Dosjetka Posted February 20, 2017 Share Posted February 20, 2017 I always enjoy reading through your batreps and this one is no exception. Definitely a terrific way to motivate people to get their armies built, painted, and on the table! :tu: WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted February 21, 2017 Author Share Posted February 21, 2017 I find it the primary motivation, but sadly that means the less "exciting" or second pick models can wait a little longer. It's all worth it when you have a fully painted army on the table top If my batreps can help motivate people that's more than I can ask, but just imagine what a good batrep could do ;) Dosjetka 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vel'Cona Posted February 21, 2017 Share Posted February 21, 2017 I always enjoy your batreps, WF, because you take time to break down what's going on. It's not necessarily about being fancy (though I do like the cinematic ones too) but more about showing a game in progress and adding just a sniff of narrative. So after-action, would you say the Stormlance is better, worse, or roughly equal to the vanilla Demi-Co. in capability? Do you think the mobility is worth the trade-off for losing ObjSec? I'm asking this specifically from an IH Chapter Tactics perspective, mind you. :) WarriorFish, Dosjetka and Arkaniss 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted February 21, 2017 Author Share Posted February 21, 2017 I need to get a bit better breaking turn events down, or at least remembering all the actions - like most things there's always room for improvement I'm big into mobility as it supports pretty much all winning moves - if you're in the right place that's half the battle generally. I've also found ObSec to be all but irrelevant in games so it's not much of a contest for me. I still plan on running the Demi-Company for more experience there, but I'm not expecting it to compete. As IH we usually want to be shooting more than anything as with most C:SM forces, though we can muster some heavy hitters if you're willing to pay the points. The FoM's PotMS is huge for letting you move further and shoot effectively, add the post-shooting scoot and you can gribble up the table quickly or dart back into cover. Also gives you extra move to fall back and avoid assault units. I think it's hard to underestimate how useful that is as you reposition quickly and make it very difficult for your opponent to avoid and/or catch you! It's unfortunate Dreads can't be part of it, it'd be damn near perfect then! I want to get more Tacs/Marines on the table and these sort of things give them vital buffs so its something I plan on working with more Though I do have that list that's all tanks aside from a Techmarine I've wanted to try... I still feel quite new to the whole detachments thing so there is much more to learn, got my eye on some 1st Company stuff too once I get the Cataphractii finished Vel'Cona 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkaniss Posted February 23, 2017 Share Posted February 23, 2017 There is a sweet spot for batreps I think, I want details and pictures but I don't want it too heavy. Video batreps I'm not interested in, too much time to view and walls of text are also too much time to read :P While a picture is a thousand words I don't want too many pictures either, as those thousands of words build up! However, back to peer pressure and that dead horse of mine - when are we seeing the Cataphractii finished? ;) Dosjetka, WarriorFish and Vel'Cona 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted February 23, 2017 Author Share Posted February 23, 2017 Soon! Just got to finish my Ioria vow model before I can think of anything else :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkaniss Posted February 24, 2017 Share Posted February 24, 2017 Ah, soontm! I guess I should be quiet as I still have quite a bit to do on my Ioria vow. I shall be back to pester once my vow is done and I have the moral high ground, or you finish your vow if that's before ;) Cataphractii! WarriorFish and Dosjetka 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted February 24, 2017 Author Share Posted February 24, 2017 I'll be working on my Priest this weekend, so he may be done sooner than you'd think ;) The Cataphractii aren't far from my mind, I've been musing on biting the bullet and going full magnets on them - or my preferred build should that not work. Arkaniss 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted May 22, 2017 Author Share Posted May 22, 2017 As is likely no surprise the looming shadow of 8th has most projects on pause - but the 7th train still runs yet This game is from last month so unfortunately I'm a bit light on the details but I do have pictures at least 1750pts Legio vs Black Templars It's those troublesome Templars again. I lose the roll off and deploy second, but that gives me chance to