Vel'Cona Posted October 25, 2016 Share Posted October 25, 2016 This is the second batrep I've read in a row where someone's Dread stays alive for most or all of a game and does something cool. Mine must be made of Explodium or something . . . WarriorFish and noigrim 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted October 26, 2016 Author Share Posted October 26, 2016 The Venerable usually attracts a lot of fire but this time the Emperor was with him. He must have taken out over 400pts by himself and that's before you consider how much help holding the enemy back would have been - would that all his games went so well! I'll see if I can get the second batrep up (same list) tonight, he doesn't do anywhere near as well in that game though. Vel'Cona 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flint13 Posted October 26, 2016 Share Posted October 26, 2016 Sweet, always love your batreps, Fish. It was nice to come in and catch one I'd missed :lol: Keep it up! WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted October 26, 2016 Author Share Posted October 26, 2016 Seems to be all I do here of late so there's a fair few... I think I'll try and get the assembled Librarian ready for priming along with my CSM this weekend so I can start doing some more painting! Here's battle number two, the terrain may look familiar because I immediately went on to play this game afterwards. Capture the Flag @ 1750pts (or whatever the "home objective" mission is called) Legio vs Blood Angels Legio (As above) Blood Angels Hidden Content Librarian Dreadnought- melta 10x Assault Marines - 2x melta - power fist 10x Assault Marines - 2x plasma pistol - power fist 5x Scouts - BP/CCW 10x Tacs - power fist - melta - heavy flamer Rhino 10x Tacs - plasma - plasma cannon Drop Pod Stormraven - multi-melta - assault cannon 5x Vanguard - TH - inferno pistol - power sword - jump packs Sanguinary Priest - jump pack Dreadnought - TLLC - ML 2x Attack Bikes - 2x multi-melta Due to a packing error the Vanguard look suspiciously like Sisters of Battle... my opponent deploys first: The Sisters Vanguard and Sanguinary Priest hitch a ride on the Stormraven, otherwise the army loads up on the left flank behind cover. In return I counter deploy on my left: Sneaky Scout infiltration: Either a dash to take me down or a more cover based approach will be the order of the day, I'll need to counter that as best I can. My plan is to stay together and try and keep my Dreads alive so they can threaten the assault elements, though I don't have much to counter the Stormraven when it comes in. Turn 1 I fail to seize, and my opponent wastes no time moving up. The Tacs drop in on my Scouts - something I didn't expect. They pull through with a couple of losses, otherwise there is little else to be done. I was hoping the Scouts could wait and sneak it to either attack from the rear or ideally steal their objective, but they can probably do more for me holding them up here. Sadly it's not to be. Shooting goes well, with the attack bikes taken out my Demolisher fire and my podding Ironclad destroying the Dread. An assault marine is killed and that's that for turn 1. Turn 2 The Blood Angels line up and the Ironclad falls - not a good day for them at all. The Tacs finish the last Scout and consolidate up. Otherwise everything is moving up the left flank. I'm being out ranged with the wider flank, but the FoM bonuses let me counter that somewhat. My Venerable comes in to try and delay the Rhino and Scouts moving up to get around my lines. Weapons fire plinks the Librarian and we take out the Rhino and takes out some of the pod squad. Unfortunately the Venerable fails to do much, leaving the melta gunner alive... Turn 3 The Venerable is immobilised, with the right flank forces moving up shooting down some of the lascannon combat squad. The left flank units to attack my drop pods, but somehow they survive! The Venerable kills two Marines leaving the fist Sergeant, but with the other forces moving up behind I know it won't last long. My forces consolidate into a defensive position - thanks to one of my Captain's traitors giving a -1 to reserves the Stormraven failed to come in but of course that changes turn 4! Turn 4 An uneventful turn as it turns out. The Stormraven inflicts some damage to the left Vindicator, destroying the main gun and leaving it on a single hull point. My drop pods proves resilient thanks to some poor rolling and good IWND rolls. I don't want to split my forces up, meaning there is little I can do against the assault elements. I've taken out a few of the Marines advancing on my left flank enough so they're not a risk so it's all about the Stormraven. With some rearranging my Techmarine patched the Vindi up; even my commander with his Omnissiah trait puts a hull point back on! Turn 5 The Stormraven drops into a hover and deploys the Sisters Vanguard. They kill the two servitors but are denied the charge by the Techmarine falling back. The Stormraven whiffs its rolls. The drop pods are finally destroyed. Not much else to do but throw everything I can at the Vanguard. The flamer squad dismounts and along with the Techmarine put a lot of wounds on. FNP does nothing and after heavy reduction my opponent decides to concede. Victory to the Legio! Some people may say it was unwise to play two battles on the trot after game day, especially after a late night party. These people would be right Somehow I managed to remember the main bits, should write up battles closer to the game. We didn't get time for Kill Team as planned which was a shame (that's where the Sisters came in) but we'll try again next time The list performed well enough, but I got luck with the terrain and deployment favouring me. While my luck was quite fair my opponent faired less well meaning that it become a favourable game to me fairly quickly. That said I think the drop pods were mistakes; both in going after my Scouts and getting bogged down attacking mine which certainly did my opponent no favours. It was refreshing to play Eternal War missions after a very long time, help keep the game fresh and a nice break from keeping tabs on the objectives. I've been thinking about improving my batreps too, taking pictures at the end of each deployment and player turn sounds like a good method to not only record the game but help recollection too so I'll give that a go next time Race Bannon, Vel'Cona, Kierdale and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vel'Cona Posted October 27, 2016 Share Posted October 27, 2016 Whoa look at that parking lot! Brings a tear to this 'ol treadhead's eye . . . Seriously tho, your meta sure likes Space Marines! Is that just the flavor locally? