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[HH1.0] 30k Space Wolves tactics


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Use your herald as a vexilla maybe?


It is what I am ding in my Wolf units, so I have lots of little banners floating about as rallying points.


It really buys into the mini-warbands thing


And if comms go down, at least they can communicate by semaphore :D

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Like I guess it helps in a Praetor vs Praetor challenge? Which is rare and chaplain exist for other legions which really mitigates the difference actually makes it better for them.

Rare for you perhaps. I almost always aim my praetor towards his opposite number

I just think it's rare to even take Praetors with most special cheaters Delegatus and primarchs giving master of the Legion


You haven't read any WLK bat-reps then lol


I haven't seen WLK take a special character (short of a primarch) like, ever.


Where are those batreps?



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Like I guess it helps in a Praetor vs Praetor challenge? Which is rare and chaplain exist for other legions which really mitigates the difference actually makes it better for them.

Rare for you perhaps. I almost always aim my praetor towards his opposite number

I just think it's rare to even take Praetors with most special cheaters Delegatus and primarchs giving master of the Legion


You haven't read any WLK bat-reps then lol


I haven't seen WLK take a special character (short of a primarch) like, ever.


Where are those batreps?




WLK's personal thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300152-wolf-lord-kieran-and-the-heresy/


He does an awesome job writing up his batreps.

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So what do you guys think the Wolves can do to counter SA/Militia Leman Russ gun-lines (supported by a warhound @3000 points)?


My FLGS manager plays very mean tank spam lists that obliterate any infantry that's left in the open, so I'm thinking armoured spearhead? I can't outshoot SA/Militia, but if I can get some capable melee units in combat they could sweep at least a flank I hope.


His one weakness is he rarely plays to objective, preferring to castle up and spam double-D blasts with his warhound and cleaning up with a bajillion battle cannon blasts.

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Best way to deal with a gunline is to drop pod something nasty in and wreak havoc, if he's got enough AT firepower trying to out-vehicle him may just play into his hands. Not to mention that him running a Warhound with double D at 3000 doesn't reflect very well on him as a person/player. Maybe a Venator or a Falchion to shut down the Warhound and something that can occupy his firepower for a while, so you can close the distance and rip him to shreds.


If it wasn't for the Warhound I'd say just spam graviton rapiers and watch as his army disintegrates by turn 2, but unfortunately that isn't a great option here.

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Well if we are going against a parking lot esque build with lots of leman russes and a titan then if we can kill that Titan then that should help kill a significant portion of his army with the explosion. Anti air is something that both the SA and Militia lack so something like a lightning or even 2 with kraken penetrators would be pretty good.


A sicarian venator is a ist have considering that almost all of his firepower is blast weapons. If you can't destroy the Titan, just make it useless.


As marshal loss said, drop pods were made for this moment. Going for a leviathan might not be a bad idea in this case considering that the warhound doesn't have melta protection. Alongside it have 2 contemptor dreadnoughts with grav drop in.


For getting rid of the void shields, a deredo or a quad mortar would do good.


If the SA player complains about list tailoring then dread sock him.


At the end of the day it would be good to know what you have in your collection to deal with all of this.

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Buy a larger sock, and Warhound sock him with his own Warhound. Dreadnoughts aren't metal anymore, so you need some more mass for the sock.


Why even play that guy? The Auxilia part is fine (Venators worthless against their flare shields by the way), but the double D Warhound? That's just raw dickery. Probably fudges dice rolls too.


I agree the dread pod iron curtain is probably the best play. A combination of melta Lance Leviathans and/or Cortus Contemptors with grav should be able to erase the Warhound, while creating a shrouded wall vs the rest of his shooting.


If you play with a proper amount of terrain, get ahead on objectives and just hide.

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I don't actually have much for my legion Space Wolves, as I've held off until I could see their rules.


But considering the above mentioned power-gamer is pretty much always at our matches (he owns the store we play at), I have to collect with his lists in mind.


I didn't do that with my Ultramarines, and my foot-slogging infantry based Logos-Lectura Ultras (very thematic, but not strong) struggle against his gunlines.

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Also, considering my 40k wolves use alot of pods, I was hoping to avoid them. Plus Pale Hunter (the RoW I was hoping to use), doesn't even allow pods.


I guess the theme in my head is an armoured column (rhinos, land raiders, javelins) supported by fliers (xiphons perhaps, they look way cooler than primaris', even though they're perhaps not at good, then maybe eventually a sokar?).



I'm still undecided.