exploit a deployment mistake (see the lonely Deredeo and Centurions): The Legio is today going full Dreadnought, whether box, Contemptor or tactical! A Techmarine completes the IH line up Early Game Jokes are made about the 6s I keep rolling in the lead up to the game (deployment aside), which inevitably leads to a 6 for seizing the initiative. The Emperor looks after His own Legio forces advance on the enemy as we all know how this is going to play out. Some hull points are plinked and a Rhino stunned. Templars do what Templars do best and come at me. The Culexus bides his time with no psykers to target but ultimately not much happens. The Legio is robust and what damage there is gets repaired and in return some Rhinos are popped but not before getting the Templars close enough for some fisticuffs. The Dice Gods decree that the Terminators shall not suck and they do a good job for once. Mid Game The Templars put in a good showing, but my armour saves (and odd FNP) are true. I guess the Terminators heard me threatening to shelf them until 8th... The encroaching Dreads mean that things are looking very bad for the men in black especially as with my deployment I've won fire superiority by no small margin. Further aided when the Stormtalon zooms in. Not much to shoot so he tried his luck against the Culexus. One krak missile later it's clear who the Dice Gods love! The Templars are mopped up and the Legio continues on to the main dish... But not without the Scouts outflanking. Didn't see much else to do with them so thought I'd give it a go. Surviving the shooting which destroyed their ride and the charge they slowly plink away at the Centurions over the game, the Sergeants power fist earning its place well as usual. Late Game The disgorged Templars know it's all but curtains but they're not the type to shy from a fight and get stuck in. Or rather would if they didn't fail their charge... that's the last straw as in return the Legio decides to show them who owns the shooting phase: ... and, in this game at least, who owns the combat phase also! With honour satisfied and no chance of victory my opponent concedes. This was one of those games where things went right, so perhaps the details I forgot aren't really necessary. I have high hopes that 8th will give the BTs a shot in the arm they deserve so I'm looking forward to future match ups Maybe need to get a Deredeo for myself one day as they're pretty nifty - when they can see something to shoot Arkaniss and Vel'Cona 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vel'Cona Posted May 25, 2017 Share Posted May 25, 2017 Haha, one of my buddies is a BT player and he's failed more charges with tooled-up Crusader Squads/Bike Command Squads than you can shake a stick at. It's hilarious every time! :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted January 4, 2018 Author Share Posted January 4, 2018 Another batrep time... I should see about adding some models to this topic for once! Sadly the game is from last year so I'm hazy on the exact details (and even the game date) so it'll be more of a run through rather than break down by turn: 2k vs Black Templars Yep, it's those BTs up to mischief again and this time they have some Knight support! Fortunately for me the Edelweiss accompanies the Legio to battle - her first against her kind! Deployment is pretty straight forward as everyone knows what the BT like, and what I like to do in response Going first the Templars move up, and the inevitable Knight stand off begins. Close enough for me to be able to charge but not enough for it to be guaranteed at all. Shooting targets the Venerable but he holds strong! My Knight takes a fair few hits, but to be expected. The Edelweiss moves up, eager to meet her foe blade to blade and the Legio do their best to advance in support. I throw pretty much everything I have into the opposing Knight and it tanks them quite well, the Venerable making no small contribution (even the Ironclad's HKs helps - infamous for being rubbish!). The Edelweiss's own cannons help of course but the real work is to be done in combat - which I make thanks to good rolling (and a CP re-roll...)! Crashing into combat some solid rolling sees the Edelweiss running the hostile Knight through and knocking it out with a few wounds overflowing to seal the deal! A great start, but the BT are moving up and my Knight needs support to arrive quickly. Fire plinks away and I lose a Rhino and some Marines but a mix of poor rolling on my opponent's part helps me at crucial moments (the Annihilator did very little all game I think). Templars jump into combat where they can but some nice save rolls help my Dreadnought, at this stage the Venerable had already taken enough damage to have been killed a couple of times over were it not for them! The Culexus is scuttling away with the Relic and all attempts to stop him fail miserably, but my Scouts are zipping