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New chaplain model


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Just chiming in to add my agreement with all those who really like the new chappy model. I've been really in a rut with the hobby for a few months now, but just having a look at that mini on the GW website really got me interested.


... dat price though. Wow, $40 for a single miniature? I am really glad I already own a good chunk of the BA stuff that I want but man, if this is a sign of things to come, I should stock-up on the rest soon.

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I like the model but would have preferred if they had went with the muscle armor OR the artificer armor. On an aside, did anyone else notice that not only does he have a belly button but he is still wearing nipple armor?!?


Nipples are the secret of the Blood Angels' power.

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People whine and moan when their armies dont see a release for years.


People moan when GW releases stuff for the army outside the codex cycle.


GW can't win, really.



There is no reason to be disrespectful just because you disagree with him.


He thought it was odd and wanted to talk about it. Accusing him of whining was uncalled for.

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People whine and moan when their armies dont see a release for years.


People moan when GW releases stuff for the army outside the codex cycle.


GW can't win, really.


There is no reason to be disrespectful just because you disagree with him.


He thought it was odd and wanted to talk about it. Accusing him of whining was uncalled for.

It's based on everything he says, like his comments where games workshop hates the Blood Angels, on top of that he finds it disturbing (his words) that they are releasing it right now.


On the flip side, I agree with Frater about how awesome this model is! Heck yeah!

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I was all set to get one, but then.... God damn. $66? Holy censored.gif, guys. I could get the Forgeworld "legion praetors" pack and pay shipping from the UK and still that would be cheaper than the chaplain. That's only a little more than the Foregworld Severin Loth kit, and that comes with the man himself and his entire crew. Sorry, but no. Nope nope nope nope nope. I'll wait until I can get one used. That's just too damn much for a single model. It's beautiful, but I don't have that kind of cash to burn.

EDIT: Wait, I was in the Australia view. $33 is a lot more reasonable.


If you want to complain about GW single character prices, blame the Heresy lot. Those guys have shown GW exactly how much they were willing to pay for single models (20 pounds plus). Prices for plastic clampacks just keeps going up. The first ones released were only 9 pounds.

There is no reason to be disrespectful just because you disagree with him.

He thought it was odd and wanted to talk about it. Accusing him of whining was uncalled for.

But, he was moaning? Antodeniel loves to moan about the 'mistreatment' of BA by GW, and this unhappiness has produced some high quality alternative FAQ's etc that others, who aren't as motivated, did not.

I was merely highlighting the hypocrisy of the mindset of accusing GW of "hating the BA", when they spring a new chaplain on use out of the blue, and then to complain about the fact we received a new chaplain.

It's the same with the folks who complained about no new releases [for a faction] for a long time, then also complained that GW was putting material out too quickly for them to keep up.

That said, if anyone is stil unsure of the model, go check out the 360 view on the web page. I think, once again, GW have goofed on the model. Viewing this thing from the crozius side is incredible, the model is one straight line of aggression, which unfortunately doesnt carry through when viewed from the front.

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For everyone, Yes, i like criticize on everything, most of the time^^.

Futhermore, when i accused GW to hate Blood Angels, first, it was before the new chaplain (i like his design), and second, the critic was more based on a rule/gaming subject rather than a hobby subject.

When i complain about GW, it is more about what appear, from my point of view, as a lack of global vision for the future. The way they manage their business, they plan their release calendar, as well as the lack of exchange between the company and the costumers.

Also, since i'm someone who thing through the Fluff point of view, their is many things that question me when looking at the Blood Angels Codex, some unexplored ways that make me think that GW teams do not put enough love/work on the Blood Angels Codex. I think that we can easily make our codex bigger adding more Fluff/Rules/Units....etc

For exemple :

- Blood Angels are the only "40k Legion"/Chapters to possess Frag-Cannon (on Dreadnought)....Frag-Cannon is a well fitted weapon for BA, so why not extend its use to a Heavy Weapons ? or a Vindicator with Superior Frag-Cannon ?....etc

- The Mechanicum is angry for the Baal predator/Lucifer engine STC, but is Ok with the Dark Angels retaining quite a lot of STC....logic ?

- Blood Angels is THE aerial assault based Legion, but we only have access to Stormraven and classic Land Speeders ? could someone with the minimum Blood Angels fluff knowledge admit that such a situation is "normal" when all other chapters have more Aerial solutions...Could it be so hard to imagine Specific Blood Angels Flyers ? Speeders ?

- Death Company Terminators ? (Is it hard to think that on desperate time Blood Angels could have make use of such a "weapons")

- Sanguinary Priest in Terminators ? or with artificer armour ? (After all, they are supposed to be/protect the very future of the chapter with their own living blood...but it appear normal to not protect them with better protection....)

- Blood Angels are rumored to possess more "stronger" Librarian/Warp affinities, Librarian Mastery level 3 for 50 points ? why not ?

- Some Blood Angels successors are more vampire/berserker/fallen angels than true nobles angels, why not speaking about it within the Codex Fluff, why not exploring this with appropriates rules ?

There is many things that could be developp/added through the time. You can even add it editions after editions....but no, no changes at all on the fluff, and for the rules part we gain as much as we loose....

But you know, it is my point of view, so i may be right as well as wrong.

Finally, since complaining isn't a solution itself, i also provide solution/idea in a more "professional" form (Like my Blood Angels Official-like Errata, Shield of Baal Ideas-Errata, or Homegrown Exsanguinators rules ideas....).

But yes, I complain, I criticize, I moan, I'm French. biggrin.png

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Check out the last couple of pages of the BA today thread - this has been discussed at length. I think if it were a Formation with specific rules they would be included in the box (and pictured) as with the Skyhammer Annihilation Force.


Alas, consensus is that this is just so you can give a wealthy relative a single link to a whole bunch of stuff you'd like for Christmas to make it niiiice and easy for them ;)

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Prices are seemingly up in the rumours section. Bundles are too big and the savings are still less than the 3rd party 20% from what I gather.

We'll see. Aren't those imgur leaks fake? (Hence why I've not linked them yet happy.png )

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Death Company Assault ~ £125

  • Furioso Dreadnought - £28
  • Death Company - £20.50
  • Stormraven - £50

Which equals £98.50. So lets add another DC box and this brings it to £119. Fake (unless the entire range is going up to make this actually a saving...)

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