled if that line happened after necrons were retconned into tomb kings in space, who can show honor from times to times depending on the overlord, as opposed to the tyranids' mechanical equivalent.

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