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted October 27, 2016 Author Share Posted October 27, 2016 You should see my Guard lists My meta used to be quite light on MEQ a while ago but it seems to have done a 180, doesn't help that the Ork/Guard player has moved up north now. There are other armies that aren't MEQ but they're on people's back burners currently so it's a power armoured slugging match mostly for now. Good for my Guard though, as I can turn up with lots of AP3 It's not so bad as everyone is a different flavour (and even colour), plus I do have an advantage albeit not as much as the Guard as chances are strong I'll be up against someone who can out combat me so I can save points/efficiency by focusing on fire power :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
White templar Posted October 27, 2016 Share Posted October 27, 2016 It's finally time to get back to my Marines proper, and that means doing a proper WIP blog for them too. There's an in progress IA for the Legio in the Liber if anyone's interested in the fluff. The Venator are fairly old as far as DIYs go, and have gone through a change or two since their inception over 20 years ago so I have a pretty good collection of various models but those that know won't be surprised to find a focus on vehicles and Dreadnoughts I have a lot of plastic for my Marines to work through (ETL sorted my Guard backlog nicely) but I also have an established finished collection so projects will be haphazard depending on what I fancy. Got some Centurions still in their cellophane I want to try my hand at modding a bit, and who doesn't have more Tacticals to do? To start with I've returned to my HG project after three years thanks to Chaos at the Gates II: Honour or Death. Here's the WIP of Champion Yusha: I'll work on a bit of fluff for him later as part of the challenge, but he also has three brothers that are awaiting gluing now I've got a replacement glue. They're all based on the Sanguinary Guard body and spruced up with Sternguard and Vanguard bits. The chapter isn't into fancy pants all that much, so he'll mostly be green - I hope to get a bit of progress up today As ever any help is appreciated, especially with regards to weathering which is something I want to work on a bit but the focus is on getting back into painting Marines and finishing the challenge for the moment Hi brilliant wip what torso is this WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkaniss Posted October 27, 2016 Share Posted October 27, 2016 Looks like a Sanguinary Guard one to me. Albeit with the nipples shaved off ;) WarriorFish and White templar 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
White templar Posted October 27, 2016 Share Posted October 27, 2016 Looks like a Sanguinary Guard one to me. Albeit with the nipples shaved off ;) Yes it is I've read the first post properly now cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted October 27, 2016 Author Share Posted October 27, 2016 Thanks templar :) Yes, the Sanguinary Guard box has quite a few nice bits in especially if you want characterful armour. It's not too much work to remove the BA bits and have it fit in with any chapter :tu: White templar 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight of the Raven Posted October 27, 2016 Share Posted October 27, 2016 Nice battle report. How I wish the round trip to my local GW didn't take four hours... Due to a packing error the Vanguard look suspiciously like Sisters of Battle... The Alpha Legion got nothing on Sisters of Battle. thanks to one of my Captain's traitors This typo says a lot. Kierdale and WarriorFish 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted October 27, 2016 Author Share Posted October 27, 2016 I guess the natural habit on the B&C once you've typed "trait" is to add a few letters on It takes about 45 minutes door to door for me to reach our usual gaming spot which is pretty good and a fair bit of that is sat on the train listening to music. Not so much this week with the replacement buses, but it helps you appreciate what you've got I suppose! I'm determined to get a librarian primed this week ready for painting, though that may depend on how well the GS horns for the skull goes... I might try and assemble some other Marine units so I can at least start something going. Hobby time is a little light at the moment unfortunately, compounded by the ever darkening evenings :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkaniss Posted October 27, 2016 Share Posted October 27, 2016 I keep meaning to get some LED lights. Heard they're really good for brightness. Will be far better than the cheap bulbs I got with their sickly glow for painting in the evenings at any rate! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted October 27, 2016 Author Share Posted October 27, 2016 I'm thinking of daylight bulbs, expensive but apparently very good. In the meantime evenings are still good for assembly. Thanks to delays getting home my planned time didn't materialise so I'll need to draw up other plans for the weekend but I did decide to break out a very, very old project: A lot of the worst was already done in realigning the gun halves (a lot of time and effort with pliers on that...) and somehow I managed to glue it all together in a way that looks ok. I think my gel super glue gave it's life in the process though Getting the turret ring in was another pain, it fits but that's all - I figured it probably won't be turned much in battle and I don't want another fight to make things fit. Maybe I'll attack that again another time. I'll leave it mostly unassembled for painting, fortunately the rest of the model looks to not require any serious work to make fit :) Arkaniss 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted November 6, 2016 Author Share Posted November 6, 2016 I seem to be unable to settle on anything at the moment, but at least it's a new model. After raiding the BoP box for a bit for my Chaos I couldn't resist building a Marine: Now I have a Veteran Sergeant or Sternguard with the selection of combi-weapons Reckon I'll add another couple of Sergeant/Sternguard MkIIIs Next on my list is some GS, got to get the Librarian ready for priming and one of the combi bits needs a little repair after a slip with the drill but nothing major fortunately. Kierdale, Arkaniss, GrandMagnus and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted November 19, 2016 Author Share Posted November 19, 2016 Apparently I can't settle on anything as I've now built the BaC Contemptor... I will add the modelling sand to the three recent models and prime all but the Librarian tomorrow (he needs his GS horned skull) - try and get some paint on them to get models on the table! Turns out the kit is quite clever in how easy it is to do, though I can't help thinking that having an adjustable head would have been a small extra step but as I won't get another BaC Contemptor it won't be mono pose - even less so considering how easy it is to magnetise too! A couple of larger magnets on the inside of the shoulder bits: I went for larger ones here as there's less room inside the arm bits, and I wanted a stronger hold. The reason why is because for the next stage I didn't glue the arm magnets: The magnet has nowhere to go and simply flips to the right facing when connecting and that means I get fully articulate arms Drilling the Kheres was a bit dangerous as the barrels aren't much bigger than your average drill bit but I hit the marks. I was wondering what to do with the bottom barrel that was inaccessible until I realised I could just keep drilling through the main barrel to reach it So now I can have my Contemptor busting some moves like my very own Action Man: I left the side barrels, hand and front carapace off for easier access during painting. Overall quite quick and easy which is cool Vairocanum, Kierdale and Arkaniss 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted November 20, 2016 Author Share Posted November 20, 2016 The base green is done now which seems a good time to put down my brushes for the weekend: Once the green highlighting is done it'll mostly be base coats and washes left which means he should be a pretty quick model to do Maybe I should consider a FW Contemptor at some point but we'll see how he performs in games first Vel'Cona and Arkaniss 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted November 21, 2016 Share Posted November 21, 2016 Wow I'm definitely going to try and magnetize like this if I get a BaC contemptor in the future! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted November 21, 2016 Author Share Posted November 21, 2016 It's a good kit for a mono-pose one, makes me wonder if GW might produce a proper plastic one at some point as it had some good thought put into it. BaC is cool anyway with loads of nice bits :) I went for a thicker magnet in the arm to help form a strong pull and now with a bit of paint on the arms sit happily in the exact position I place them :) The nature of how the arms are posed means you can't have complete freedom of movement but it's a lot more than you'd get otherwise so still works nicely :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vel'Cona Posted November 21, 2016 Share Posted November 21, 2016 Great looking Contemptor, WF! I need to get working on mine . . . WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted November 21, 2016 Author Share Posted November 21, 2016 Is it the BaC one? If so mono-pose means nice and quick to assemble You know you want to - AV13 with a 5++ against shooting and IWND? What's not to like Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vel'Cona Posted November 22, 2016 Share Posted November 22, 2016 Kinda sounds like a useful Kastelan Robot Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkaniss Posted November 29, 2016 Share Posted November 29, 2016 Any more progress on the Contemptor? Maybe a size comparison to a normal Dread? I've never seen a Contemptor but it looks considerably taller. WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted November 30, 2016 Author Share Posted November 30, 2016 I plan to get some more done on him today. He's noticeably taller than a normal Dread but not massively so, I'll provide a comparison shot in my next update :) Arkaniss 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted December 1, 2016 Author Share Posted December 1, 2016 Finally got him done, or near as damn it: Water effect is still setting, I'll add some grass when that's set. Multi-melta needs a bit more paint but I don't need that for the moment (I wonder why it doesn't have the trim as the other arms do?). I'm not sure what to write on the scroll, you don't usually get so much space to work with :P Here's the comparison shot: Not too much taller, but enough to make a difference. I also gave him a little bit of the black lacquered effect so spice the gold up and tie him a bit more to the Venerable :) Now I think of it I should have got the Leviathan for the size shot as well :lol: Arkaniss, our_baz and Kierdale 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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