in with a plan... The Legio pushes up, and the Assault Termies failing their charge gives my Cataphracti Captain change to nip in and offer assistance. His rolling puts the rest of the table to shame as his chainfist does a number on them, but not to be outdone the Knight stomps around generally being killy. The Techmarine ensures that the Venerable continues to take unreasonable amounts of punishment but keep trucking. Things are not quite so rosy on the other side of the table, but I'm fairly confident weight of die can see me through. So it proves as Land Speeder Storm flamer and the Scouts start their work of dragging the Assassin down. Meanwhile Grimaldus and his squad are humbled by a Tactical squad that, according to the dice, know a lot more about fighting (and perhaps more importantly; not dying) than them? Not to look a gift horse in the mouth I press on with the left flank, my various walkers and support engage the enemy. The dice decree that all I really do is keep them there, but that's good enough and I can't begrudge the switch in favour. The Techmarine saves some face though, being the black horse of CC he always has been The numbers game plays out on my right flank albeit slowly. Some bad luck sees the BT further reduced and a few 6++ rolls keep my Marines going. The Culexus finally falls (a 4++ is good, but spamming dice care not!) leaving my LSS and Scouts free to pile in. Grimaldus knows his doom approaches for my Scouts are infamous for taking no prisoners and carving their way through anything and everything - and so it proves! The game winds down after that, with my forces pushing on to victory! As a bonus, a better camera took a shot of the Edelweiss in combat with a Marine horde (happened turn 2 I think?). Also pictured the Stormtalon, I have no idea what that did during the game For those not following my other projects I'm still focusing on my Chaos, but it has been so long since I painted some green I might need to rectify that. I will review available Legio projects once my current Chaos ones are done Hope you enjoyed the batrep I'll try to be more prompt next time! Arkaniss and Sgt. Blank 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted January 4, 2018 Author Share Posted January 4, 2018 Last but... actually I think this is least The second outstanding batrep, with fewer pictures sadly. 2 vs 2; Blood Angels and Legio vs Black Templars and Grey Knights I'm pretty sure it was 2k per player, especially given Mortis Rex turns up (he only comes out in larger games). Teams were decided by dice (naturally) so there was no mutual list building or planning and the dice gods saw fit to put the BT with the GK. Which the BT hated, as they don't approve of psykers in the slightest. The BA force was elite heavy, whereas the Legio in a throwback to the olden days went armour heavy. First Predator games for quite some time! With the teams and armies featuring it was clear our opponents would be aiming to leverage their combat superiority so we had to thin them down and counter attack to win, something I'm more than familiar with even if my ally was not. Better still is some Blood Angel Scouts sneaked in to prime positions to push the enemy's tricks back. It would be a noble move that saw them the first targets but their sacrifice was not in vain. Much of the enemy's plans and effectiveness were reduced so despite not having first turn we had a favourable start, though the Blood Angels would be the main target and suffer losses. The Legio would not stand idly by though, and attacked without delay - Mortis Rex strides up and with a great charge roll barrels into the GKGM in NDK. Thanks to some prior shooting this is an encounter the Master does not survive, leaving Mortis Rex free to consolidate. His rolling is not expected by either side; it was a gamble but would prove pivotal in yet another unexpected way. Which is just as well, as I lost both Predators without them achieving much but my Tacticals and Dreadnoughts would be resolute in defence. The Blood Angels on the left flank are embroiled in bitter battle with more GK striking in, but a diligent Sanguinary Priest helps keep them in the fight. The Legio can offer scant support being busy with their main army, but some fire support lends assistance. This would end up being lop sided though because Mortis Rex, no doubt taken by memories of the Horus Heresy, went on a killing spree! He pretty much single handedly rolled up the enemy attack, even when our opponents rolled well his saves came in to negate them so while he was being chipped away the cost was unsustainable. With flamer and melta he purged, then charged into another unit leaving behind all support but apparently not needing it. Faced with the collapse of their main push, the BA starting to gain a costly advantage and Legio forces rushing in aid our opponents called the game especially as with some clever plays