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Ok so follow me here, it might sound counter intuitive in principle, BUT take the Pale Hunter RoW for 2+ reserves, even if it limits your heavy support, then:



Vlka Fenryka


Centurion 50


Centurion 50


Praetor: Rite of War (The Pale Hunter); Paragon blade; Melta bombs 130


10 Grey Slayers: Huscarl; 9 Grey Slayers 125


10 Grey Slayers: Huscarl; 9 Grey Slayers 125


Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter: 3 × Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles; Battle servitor control; Ground-tracking auguries 265


Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter: 3 × Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles; Battle servitor control; Ground-tracking auguries 265


Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter: 3 × Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles; Battle servitor control; Ground-tracking auguries 265


Legion Malcador Assault Tank Squadron

Malcador Heavy Tank: Hull-mounted Demolisher siege cannon 310

Malcador Heavy Tank: Hull-mounted Demolisher siege cannon 310

Malcador Heavy Tank: Hull-mounted Demolisher siege cannon 310


Sub-orbital Strike Wing

Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter: 3 × Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles; Battle servitor control; Ground-tracking auguries 265

Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter: 3 × Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles; Battle servitor control; Ground-tracking auguries 265

Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter: 3 × Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles; Battle servitor control; Ground-tracking auguries 265



Turn 1: move flat out all the Malcador tanks and still shoot out at full bs your main gun, while moving your grey slayers behind them to try control objectives.


Turn 2: bring the pain with all your lightnings entering from reserves and throwing around 36 kraken penetrators to his Warhound and whatever else you want when it's down. Remember to shoot your Malcador Demolisher and main cannon on the Warhound first to strip away the void Shields while trying to use the blast to hit other units too and not waste shots only for the VS.


After that, run around for laughing while your 6 Lightning keep killing stuff while he can do little.

Edited by Grieux
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Haha yes to be fair it's a pain in the assessment just to teach a lesson. Might I suggest:


A) just gather the troops from your friends and present different liveries on the lightnings arguing it's from different clans of Fenris.


B) use your normal, fluffy list but tell him you'd rather play a narrative scenario since his list is too harsh. Something like your wolves need to set up charges to blow up something, or resist x number of turns against the armored spearhead assault, or an evac mission before Terminatus.

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Ok so follow me here, it might sound counter intuitive in principle, BUT take the Pale Hunter RoW for 2+ reserves, even if it limits your heavy support, then:



Vlka Fenryka


Centurion 50


Centurion 50


Praetor: Rite of War (The Pale Hunter); Paragon blade; Melta bombs 130


10 Grey Slayers: Huscarl; 9 Grey Slayers 125


10 Grey Slayers: Huscarl; 9 Grey Slayers 125


Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter: 3 × Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles; Battle servitor control; Ground-tracking auguries 265


Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter: 3 × Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles; Battle servitor control; Ground-tracking auguries 265


Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter: 3 × Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles; Battle servitor control; Ground-tracking auguries 265


Legion Malcador Assault Tank Squadron

Malcador Heavy Tank: Hull-mounted Demolisher siege cannon 310

Malcador Heavy Tank: Hull-mounted Demolisher siege cannon 310

Malcador Heavy Tank: Hull-mounted Demolisher siege cannon 310


Sub-orbital Strike Wing

Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter: 3 × Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles; Battle servitor control; Ground-tracking auguries 265

Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter: 3 × Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles; Battle servitor control; Ground-tracking auguries 265

Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter: 3 × Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles; Battle servitor control; Ground-tracking auguries 265



Turn 1: move flat out all the Malcador tanks and still shoot out at full bs your main gun, while moving your grey slayers behind them to try control objectives.


Turn 2: bring the pain with all your lightnings entering from reserves and throwing around 36 kraken penetrators to his Warhound and whatever else you want when it's down. Remember to shoot your Malcador Demolisher and main cannon on the Warhound first to strip away the void Shields while trying to use the blast to hit other units too and not waste shots only for the VS.


After that, run around for laughing while your 6 Lightning keep killing stuff while he can do little.


You can't take Primaris-Lightning SF in a sub-orbital wing, its only flyers not in your army list. Its also incredibly unfun to play against 6 flyers.


Ignoring that, a Malcador Sqd might be a decent way to spend that 1 HQ, especially if you take a Fellblade or Leman Russ as a LoW. Deploy lots of flexible tough shooting units, and outflank the rest.


The rest of the army can outflank, if you include Red-Blade. I do have a 3k event coming up in the summer, maybe I will build a list working off that idea. Would be a good excuse to buy a Spartan Finally.

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I was just rereading the sub orbital strike wing as I find the wording on the red book confusing as hell.


What´s literally written in the newest red book is:


"Sub orbital Strike Wing: (See the list on here) with up to 3 Hull Points each and the same type... bla bla"


Then when  you refer to the list:


"Bla bla ... in order to represent this diversity when it comes to Super-heavy vehicles and Flyers, this section presents a list of additional models which may be used."


So whilst the first sentence says to see the list for the available flyer units, the list itself just says that the list are additional models which may be used, implying that they´re in addition to any flyer that ticks the requisite of 3 HP or less.


My understanding is that you still can take your normal choices provided 3hp.


Also, and regarding to the lack of fun of the list, that was the whole point, yes :) 

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