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The Red Sorcerers of Prospero: Exiles of Osiris


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The Red Sorcerers of Prospero: Shaping the XV Legion


Legionnaire Inek




Legionnaire Ansu





Legionnaire Marek










++++++ Metallic Red Recipe ++++++++


  • Black undercoat,
  • follow by a thinned airbrush coat of Ironhand Steel (leadbelcher would work too, but it's slightly darker so I opted for the FW Iron hands Steel. leaving the lower half of armor plates darker. Bestway I can describe this is airbrushing from just ever so slightly above the model. This gives the Silver a natural shading on the lower armor pieces and in the recesses.
  • I followed this up with a Zenithal highlighting of the upper armor plates and head/backpack by airbrushing Runefang Steel. Pay careful attention to getting an even coat on the head, backpack and shoulder pads.
  • With the base metallic finished; I did three thinned airbrush coats of Angron Clear red, followed with a brief spurt of Tamiya Clear red to darken it a bit. The clear red takes a while to dry so it's best to do large groups at once. Tamiya Clear red could also work, but is again slightlly darker than Angron, while agron has a mild orangish tint to it which i like for a vibrant red.
  • Next wash the recesses carefully with Nuln Oil, try hard not to get any on red armor. If you do an easy fix i to go back over that spill with brushed on Angron Clear.
  • Finish the red by Weathering/edge highlighting Runefange steel.





I Had previously done a few XV test models with a nice pastel scheme but with the advent of the FW upgrades, and the metallic paint scheme I decided to take the plunge. This is the Beginning of a 2000 point army which I plan to have complete by october of this year, when I believe Inferno and the Thousand Sons rules will be released.


As always, comments are welcome!

Edited by Athrawes
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They're spectacular. It seems the 9th company have been humbled. They must now done the robes of the 1st Legion to hide their shame. :happy.:

But in all seriousness great job, maybe mine will look just as good when I get fully back to them. (Not metallic though, too lazy for that :rolleyes: ).

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Beautiful job. I'm assuming you sculpted the trim on that last one? Also what's the red recipe you use?


Would be interested to see the test schemes. Pastel sons sound very interesting


Thanks, I'm glad you like them It is fun to get outside my comfort zone with the Lightning Bearers and try a metallic scheme. I did indeed sculpt the trim on the shoulder plates. I tried to emulate the Thousand Sons plates seen in Collected Visions. My red is a tweaked version of the FW recipe.


Black undercoat, followed by a thinned airbrush coat of Ironhand Steel leaving the lower half of armor plates darker. I followed this up with a Zenithal highlighting of the upper armor plates and head/backpack by airbrushing Runefang Steel. With the base metallic finished; I did three thinned airbrush coats of Angron Clear red, followed with a brief spurt of Tamiya Clear red to darken it a bit. 


The recesses of the armor are then washed with a thin (super careful not to tarnish the red) line of Nuln Oil. Following up with edge highlighting the armor with a brush of Runefang Steel.


This scheme is significantly less time consuming than the grey for my Lightning Bearers and so is kind of refreshing to paint haha.


Here is a WIP comparison of my old and new schemes:




They're spectacular. It seems the 9th company have been humbled. They must now done the robes of the 1st Legion to hide their shame. :happy.:

But in all seriousness great job, maybe mine will look just as good when I get fully back to them. (Not metallic though, too lazy for that :rolleyes: ).


Thanks for the kind words, Your Thousand Sons look great, no reason to done the robes of shame. Yours already look top notch so keep up the great work!

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Hammered out two more Sons Today completeing the 5 man 'test squad' to make sure the color scheme works:


Sergeant Yensek






I'm pretty Pleased with the sergeant, as he is really the only Legionary in the squad without any official TS bits, except for the shoulder pad that I converted of course. 


Legionnaire Entek




The final member of the Test Squad, I really like how the use of Ultramarine praetor power armor has helped to tie these guys in with the Thousand Sons upgrade kit.


And The completed test Squad:




While there are a few things that I need to tweak and probably do differently on the rest of the army, i'm very please with how these have turned out.


My goal from the beginning was to emulate the FW metallic scheme, and to make it my own and I think i have done that. Very thrilled to finally be working on one of my favorite Legions.


The next step will be work on a few more marines to turn the test squad into a 15 man tactical squad, and maybe I'll throw in a few characters I have been planning.




In love with the effect. Very well done!


I'm still tweaking the red mixture just a bit, but overall I'm pretty satisfied with it too. Between, the Warlord Titan and these Metallic Thousand Sons, I'd say myAirbrush has proven to be a great investment.



Now I have to ask for the flat recipe :tongue.:
Both are great


The Pastel scheme is very, very simple. 


Basecoat Tamiya Grey Primer. Then Paint the whole model with Khorne Red, followed by Mephiston red in several watered down coats. It's important to leave the khorne red visible in recesses. Edge highlight everything on the model with Wild Rider, followed by an extreme highlight on the highest surfaces, of Jokaero Orange.

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Simply brilliant, dude! The metallic red is perfect and your selection of bit is excellent! The conversion work on the shoulder pads is subtle and very well done (I don't know why FW haven't released shoulder pads with this design). These are easily my favourite HH Thousand Sons. No question.


The only issue I can see is the scale mail on Yensek. It doesn't line up with either the belt or the torso. Was this intentional?



I'm really looking forward to following this project, I've got a feeling it's going to be incredibly inspiring :tu:

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I don't know how you've done it, but what was once a Legion that was of no interest to me is suddenly whispering in my ear.


Great use of the Ultras upgrades. I feel that those, along with the FW Blood Angels stuff, can be used to enliven many of the other Legions when used sparingly.

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With Loyalty and Treachery underway, I thought I'd show a WIP of my Librarian, eventual Legion Praetor:



(Force choke pose)


(I'll probably swap out the Hammer, but it's standing in for the moment)


(With a Scimitar for Good Measure)


I'm seriously considering naming him Yensid. Cookie if you get it without googling.

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Yensid is Disney backwards, but more specifically the name of the Master Sorceror from Disney's The Sorceror's Apprentice (the animated Mickey Mouse one).


This is for you:




It's magic so it's topical. 

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Yensid is Disney backwards, but more specifically the name of the Master Sorceror from Disney's The Sorceror's Apprentice (the animated Mickey Mouse one).

This is for you:




It's magic so it's topical.

Magical you say? How intriguing, perhaps I can use this strange warp-charged treat in my research on Psychic phenomena...




Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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