we had been stacking the TOs up as well. Victory! Mortis Rex reigns supreme; the crown is expensive but can easily be a price worth paying Arkaniss, Honda and Sgt. Blank 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted January 6, 2018 Author Share Posted January 6, 2018 After reading up on some Cataphractii opinions it was the impetus I needed to return to a project... I only got a bit of time/daylight hence only getting the base layer green on a single pair but it's good to be back in green I'm tempted to glue them as bolters/fists (Sergeant sword and harness) given the extra work required to magnetise but I'll see how it goes. I've crafted a list to make use of them too, along with some other models not done yet so I think I'll use that as my to-do guide Arkaniss 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted January 7, 2018 Author Share Posted January 7, 2018 Quick result for today's game, the first against 'nids since 4th Edition I think. While they're a different player and fleet an old foe that will be shown no mercy..! 2k, Legio vs Leviathan Sealed Orders (no, I'm not sure how the Hive Mind does this but let's roll with it) Legio ++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [2000pts] +++ Flyer +Stormtalon Gunship [204pts]: Twin assault cannon, Typhoon missile launcher+ No Force Org Slot +**Chapter Selection**: Iron HandsGametype: Matched+ Heavy Support +Land Raider [356pts]: Twin heavy bolter, 2x Twin lascannon+ HQ +Captain in Cataphractii Armor [167pts]: Chainfist, Combi-meltaTechmarine [90pts]: Boltgun, Power axe, The Primarch's WrathServo-harness: Flamer, Plasma cutter, 2x Servo-arm+ Elites +Contemptor Dreadnought [165pts]: Combi-bolter, Dreadnought combat weapon, Kheres pattern assault cannonIronclad Dreadnought [174pts]: 2x Hunter-killer missile, Meltagun, Seismic hammerDreadnought combat weapon w/Heavy Flamer: Heavy flamerVenerable Dreadnought [182pts]: Twin lascannonDreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter: Storm bolter+ Fast Attack +Assault Squad [194pts]: Jump Pack7x Space MarineSpace Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Thunder hammerSpace Marine w/Special Weapon: FlamerSpace Marine w/Special Weapon: Flamer+ Troops +Scout Squad [84pts]Scout Sergeant: Combi-grav, Power fist4x Scout w/Combat KnifeTactical Squad [188pts]7x Space MarineSpace Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Combi-melta, Melta bombsSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: LascannonSpace Marine w/Special Weapon: FlamerTactical Squad [196pts]7x Space MarineSpace Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Combi-melta, Melta bombsSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: LascannonSpace Marine w/Special Weapon: Meltagun We're using CA2017 with this, so along with the new mission that also means the rules tweaks - no more second turn sad trombone for larger armies! Deployment Various rolls have me setting up first, I start with the Dreads and start to fill out from there. I'm leaning towards my left flank because I don't want to get exposed to various beasties and critters appearing and despite running through the list aren't 100% on everything the enemy does. The Scouts sit in the LR, mostly because I didn't want the transport capacity wasted and it seemed like a good way to protect them for a turn or two before they needed to hop out and charge something. Turn 1 I get to retain first turn despite CA's changes with a bit of luck. Little movement is required and a lot of lascannons go to work and achieve somewhat mediocre results - but enough to put down the shooty Fex (shame the last lascannon round rolled well, could have done with that to start!). Overall not a great start and I know more is coming... Which is duly does. Bugs crop up all over the place and the Harpy zips across the table which I had no idea was coming. Fortunately the Emperor blessed his sons, for their shooting stripped some wounds (Stormtalon in particular) but didn't inflict great losses. Better still was how every charge was failed and better yet the right flank's lascannon managed to snap a shot off to halve the Trygon's (or whatever) wounds! So while my first round might not have been great the first turn as a whole rounds off nicely. Turn 2 The Legio has plenty of experience fighting the bugs from ages long gone, so knows that now is the crunch time. If we can hit hard enough and in the right places we can manage the advance. Fire pours into the Harpy to take it down, the Stormtalon and right Tacs send the Trygon back into it's hole and the Lictors (at least, looked like them) get battered down and finished off by the Assault Marine's charge. The Legio consolidates back to prepare for the next push... The flying whatsit barrels into the Contemptor but the Captain heroically intervenes to assist. The Carnifex smashes into the Ironclad leaving it on one wound! Various psychic powers ping off but crucially fail in places, such as overcoming the Hormagaunt's advance to allow them to charge. The Gargoyles are blasted off the board, leaving the remainder to flee. The Zoanthrope's 3++ proves all but invulnerable most of the game as does it foil my plans with my Contemptor and Captain but the Ironclad punches the Fex down and consolidates to assist the nearby combat next turn. Turn 3 I see the opportunity to create the turning point of the game and make no delays! The Stormtalon, never leaving Hover, moves to the Techmarine for repairs but keeping a firing lane open. Concentrated fire sees the Warriors drop to lascannons and kraks, and the Termaguants thinned. The Zoans start to drop under the bolt pistols and chainswords of the Assault Marines and with some excellent Siesmic Hammer swings the Ironclad sends the flying 'nid to the ground in pieces. Once more the heroes of the chapter consolidate for the charge, with the Ironclad moving to assist the Tacs. In return my opponent's psychic rolls fail when needed most, but makes it into combat handily. Unfortunately for him the 'stealers fail their charge, leaving the Termagaunts (absorbing overwatch) and Broodlord to charge the Contemptor. It gets worse as despite rolling 6s he bounces off the Dreadnought's various saves inflicting light damage - the Contemptor is not so kind in return, but he gets a snazzy new 'nid head trophy for it. Turn 4 The surviving Zoan withdrawing leaves the Assault Marines free for some shooting, their flamers hurting the 'stealers who fall to repeated volleys. My Tac squad falls back from combat after a solid fight leaving the Hormagaunts wishing they were not so alone. The 'nids are all but wiped out, the Ironclad holding the surviving four in combat. My opponent is about to concede when I urge him to fight until the end as the Ironclad is on one wound; he does so and takes it out to have the surviving Gaunts flee. The Tyranid menace is scoured from the planet - victory to the Legio! I can't remember the last time I fought 'nids, but they seem quite potent especially with various abilities, powers and whatnot. It was my opponent's first game with them so his use wasn't brilliant but this will improve. The potential numbers they can use - models, shots and more - is not to be sniffed at. I am pleased to see that the old tactics hold true and perhaps more important in that my old stalwarts in the Dreadnoughts continue to show the filthy xenos who is boss Good to get some fresh army combat in, so I'm looking forward to the old rivalry returning. It's also made me think that this topic is more a batrep one these days and that really won't do. With the return of an ancient foe it's surely time for the Legio to get some new (relatively...) toys! I'll focus on the Cataphractii still, but as they'll need some magnetising I may need a simpler project for when I don't have the time for fanciness. I'll see what the pile of shame has Prot, Captain Idaho, robofish7591 and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Idaho Posted January 7, 2018 Share Posted January 7, 2018 Quality report there! Highlights for me are the Assault Marines proving their worth and Dreadnoughts kicking tail. WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted January 8, 2018 Author Share Posted January 8, 2018 I dusted the Assault Marines off quite literally, along with the Land Raider. While I don't think either unit performed particularly amazing they did good work certainly enough to earn future consideration I was a little tired of having to be on the back foot against CC armies all the time and as I knew the 'nids were coming out and I had a chance of facing them it was a good opportunity for them as a counter assault unit. The changes to THs help there and the Sergeant accounted for some Lictor and Zoanthrope blood well The LR is eye watering expensive, but those lascannons scare people and rightly so. Even if my opponent's 6+++ saves got in the way but I can't complain after my Stormtalon got double 6s to negate some serious damage Dreads are solid, their lower wounds and suffering the -1 to hit on moving is still annoying but that just pushes them into more of a combat role which I think they're great at when you find a multi-wound target (Contemptor especially). I think I've got my follow up project now Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted January 14, 2018 Author Share Posted January 14, 2018 Before any fanfare of other projects I should really finish earlier ones, so I'm working away - slowly. Base colours complete, so once I've done the gold, washes and highlighting they'll only need the base painted and that's half the models done I'm still planning on magnetising their left arms, so not quite half the project I don't think Arkaniss 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted February 5, 2018 Author Share Posted February 5, 2018 I've realised what I really need is a small project to kick start me into my Marines again - fortunately one has just arrived in the post Always wanted an old school Techmarine, and he'll be great to fill up spare HQ slots with. He's schedule for a bath so I can hopefully start work on him soon Arkaniss 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lunkhead Posted February 5, 2018 Share Posted February 5, 2018 Nice work Brother Fish I like the batreps a lot and your model work is solid! Thanks for sharing. WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted February 20, 2018 Author Share Posted February 20, 2018 Another batrep to report - this may be the last for the Legio for a while. Until I get a few more units to spice things up 2,000pts vs Blood Angels Kill Points Legio Hidden Content ++ Battalion Detachment (Imperium - Space Marines) [2000pts] ++**Chapter Selection**: Iron HandsGametype: Matched+ HQ +Captain in Cataphractii Armor [167pts]: Chainfist, Combi-meltaLieutenants [68pts]Lieutenant: Master-crafted boltgun, Power axe, The Axe of MedusaTechmarine [92pts]: Power axe, Storm bolterServo-harness: Flamer, Plasma cutter, 2x Servo-arm+ Troops +Scout Squad [67pts]Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Power fist4x Scout w/Combat KnifeTactical Squad [168pts]7x Space MarineSpace Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Combi-meltaSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolterSpace Marine w/Special Weapon: FlamerTactical Squad [183pts]7x Space MarineSpace Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Combi-meltaSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: LascannonSpace Marine w/Special Weapon: Flamer+ Elites +Dreadnought [145pts]: Missile launcher, Twin lascannonDreadnought [145pts]: Missile launcher, Twin lascannonIronclad Dreadnought [162pts]: Meltagun, Seismic hammerDreadnought combat weapon w/Heavy Flamer: Heavy flamerVenerable Dreadnought [182pts]: Twin lascannonDreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter: Storm bolter+ Heavy Support +Predator [152pts]: Predator autocannon, Storm bolter, Two Heavy BoltersWhirlwind [106pts]: Storm bolter, Whirlwind vengeance launcherRelic Leviathan Dreadnought [363pts]: 2x Heavy flamerLeviathan siege claw: MeltagunLeviathan siege drill: Meltagun Blood Angels Hidden Content Mephiston Librarian Chaplain Jump Chaplain Librarian Dread Furioso DC Dread Dreadnought - Twin-linked lascannon - Missile launcher 10x DC - Power Fists - Thunderhammer? 10x Jump DC - 2x Power Fists - Thunderhammer 10x Sanguinary Guard A bit of a Dreadnought fight, but headed by the King of the Dreadnoughts Mortis Rex the Legio is not prepared to surrender the crown! Deployment Things go fairly straight forward, with both sides choosing to concentrate strength wisely. I made a small mistake starting to deploy on the left but when I realised my opponent was hiding from them I managed to place my other units to counter it. A small bonus from having more units to deploy! I manage to get a 6 to a 5 to get a re-roll on going first, but lose out and fail to seize. Game With some fancy power the Librarian Dread launches up the table, heading round the silos to avoid some of my heavier fire power. The opposing Hellfire Dread attempts to tackle my Predator but only inflicts a couple of wounds. The rest pop smoke. Unusually I had elected to go purely shooty with my Dreadnoughts and I was regretting it as I faced down the combat prowess across the table (and waiting in reserve...) so nothing to do other than try and make it count. The Librarian Dread gets targetted by one of my Dreads and the Predator, and thanks to some lucky Heavy Bolter rounds (and the Lieutenant) loses its last wound on the last roll. This frees my other forces up to try their luck elsewhere and it seems there is plenty to be had - both red Dreadnoughts are reduced to a single wound! I can scarcely believe my luck, though I inevitably wish I could muster that last wound this puts me in a very good position early game. Naturally this means it's make or break time for my opponent. Forces gribble up and the Death Company arrive. The Chaplain redeploys and another Stratagem is used to give the DC a 3D6 charge! I can only look forlornly at what passes for C:SM Stratagems. All this and my Ironclad is taken out by the Sanguinor, who grants the DC an aura to make them even deadlier and they bundle into Mortis Rex. A fair bit of damage is inflicted, but I manage to tank several fist and hammer hits on the 4++ which saves the day. The CC Leviathan isn't quite as killy as in 7th, but he's still just as tough which proves to be very important. The Leviathan has done well to survive and will plink away at the Sanguinor to remove his aura, and I send support in the Venerable, Captain and Lieutenant. The Techmarine does some repairs and the thunder of Legio guns inflict respectable damage. Unfortunately while the red Dreads are no longer a concern I again fail to strip the remaining wound on the DC Dread, and of course the characters are safe from shooting. To make matters worse both my Captain and Venerable roll very low for their charges and fail... This isn't great, so I may have just lost the advantage I had gained in Mortis Rex holding strong. Some luck returns as the Venerable manages to over watch the DC Dread down, and though psychic powers rage Mortis Rex again holds true against power fist and thunder hammer and it's my turn to have a Dreadnought survive on a single wound! What's more, the Lieutenant somehow survives and helps thin the DC after Mortis Rex takes out the Sanguinor. Overall, I'm feeling that I still have the upper hand as my shooting forces should be able to handle most things. At this stage the Sanguinary Guard arrive: The Whirlwind manages to survive the shooting and combat, and while I shuffled my victorious combat forces to ensure Mortis Rex couldn't be hit by Smite that's no protection against Blood Lance Mephiston has no trouble taking the Venerable out either, but even so, the Captain and Lieutenant should be enough to buy me time at the worst. This does leave the BA characters vulnerable, which I make the most of. The Captain's combi-melta rolls well to take down Mephiston and while the Lieutenant's Master Crafted Bolter bounces off the Librarian he's set up for a charge along with the Captain. The rest of my shooting tackles the Death Company, but the Sanguinary Guard prove resilient and despite a lot of dice I can only take out one. Though the Sanguinary Guard could likely cause a lot of damage, it wouldn't be enough to win (especially with my Victory Points in the bottom right) so my opponent calls the game - victory to the Legio! It was a pretty good game, I made a couple of mistakes with the left deployment and moving my right flank up when I'd have been better off weathering whatever game some hot rolls early game gave me a leg up I needed to increasingly dominate the game. I think the turning moment was Mortis Rex holding against the barrage of powerful DC attacks, if my 4+ rolls weren't so good I'd have had to divert precious resources to hold them. With the Sanguinor and Chaplain in support the Death Company probably would have had no trouble at the least negating my shooting base's attacks. Surviving again passed that was the icing on the cake. My opponent probably should have brought the Sanguinary Guard in at the same time to maximise the attacks and trouble. As it was a later turn arrival to my left flank (that hadn't achieved much) wasn't going to concern me too much. Next time I don't think I'll gamble with the extra shooting though it paid off this time, some back up punch will be vital against my usual foes. Speaking of such, that should be a good position for my Cataphractii. I will try and find some time to work on them some more, I've just got to finish the Bullgryns before I can consider any other projects! Arkaniss 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted February 24, 2018 Author Share Posted February 24, 2018 Solid progress on the legs, they just need some touching up and highlighting on the green and they'll just need the grass Arkaniss 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted February 24, 2018 Share Posted February 24, 2018 Another fun batrep. I love seeing dread heavy lists such as yours on the battlefield. WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted April 22, 2018 Author Share Posted April 22, 2018 Got some more Dread action, this time as an allied force to my Guard - batrep is in the barracks accordingly :tu: That said, with so many Dreads the Marines were only just the smaller force :lol: It's made me think about additions to my Marines again. No, not more Dreads... (though tempting). The Cataphractii need finishing but maybe I need something chunkier. I do have a Stormraven box still in the cellophane and every time I've encountered one across the table they've caused a lot of damage. Would this be a good idea to run with a Stormraven perhaps? Or would that be too expensive? It would mean I get to break out the magnets again, but it's no small project and I have a lot going currently but I think it's time to put the effort in for new Marine bits. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkaniss Posted June 20, 2018 Share Posted June 20, 2018 Things have been quiet here! Have you made any more progress on the Cataphractii? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted June 20, 2018 Author Share Posted June 20, 2018 No, I occasionally look at them though... I'm very busy with other projects currently and while they'll be fun probably not really the unit I need for my Marines! I will reassess my plans once the ETL is finished :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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